go cycling是什么意思 go cycling的中文翻译、读音、例句

go cycling是什么意思 go cycling的中文翻译、读音、例句

'go cycling'这个词组是指骑自行车。下面从以下四个方面展开说明:

1. 词汇意义:'go cycling'表示进行自行车运动或者骑自行车旅行。

例句1:I love to go cycling on weekends. (我喜欢周末去骑自行车。)

例句2:We can go cycling in the park. (我们可以在公园里骑自行车。)

2. 语法构成:'go cycling'是一个包含动词go和名词cycling的动词短语。

例句3:He went cycling yesterday. (他昨天去骑自行车了。)

例句4:She often goes cycling with her friends. (她经常和朋友一起去骑自行车。)

3. 健康益处:骑自行车可以带来许多健康益处,例如增加肌肉力量、减轻压力、加强心脏健康等。

例句5:I go cycling every morning to stay healthy. (我每天早上骑自行车来保持健康。)

4. 生态环保:骑自行车是一种环保的出行方式,可以降低碳排放和减少交通拥堵。

例句6:We should encourage people to go cycling more often. (我们应该鼓励人们更经常地骑自行车。)

例句7:Cycling is a green and sustainable mode of transportation. (骑自行车是一种绿色和可持续的交通方式。)


读音:gōu cíclìng


1. I like to go cycling in the park on weekends.(我喜欢在周末去公园骑自行车。)

2. We can go cycling together tomorrow morning.(明天早上我们可以一起去骑自行车。)

3. She often goes cycling to keep fit.(她经常骑自行车保持健康。)

go cycling的意思是"去骑单车、去骑车",还有网络的意思,发音音标为[gocycling],go cycling是一个英语名词,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到87个与go cycling相关的句子。

Go cycling的翻译


例句:I'm cycling the motion sensors and security cameras, but the loop won't go unnoticed for long. (我已黑掉动态感应器和摄像头 不过值班的很快就会发现)


例句:Because you look like a premenstrual Filipino! (go! Get out! just go.)


例句:The French were happy because their athletes outdid the Italians in cycling and fencing. (法国人十分得意,因为他们的运动员在自行车和击剑项目中击败了意大利人。)


例句:Swimming, jogging and cycling are all good forms of orts exercises. (翻译:游泳、慢跑和骑自行车justpictures都是很好的运动形式。)


go cycling一般作为名词使用,如在cycling(骑自行车 )、go go go([网络] 走走走;左手叉腰;加油加油)、go go([财]活跃信托)等常见短语中出现较多。

go go go[网络] 走走走;左手叉腰;加油加油
go go[财]活跃信托
dune cycling[网络] 沙丘骑自行车
endurance cycling耐久循环
gas cycling【热力学】气体循环
hard cycling格的循环变化
harmonic cycling谐波振荡
heat cycling循环加热


1. The French were happy because their athletes outdid the Italians in cycling and fencing. (翻译:法国人十分得意,因为他们的运动员在自行车和击剑项目中击败了意大利人。)

2. Swimming, jogging and cycling are all good forms of orts exercises. (翻译:游泳、慢跑和骑自行车justpictures都是很好的运动形式。)

3. We got to go, we got to go. (翻译:We got to go, we got to go.)

4. -Where do you go when you walk? (翻译:-Where do you go? -Where do you go when you walk?)

5. Okay, just go... go ahead and jump. (翻译:直接跳下来 Okay, just go - - go ahead and jump.)

6. The elements it cradles are in a dynamic equilibrium with the cycling composition of the atmosphere and water and biosphere. (翻译:它抚育的各种元素,也是通过大气、水和生物圈所组成的循环达到了动态平衡。)

7. This is what we do, Marines! Go, go, go, go, go! (翻译:硂碞琌и戮砫┮嘲驹钉 Gogogogogo)

8. It was with some trepidation that I viewed the prospect of cycling across Uganda. (翻译:想到要骑自行车穿越乌干达,我感到有点惊恐不安。)

9. We also brought this quick-acting approach to our cycling program, and in six years turned cycling into a real transportation option in New York. (翻译:我们也把这种速效的方法 用到了我们的自行车项目中 用了xx年时间就让自行车 成为纽约的一种交通工具 )

10. Cycling is a cheap way to get around. (翻译:骑自行车是一种省钱的旅游方式。)

11. Smey, as he is known, is something of a legend in the Cambodian cycling community. (翻译:人称“斯麦”的他在柬埔寨自行车界也算得上是个人物。)

12. - No, if we go, we go together. (翻译:- No, if we go, we go together.)

13. Siuil go socair agus siuil go ciuin (翻译:♫Siúil go socair agus siúil go ciúin♫)

14. Our sentience just cycling through our lives like carts on a track. (翻译:我们的知觉就好像赛道上的车一样 Our sentience just cycling through our lives like 沿着我们的生命循环 carts on a track.)

15. No, go and bring your od fame we, you go by yoursef (翻译:go and bring your od fame you go by yoursef)

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