1. 前行:我们要勇敢地前行,才能看到更美好的未来。
Translation: We must bravely move forward to see a better future.
2. 前往:他们明天要前往英国参加一场重要的会议。
Translation: They're going to the UK tomorrow to attend an important meeting.
3. 向着:我们一直向着理想的方向前行,不断努力实现梦想。
Translation: We've been striving towards our ideal direction, constantly working towards our dreams.
4. 走向:这片土地正在走向繁荣和发展。
Translation: This land is heading towards prosperity and development.
5. 前行路线:我们需要确定一条正确的前行路线,才能够取得成功。
Translation: We need to establish a correct path of progress in order to succeed.
6. 前行距离:我们已经走了很长一段前行距离,但还有更多的路要走。
Translation: We've already traveled a long distance, but there's still a long way to go.
7. 奋力前行:我们每一个人都应该努力奋斗,不断前行。
Translation: We should all work hard and strive to move forward continuously.
读音:qián xíng。
1. 我们要勇于前行,不断探索新的领域。
We need to be brave to forge ahead and explore new areas constantly.
2. 无论前方有什么困难,我们都要坚定不移地前行。
No matter what difficulties lie ahead, we must move forward resolutely.