branded是什么意思 branded的中文翻译、读音、例句

branded是什么意思 branded的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, I would like to explain the word or acronym 'branded' from at least four aspects and provide five examples in English and Chinese.

1. Definition and meaning:

'Branded' refers to products, services, or companies that have a unique identity which is distinctive, recognizable, and associated with a specific name, logo, or slogan. These are often marketed as premium or high-quality, and the brand is used as a way to differentiate them from their competitors.

2. Examples and uses:

- Apple is a well-known branded company that produces innovative and high-end technology products.

- Coca-Cola is a popular branded soft drink that has a long history and a strong brand image.

- Nike is a leading branded sportswear company that markets its products as premium and high-performance.

- McDonald's is a globally recognized branded fast-food chain that has a consistent brand experience across all its franchises.

- Chanel is a luxury branded fashion house that produces high-end clothing, jewelry, and fragrances.

3. Synonyms and related terms:

- Branded can be used interchangeably with terms such as trademarked, recognized, or distinguished.

- Other related terms include brand identity, brand equity, brand loyalty, and brand management.

4. Cultural and social implications:

- Branded products and services often signify social status, cultural values, and lifestyle choices.

- Consumers may choose branded products as a way to express their identity, social belonging, or aspiration.

- Brands can also have ethical, environmental, or political implications, and consumers may choose or reject brands based on their values and beliefs.


1. "I prefer to buy branded clothes because they are better quality and last longer." 我更喜欢购买品牌服装,因为它们质量更好,寿命更长。

2. "She only uses branded cosmetics because they are known to be hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin."她只使用品牌化妆品,因为它们被认为是低过敏性和适合敏感皮肤。

3. "The new branded car from BMW is expected to be a huge success due to its advanced features and sleek design." BMW的新品牌汽车因其先进特色和流线型设计而被认为将取得巨大成功。

4. "I chose to stay at the branded hotel chain because I know I can expect a consistent quality and service standard." 我选择住在品牌酒店连锁店,因为我知道我可以期待一个一致的质量和服务标准。

5. "The branded product launch was a huge success, with thousands of people waiting in line to buy the new product on its release date." 该品牌产品的推出非常成功,成千上万的人在发行日排队购买新产品。




1. The company's products are all branded with its logo.(这家公司所有的产品都带有它的商标。)

2. She prefers to buy branded clothes even if they are more expensive.(她宁愿买名牌服装,即使它们更贵。)

3. The company decided to brand its new product line to differentiate it from competitors.(公司决定品牌化其新产品线,以区别于竞争对手。)




例句:You could have branded his palm, severed his hand, taken an eye. (您本可给他打上烙印 打伤他的手 或挖走他的眼睛)


例句:I was instantly branded as a rebel. (我立刻被归为造反者。)


例句:Their first-born are branded and left unharmed to carry on the genetic line. (他们的头胎都有标记 他们不会受到伤害以便传宗接代)


例句:Some reviewers branded The Lost Symbol "moronic, derivative and clunky" . (翻译:一些评论家给《消失的符号》打上“鲁钝、没创意和笨拙”的标签。)


1. Their first-born are branded and left unharmed to carry on the genetic line. (翻译:他们的头胎都有标记 他们不会受到伤害以便传宗接代)

2. Some reviewers branded The Lost Symbol "moronic, derivative and clunky" . (翻译:一些评论家给《消失的符号》打上“鲁钝、没创意和笨拙”的标签。)

3. They would be co-branded as being done by the post-conflict government, in the country. (翻译:而是可以加上 冲突后国家的政府的名义。)

4. In the year 2007, Central Fresh Air System , branded Venson entered China formally . (翻译:xx年,闻森品牌中央新风系统正式入驻中国。)

5. Each pot is sealed with lidding film branded with the Heinz logo and cooking instructions. (翻译:每壶是盖上封盖薄膜品牌与海因茨标志和烹饪的指示。)

6. were saying that they're comfortable using an independent or branded currency. (翻译:表示他们愿意使用 某种独立货币或是品牌货币 )

7. Mr Woerth has branded his accuser a liar and protests his wife’s innocence. (翻译:韦尔特称指控者是个骗子,并坚称妻子是清白的。)

8. Innovative naturals have invaded the cosmeceuticals scene and found their way into well known branded cosmetics. (翻译:创新的天然物已经涌入药妆领域并且在知名化妆品牌中建立通路。)

9. In the year 2007, Central Fresh Air System, branded Venson entered China formally. (翻译:xx年,闻森品牌中央新风系统正式入驻中国。)

10. You got me roped, tied, and branded. (翻译:你系着我,捆着我,栓着我,Clint Maroon)

11. Basayev left just before the bomb hit, he got branded a traitor. (翻译:Basayev在轰炸前就离开那片地区之后 Basayev left just before the bomb hit, 就将他视作了叛徒 he got branded a traitor.)

12. Concert organizers branded the group's actions as puerile. (翻译:演唱会举办方谴责了该乐团的幼稚行为。)

13. But if any one of your team is caught or killed, they will be branded terrorists, out to incite global nuclear war. (翻译:但如果你们任何一人被捕或被杀 就会被当成煽动全球核战的... ...恐怖份子)

14. It's branded versus generic, but it's doing nothing versus doing something. (翻译:即,品牌药 vs 仿制药。但实际却是 无行动 vs 有行动。)

15. The fastest way to crush his dream is for him to be branded and captured as a Japanese (翻译:要断了他的妄念 最快的办法,就是让他自己被当作倭寇抓一次)

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