'i wedding' 不是一个常见的单词或短语,无法确定其具体含义。可能是一种错误的单词拼写或拼音转写,或是某种非正式、口语化的表达方式。因此,以下提供的例句仅供参考,无法保证其准确性或实际应用场景的存在。建议提供更多上下文信息或确认正确的拼写,以便更准确地回答问题。
2. Did you mean "eye wedding"? I've never heard of that before. (你是说"眼婚礼"吗?我从未听说过这个。)
3. The invitation says it's an "I do" wedding, which means guests are encouraged to participate in the ceremony. (邀请函上写着这是一个"I do"婚礼,这意味着鼓励客人参与仪式。)
4. We had a small, intimate wedding, just me and my partner. (我们举办了一个小而私密的婚礼,只有我和我的伴侣。)
5. My friend is getting married next month and I'm so excited to attend her wedding. (我的朋友下个月要结婚了,我非常兴奋能够参加她的婚礼。)
6. The wedding planner did an amazing job organizing every detail of the ceremony and reception. (婚礼策划师做了一个惊人的工作,组织了典礼和招待会的每一个细节。)
7. It was a traditional Chinese wedding, with colorful decorations, loud music, and lots of delicious food. (这是一个传统的中国婚礼,有丰富多彩的装饰、响亮的音乐和美味的食物。)
'i wedding'并不是一个常见的英语词组,因此无法确定它的确切含义。很有可能是打错了,可能想表达的是"my wedding",即"我的婚礼"。