medium height是什么意思 medium height的中文翻译、读音、例句

medium height是什么意思 medium height的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:medium height是一个形容词短语,用来描述一个对象或者一个人的身高,意思是“中等身高”。It refers to an average height between tall and short.

2. 用法:medium height常用于对人进行描述时,可以用来描述一个人的身材特点。It is usually used to describe a person's physical appearance.

3. 同义词:在不同的语境中,medium height可以使用与之相似的词汇,如average height、moderate height或者neither tall nor short。In different contexts, medium height can be replaced by similar words such as average height, moderate height, or neither tall nor short.

4. 反义词:相对于medium height,可以使用tall或者short来描述一个人的身高特点。Compared to medium height, tall or short can be used to describe a person's height characteristic.


1. He is of medium height, with a slim build and a handsome face. 他个子中等,身材苗条,长得很帅。

2. The entrance of the tunnel is about medium height, so tall people may need to duck. 隧道的入口大概是中等高度,所以高个子的人可能需要躲闪一下。

3. She is neither tall nor short, just of medium height. 她个子不高也不矮,刚好是中等身高。

4. The average height of people in this region is of medium height. 这个地区的人平均身高是中等身高。

5. He had a moderate height that enabled him to fit through the narrow passageway. 他身高适中,能够通过这个狭窄的通道。


读音:/ˈmidiəm/ /haɪt/


1. She is of medium height and has long brown hair. (她身高适中,有着长长的棕色头发。)

2. In general, tall people earn more than those of medium height or short stature. (一般来说,高个子的人比中等身高或矮个子的人赚更多的钱。)

3. The designer created dresses for women of all sizes, from petite to medium height to tall. (设计师为各种身材大小的女性设计了裙子,包括娇小的、中等身高的和高个子的。)

medium height在中文中有"中等身材、网络"的意思,在英美地区还有"中等身高"的意思,在线发音:[mediumheight],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到64个与medium height相关的例句。

Medium height的翻译


例句:In Listing 3, menubar, title, height, width, content, and visible are all attributes of the Frame object. (在清单3中,menubar、title、height、width、content和visible都是Frame对象的属性。)

例句:Don't you dare! I was terrified. A cup of tea! (屏住气息 把根根神经像弓弦般拉到顶点 Hold hard the breath and build up every spirit to his full height!)


例句:And bend up every spirit to his full height. (And bend up every spirit to his full height.)


例句:She is now about the same height as Miss Elizabeth Bennet. (翻译:她现在差不多有伊丽莎白·班内特小姐这么高 She is now about the same height as miss Elizabeth Bennet.)


medium height一般作为名词使用,如在height(高度 )、height of(……的高度)、in height(高度, 在高度上)等常见短语中出现较多。

height of……的高度
in height高度, 在高度上
on height在高处;向高处
the height[网络] 高度;展示犬的高度;顶点
the height of……的顶点\n……的高度
to the height到顶点,到极点,登峰造极地
the medium[网络] 灵媒;传播媒介;媒介物


1. And bend up every spirit to his full height. (翻译:And bend up every spirit to his full height.)

2. She is now about the same height as Miss Elizabeth Bennet. (翻译:她现在差不多有伊丽莎白·班内特小姐这么高 She is now about the same height as miss Elizabeth Bennet.)

3. The height of scientific diathesis decide directly the height of national diathesis. (翻译:科学素质的高低,直接决定民族素质的高低。)

4. Blonde hair, nice smile, perfect height-to-weight ratio, she's gonna be a great climber. (翻译:Blonde hair, nice smile, 完美的身材比例 perfect height -to)

5. A happy medium, if you will... (翻译:互相同化的地方... A happy medium, if you will...)

6. Utilize page display speedups such as the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes for images. (翻译:利用图像的WIDTH和HEIGHT的属性来让页面显示加速。)

7. What is your height and weight? (翻译:你的身高和体重是多少? )

8. A young woman, medium height, light hair... - ...a bit pale. (翻译:一个年轻女孩,中等身材,浅色的头发,有点苍白)

9. She just wants to see me fall from a great height. No. (翻译:她只想看我从高处跌落,所以不 She just wants to see me fall from a great height.)

10. Leonard? Horse, but mostly just for the height. (翻译:我选马 主要是因为马比较高 Horse, but mostly just for the height.)

11. Which means the height of our suspect is between 5'9" and 6'2". (翻译:这说明嫌犯的身高 Which means the height of our suspect)

12. Falvor book medium - multiplier! (翻译:花果书媒介——事半功倍! )

13. And that means that every medium is right next door to every other medium. (翻译:也意味每个媒介和每隔一个媒介紧紧 联系。)

14. Because of the fire, the temperature at that height was between 120-180 Celsius. (翻译:由于火势的关系 我所在高空的温度 约是摄氏120到180度之间 the temperature at that height was between 120)

15. Have a good day. Uh, medium burger with fries. (翻译:medium burger and fries.)

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