handicap是什么意思 handicap的中文翻译、读音、例句

handicap是什么意思 handicap的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:handicap 可以当名词或动词使用。作为名词,它可以指生理或心理方面的残疾、障碍或缺陷;也可以指某些不利因素或限制、不利条件、劣势或弱点。作为动词,它可以表示减少或削弱某人或某事物的优势或能力,也可以表示给某人或某事物设置障碍或限制。



1. mental handicap 精神残疾

2. physical handicap 身体残疾

3. developmental handicap 发育迟缓

4. overcome a handicap 克服不利条件

5. have a handicap 有障碍/不利条件

6. place a handicap on sb./sth. 对某人/某事物设置障碍/限制

7. handicap race 障碍赛跑

短语:have a handicap,overcome a handicap



1. She was born with a mental handicap that made it difficult for her to learn.


2. The new regulations will help level the playing field for people with physical handicaps.


3. His lack of experience was a handicap in his job search.


4. She overcame her shyness, which had been a handicap in her social life.


5. The government has placed a number of handicaps on small businesses.


6. The runners had to jump over hurdles and other obstacles in the handicap race.


7. He has a handicap of 10 strokes in golf because of his skill level.


'handicap' 是英语单词,翻译为“残疾”、“不利条件”、“障碍”等。

该词语在体育比赛中常用于表示某一选手或团队的优劣势情况,如“handicap race”(让分赛)、“handicap system”(让分制度)等。

以下是9个含有 'handicap' 的例句:

1. He was born with a handicap, but he didn't let it stop him from achieving his goals. (他天生有残疾,但他没有让它阻止他实现他的目标。)

2. The company is facing financial handicaps due to the recent economic downturn. (公司由于最近的经济下滑面临财务障碍。)

3. In this golf tournament, players with higher handicaps are given more strokes. (在这个高尔夫球锦标赛中,残疾程度更高的球员会获得更多杆数的优待。)

4. The team has a handicap of two goals, so they need to score at least three to win. (这支队伍有一项两个进球的让分,所以他们需要至少进三个球才能赢。)

5. The restaurant has a wheelchair ramp to accommodate customers with physical handicaps. (该餐馆有无障碍坡道,以方便有身体残疾的顾客。)

6. Children with learning handicaps may need special education programs to succeed in school. (有学习障碍的儿童可能需要特殊的教育计划才能在学校成功。)

7. The new law prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities and handicaps. (新法律禁止歧视残疾人和有障碍的人。)

8. She believes that her gender is a handicap in the male-dominated industry. (她认为自己的性别是在男性主导的行业中的不利条件。)

9. The runner overcame his physical handicap to win the race. (这名选手克服了身体的残疾,赢得比赛。)


拼音读音:hàn dì


1. His physical handicap didn't stop him from achieving his dreams. (他的身体残疾并没有阻挡他实现他的梦想。)

2. The lack of resources is a handicap to our research. (缺少资源对我们的研究是一个不利条件。)

3. The golfer with the handicap of 10 had an advantage over the others. (有10个杆数的高尔夫球员比其他人有优势。)




例句:So we can run this through to something like prosthetics, which is highly specialized to an individual's handicap. (我们可以做出假肢, 这种因人而异的产品。)


例句:There are many fields where your reputation will not be a handicap for you. (有很多领域,以你的能力 There are many fields where your reputation 想进去都不是很困难的事。will not be a handicap for you.)


例句:So we can run this through to something like prosthetics, which is highly specialized to an individual's handicap. (我们可以做出假肢, 这种因人而异的产品。)


例句:if i said that being black is a greater handicap than being a woman , probably no one would question me. (翻译:如果我说黑人比女人更处于不利地位,也许不会有人对我提出质问。)


handicap一般作为名词、动词使用,如在disuse handicap(废用性缺陷)、emotional handicap(情绪障碍)、handicap detection(残障侦测)等常见短语中出现较多。

disuse handicap废用性缺陷
emotional handicap情绪障碍
handicap detection残障侦测
handicap principle缺陷原则
handicap race让分比赛
language handicap语言障碍
maternal handicap母体阻滞
mental handicap心理缺陷
natural handicap不利的自然条件
neurological handicap神经缺陷


1. So we can run this through to something like prosthetics, which is highly specialized to an individual's handicap. (翻译:我们可以做出假肢, 这种因人而异的产品。)

2. if i said that being black is a greater handicap than being a woman , probably no one would question me. (翻译:如果我说黑人比女人更处于不利地位,也许不会有人对我提出质问。)

3. He lost his leg when he was ten, but learned to overcome his handicap. (翻译:他xx岁时失去了一条腿,但学会了战胜自己的残疾。)

4. One of them is a handicap and we allow her son to stay with her to look after her. (翻译:其中一位无方行动,我们让她的儿子和她住在一起来照顾她。)

5. They insisted that we modify the software so that it did not compute a handicap and no longer referred to several of their trademarks. (翻译:他们坚持要我们修改这个软件,使它不能再计算让步赛,也不再提及他们的某些商标。)

6. I'd also dared to dream beyond that, of settling into a new normal, free of my handicap. (翻译:我也敢去梦想更多:步入全新的平常生活,不受我的顽疾困扰。)

7. Ergo, you fake a handicap rather than deign to have a conversation with a fellow human being. (翻译:原因~? 你宁可假装成用手语的 而不是人道的与人交流)

8. Which are the major diseases, the major causes of death, handicap, disability and diminution of the quality of life? (翻译:哪些是重大疾病,哪些是造成死亡、残废、残疾和生活质量变差的主要原因?)

9. Verdict: Dinamo Zagreb to win with a -1.5 goal handicap at 6/5. (翻译:判决: 萨格勒布迪纳摩赢得了xx月xx日在-1.5目标的障碍。)

10. Correlation between the handicap characteristics and imaging changes in patients with corpus callosal stroke (翻译:胼胝体卒中患者残障特点与影像学改变的关系)

11. Each has at least one handicap that, in any other year, would make it impossible for him to win the nomination. (翻译:每一位至少有一个不利条件,如果在其它任何xx年里,将使他无法赢得提名。)

12. Luos say that a Luo name is sometimes a handicap in getting a job in business. (翻译:卢奥人讲道,有时候一个卢奥人的名字都会让你无法在商业企业中找到工作。)

13. Mrs Keller, I don't think Helen's worst handicap is deafness or blindness. (翻译:凯勒夫人, 我认为Helen最大的 障碍不是失明或失聪.)

14. That is a handicap when it peddles itself to donors. (翻译:但当它向捐助国兜售自己时这个却是一项不利条件。)

15. Bobby Sanchez has drawn the handicap and he will fight one arm. (翻译:博比桑切斯 抽到了被限制一方 他将用一只手臂打)



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