distiller是什么意思 distiller的中文翻译、读音、例句

distiller是什么意思 distiller的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性和词义方面:


2. 相关行业和职业方面:


3. 其他相关用法方面:

distiller也可以用作动词,表示将液体通过蒸馏过程制成更加纯净的液体。在某些场合下,distiller还可以指出具体的人、公司、书籍、酒款等。此外,一些成语和俚语中也可以包含到distiller的词语,例如"Moonshiner"就是指非法蒸馏酒的人,"old distiller"则可以表示那些拥有多年经验的专业人士。


1. He is a master distiller and has been producing award-winning whiskey for over 30 years. (他是一位大师级的蒸馏酒师,已经生产出多项获奖的威士忌酒品超过xx年。)

2. The distiller used the latest technology to extract the essential oils from the plant material. (蒸馏酒师利用最新技术从植物材料中提取出了精油。)

3. The distiller is responsible for ensuring that the alcohol is of the correct strength and flavour. (蒸馏酒师负责确保酒精浓度和口感正确。)

4. The old distiller shared his secrets with the young apprentice, passing on his knowledge to the next generation. (老蒸馏酒师与年轻学徒分享了自己的秘密,将自己的知识传给了下一代。)

5. The Moonshiner was arrested for illegally distilling alcohol in his backyard. (非法蒸馏酒制造者因在后院非法蒸馏酒被逮捕。)



1. The whiskey distiller carefully monitors the temperature and pressure of the distillation process.(这家威士忌蒸馏器会仔细监测蒸馏过程中的温度和压力。)

2. The distiller used a special type of yeast to ferment the mash.(这个蒸馏器使用了一种特殊的酵母菌来发酵麦芽汁。)

3. The distiller produced a high-quality vodka with a smooth taste.(这个蒸馏器生产了一款口感顺滑的高品质伏特加。)

4. The distiller applied for a permit to produce and sell spirits.(这个蒸馏器申请了生产和销售烈酒的许可证。)

5. The distiller removed impurities from the water before using it in the distillation process.(这个蒸馏器在蒸馏过程中使用前,会将水中的杂质过滤掉。)

6. The master distiller has years of experience in creating unique and flavorful spirits.(这位主蒸馏师经过多年的经验积累,擅长创造出独特有味的烈酒。)

7. The distiller added botanicals to the gin during the distillation process.(这个蒸馏器在蒸馏过程中向杜松子酒中添加了植物成分。)

8. The distiller's equipment was state-of-the-art and allowed for precise control of the distillation process.(这个蒸馏器的设备非常先进,可以精确控制蒸馏过程。)

9. The distiller was recognized for their commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly production methods.(这个蒸馏器因其致力于可持续和环保的生产方法而受到了认可。)





1. The distiller carefully monitored the temperature and pressure during the distillation process.


2. The local distiller was known for his high-quality whiskey.





例句:The molecule distiller is the subject equipment of the molecule distillation device. (分子蒸馏器是分子蒸馏装置的主体设备。)


例句:The pot distiller was adopted to produce high-grade brandy. It is a effective way of utilizing excessive wine. (采用夏朗德壶式蒸馏器生产高档白兰地,是消化过剩葡萄酒的一种有效途径。)


例句:Electrothermal distiller is one of the common devices in chemistry laboratory. (电热蒸馏水器是化学实验室的常规设备之一。)

4.蒸馏器 、制酒者

例句:Liquor including lead is mainly composed of distiller, condensing catheter, lay aside the liquor container by the dissolution of the lead. (翻译:白酒含的铅主要是由蒸馏器、冷凝导管、贮酒容器中的铅经溶蚀而来。)


distiller一般作为名词使用,如在dry distiller(干馏器)、distiller column([网络] 分馏塔)、distiller condenser([化] 蒸馏冷凝器)等常见短语中出现较多。

dry distiller干馏器
distiller column[网络] 分馏塔
distiller condenser[化] 蒸馏冷凝器
electrical distiller电热蒸馏水器
marine distiller船用蒸馏器
distiller test tankun. 蒸馏器检验柜\n[网络] 蒸馏水检验柜
distiller's grain[化] 酒糟
distiller's grains酒粕;酒渣
distiller's product烧酒副产品


1. Electrothermal distiller is one of the common devices in chemistry laboratory. (翻译:电热蒸馏水器是化学实验室的常规设备之一。)

2. Liquor including lead is mainly composed of distiller, condensing catheter, lay aside the liquor container by the dissolution of the lead. (翻译:白酒含的铅主要是由蒸馏器、冷凝导管、贮酒容器中的铅经溶蚀而来。)

3. The beer waste yeast and beer distiller's grain are the main beer by-products which have been widespread used in the food industry. (翻译:啤酒废弃物主要是啤酒废酵母和啤酒糟,在食品工业中有广泛应用。)

4. When distilling sea water the cooling water discharging from the distiller is fed back to evaporator as feed water . (翻译:当蒸馏海水时,蒸馏器排出的冷却水返回蒸发器作为给水,其目的是为了提高经济性,选C。)

5. The tentative results of utilizing distiller's solubles as main media to produce Bacillus thuringiensis insecticides were reported. (翻译:利用酒糟废液进行了培养苏云金芽孢杆菌以生产生物农药的实验研究。)

6. At the time of the celtics use ceramic distiller brewed wine clear content is higher violent, this also is the origin of whisky. (翻译:当时的凯尔特人使用陶制蒸馏器酿造出酒清含量较高的烈性,这也是威士忌酒的起源。)

7. The distiller has aged all his whisky for more than ten years. (翻译:制酒师把全部威士忌酒存放了十多年。)



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