glottal是什么意思 glottal的中文翻译、读音、例句

glottal是什么意思 glottal的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:glottal一般指喉音,即声门或声带位置。在语音学中,glottal常常指用气流压缩声门产生的气音,比如英语中的'h'音。

2. 发音:glottal音的发音需要将声带紧闭,然后由于压力而产生出声。

3. 用途:glottal音在许多语言中都有用到,如阿拉伯语和荷兰语。在英语中,glottal音被广泛地用于口语和方言中。

4. 句法:glottal音可以用于词首、词尾和词中,具有不同的发音方式和意义。例如,'uh-oh'和'uh-huh'都是在词首和词尾上运用glottal音的例子。

5. 研究:glottal音的研究对于语音学和语言研究具有重要意义。研究可以帮助我们了解不同语言之间的差异,并且有助于发展更加自然的语音合成技术。


1. He pronounces the name John with a glottal stop instead of the 'n' sound. 他把John的名字发音成带有喉音而不是'n'的音。

2. In some languages, such as Arabic, the glottal stop is a separate consonant. 在一些语言中,例如阿拉伯语,喉音是不同的辅音。

3. The word 'butter' is often pronounced with a glottal stop in some British dialects. 在一些英国方言中,'butter'这个单词经常使用带有喉音的发音。

4. The glottal fricative is a type of consonant that is produced by obstructing airflow through the vocal cords. 喉擦音是一种通过阻止气流通过声带而产生的辅音。

5. The glottal stop is often used as a marker of emphasis or distinction in some languages. 在一些语言中,喉音常常被用作强调或区分的标记。




1. The glottal stop is a common sound in many languages.(声门塞音是许多语言中常见的音)

2. The glottal fricative is made by forcing air through a narrow opening in the vocal cords.(声门摩擦音是通过在声带狭窄的开口处迫使空气通过而产生的)

3. In some dialects, the glottal stop can replace the letter 't' in certain words.(在某些方言中,声门塞音可以替代某些单词中的字母“t”)

4. The glottal stop is often written as an apostrophe in phonetic transcriptions.(在语音学的音标中,声门塞音通常用撇号表示)

5. English has a glottal stop in words such as 'uh-oh' and 'uh-huh'.(英语单词“uh-oh”和“uh-huh”中有声门塞音)

6. The glottal stop can change the meaning of a word in some languages.(在某些语言中,声门塞音可以改变一个单词的意义)

7. Some singers use glottal stops to achieve a certain style of singing.(一些歌手使用声门塞音来达到某种唱法的效果)

8. The glottal stop is used in some accents to emphasize a word or syllable.(在某些口音中,声门塞音被用来强调一个单词或音节)

9. Learning to produce glottal sounds can be challenging for non-native speakers.(对于非母语者来说,学习发出声门音可能很有挑战性)





1. His voice had a distinct glottal quality to it.


2. In some languages, such as Arabic, glottal stops are used as consonants.





例句:( BOW ) a glottal open. I with the boys at the same time to the door to look, Ji Chenyu. Followed by sunny girl called angelica. (的一声门被打开了。我跟男生同时往门口看去,是纪晨羽。后面还跟着叫芷晴的女生。)


例句:Vowels have something to do with glottal closure, therefore influence acoustical measures. (结论:元音不同,声门闭合度存在差异,进而影响声学测试的参数。)


例句:Effect of high flow oxygen therapy in the glottal prozone upon on cardiac rhythm and electrocardiac activity in brain death patients (呼吸停止病人声门前高浓度输氧对心律与心电活动的影响更详细。)


例句:On the base of LF-4 derivative glottal flow, an improved algorithm of LF-4 derivative model is proposed to synthesize voice source. (翻译:在LF - 4微分声门波模型的基础上,提出了一种LF - 4模型的改进算法,进行嗓音源的合成。)


glottal一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在glottal catch(喉塞)、glottal catches([网络] 声门扣)、glottal fricative(喉擦音)等常见短语中出现较多。

glottal catch喉塞
glottal catches[网络] 声门扣
glottal fricative喉擦音
glottal fry[网络] 有关喉嗄音;有关于喉低嗄音
glottal plosive[网络] 声门爆破
glottal plosives[网络] 声门爆破\n(glottal plosive 的复数)
glottal roll喉颤音
glottal stopn. 声门塞音, 声门闭锁音
glottal stopsna. 【语】声门塞音


1. Effect of high flow oxygen therapy in the glottal prozone upon on cardiac rhythm and electrocardiac activity in brain death patients (翻译:呼吸停止病人声门前高浓度输氧对心律与心电活动的影响更详细。)

2. On the base of LF-4 derivative glottal flow, an improved algorithm of LF-4 derivative model is proposed to synthesize voice source. (翻译:在LF - 4微分声门波模型的基础上,提出了一种LF - 4模型的改进算法,进行嗓音源的合成。)



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