csba是什么意思 csba的中文翻译、读音、例句

csba是什么意思 csba的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:'csba' 不是一个常见的单词,可能指代某个组织、机构、缩写或者专业领域。

词性:'csba' 无法确定其词性,因为不清楚它所指代的具体内容。



发音拼写:'csba' 没有固定的发音和拼写,需要根据具体情况而定。


1. The CSBA (California School Boards Association) is a nonprofit organization that provides policy guidance, education, and advocacy to school boards across California. (CSBA 是加利福尼亚州学校董事会协会,是一个非营利组织,为加州各地的学校董事会提供政策指导、教育和倡导服务。)

2. I studied CSBA (Computer Science and Business Administration) in college, which prepared me well for a career in IT management. (我在大学里学习了计算机科学和商业管理,这为我在IT管理领域的职业生涯做好了充分准备。)

3. The acronym CSBA can also stand for the Center for the Study of the Balkans and the Caucasus, a research institute based in Hungary. (缩写 CSBA 还可以代表巴尔干和高加索研究中心,这是一个位于匈牙利的研究机构。)

4. The CSBA (China-Southeast Asia Business Association) was established in 2013 to promote economic cooperation and trade between China and Southeast Asia. (中国东南亚商务协会成立于xx年,旨在促进中国与东南亚之间的经济合作和贸易。)

5. CSBA (California Small Business Association) has been advocating for small businesses in California for over 40 years. (CSBA 是加利福尼亚小型企业协会,已经为加州的小企业争取权益超过xx年。)


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