december是什么意思 december的中文翻译、读音、例句

december是什么意思 december的中文翻译、读音、例句




- December holidays:xx月假期

- December sales:xx月促销

- December weather:xx月天气

- December birthday:xx月生日

- December solstice:冬至

- December bride:冬婚新娘




1. December is usually a busy month due to the year-end holiday season.(xx月通常是因为年底假期而忙碌的月份。)

2. December in New York City is very cold and windy.(纽约市的xx月非常寒冷刺骨。)

3. This year, Christmas falls on December 25th.(今年,圣诞节是在xx月xx日。)

4. The December solstice marks the longest night and shortest day of the year.(冬至标志着xx年中夜晚最长,白天最短的时刻。)

5. The December sales are a great opportunity to buy gifts for Christmas.(xx月促销是购买圣诞礼物的绝佳机会。)

6. We celebrate my sister's December birthday with a big party.(我们用盛大的聚会庆祝我妹妹的xx月生日。)

7. December holidays are a time for families to gather and spend time together.(xx月假期是家庭聚集和共度时光的时刻。)


读音:dì shí èr yuè


1. December is my favorite month because it's my birthday month. (xx月是我最喜欢的月份,因为那是我的生日月。)

2. The weather in December is usually cold and snowy. (xx月的天气通常是寒冷和多雪的。)

3. Many people celebrate Christmas in December. (许多人在xx月庆祝圣诞节。)

4. December brings the end of the year, and a time for reflection and goal setting. (xx月是xx年的尾声,是反思和制定目标的时候。)

december的中文解释是"xx月 、xx月",作为名词时有"徐金"的意思,在线发音:[di'sembә],december来源于英语,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到71个与december相关的例句。



例句:♪ ♪ Now, December found the love that we shared in September ♪ (# 如今 我们在xx月重温了xx月的恋曲 # # Now, December found the love that we shared in September #)


例句:In December, 2003, Christopher was living in the town of Palmyra. (xx年xx月,克里斯托弗住在巴尔米拉城。)


例句:The Navy is expected to award the CANES contract in December. (海军希望xx月份授予CANES合同。)


december一般作为名词使用,如在December(xx月 )等常见短语中出现较多。



1. The Navy is expected to award the CANES contract in December. (翻译:海军希望xx月份授予CANES合同。)

2. I keep forgetting it's December. (翻译:我总是忘了现在是xx月份。)

3. The rainy season in the Andes normally starts in December. (翻译:安第斯山脉的雨季一般从xx月开始。)

4. Yes, it's on December 13th. (翻译:是的,在xx月xx日。)

5. Does this explain your actions on December 12? (翻译:这是不是就是你在xx月xx日作出那种行为的原因?)

6. Algiers, 24 December 1994 Houari Boumediene Airport (翻译:阿尔及利亚,1994 年 12 月 24 日 Houari Boumediene 机场)

7. Barringer, Felicity. "Interior Official and Federal Biologists Clash on Danger to Bird. " New York Times, 5 December, 2004. (翻译:Felicity,〈内政部官员与联邦生物学家在鸟类所面临威胁问题上的冲突〉见《纽约时报》,5December,2004。)

8. On December 7, the body of Joao Goulart crossed the border back to Brazil to be buried in Sao Borja. (翻译:xx月xx日, On December 7, 若昂·古拉特的尸体越过边境回到巴西 the body of Joao Goulart crossed the border back to Brazil 被埋葬在圣博尔哈。)

9. That month, between December the 20th and the end of December, her name was Googled 1,220,000 times. (翻译:那个月,即xx月xx日至 该月底, 她的名字被谷歌了122万次。)

10. Can you account for his whereabouts December 25th through January 3rd? (翻译:你能说出他从圣诞节到xx月三号的行程吗? Can you account for his whereabouts December 25th through January 3rd?)

11. This idea started for me on a December evening in 2011. (翻译:2011 年 12 月的一个晚上, 我有了这一想法。)

12. I was in Copenhagen in December like a number of you in this room. (翻译:xx月份我在哥本哈根 就像你们一样,在这样的房间里。)

13. By December of that year, it was being transmitted locally by the mosquitoes. (翻译:当年的xx月,已由当地 的蚊子开始传染病毒。)

14. Were you in the town square or not on December 22, 1989 ? (翻译:xx年xx月xx日你到底 去没去市镇广场,去了还是没去?)

15. - Now, imagine, a chiroptera... flitting about in December? (翻译:-现在 想像一下 一个翼手目动物... ...在xx月飞来飞去?)

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