bulld是什么意思 bulld的中文翻译、读音、例句

bulld是什么意思 bulld的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 发音/拼写:'bulld'这个单词是拼写错误,正确应该是'bulldog'。作为老师,需要教导学生注意正确的拼写和发音。

2. 词性:'bulldog'是一个名词,指的是一种狗的品种。

3. 起源/历史:'bulldog'起源于英国,原来是一种用来斗狗的犬种,后来逐渐被人们用来做宠物犬。

4. 形象/特点:'bulldog'有着扁平的面孔、稠短的身体和大而强壮的脑袋,通常会表现出强大的领地意识和保护本能。


1. My bulldog is always by my side, he's so loyal.(我的斗牛犬总是在我身边,他非常忠诚。)

2. The bulldog's stubbornness can be both amusing and frustrating.(斗牛犬的固执有时可笑,有时令人沮丧。)

3. She named her bulldog Winston after the famous British Prime Minister.(她以英国著名的首相温斯顿·丘吉尔命名她的斗牛犬。)

4. The English Bulldog has a distinctive appearance and a friendly, patient nature.(英国斗牛犬具有独特的外貌和友好、耐心的性格。)

5. The bulldog was originally bred for bull baiting, a cruel sport that was outlawed in England in 1835.(斗牛犬最初是为斗牛比赛而繁殖的,这是一种残酷的运动,在xx年被英格兰禁止了。)





例句:A bullock is a castrated bull. (阉牛是去势的公牛。)


1. Even away from the herd, a bull is a formidable opponent. (翻译:Even away from the herd, a bull is a formidable opponent. 即使离开了群体 一头公水牛也是可怕的对手)

2. Ideally for me, it would just be like, me and a box of Red Bull. (翻译:not just big production games. me and a box of Red Bull.)

3. Ever had a snickerdoodle, Bull? (翻译:曾经有一个snickerdoodle, 公牛)

4. Bull, even the kid knew about it. (翻译:狂牛 ,这件事传得很快 连这小子都知道了)

5. This bull gores people. (翻译:这牛爱顶人。)

6. All the bull-riders are wearing fancy buckets like at this season. (翻译:所有的牛仔这个季节 穿着都很花哨 All the bull -riders are wearing fancy buckets like at this season.)

7. Dawn breaks like a bull through the hall? (翻译:♪ Dawn breaks like a bull through the hall ♪)

8. Or slaughtering a bull or a ram? (翻译:当然。或者是宰羊杀牛的 你觉得那好么?)

9. In the Western music tradition, pitches are named after the first seven letters of the alphabet, A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. (翻译:D, E, F, 和G。此后,就循环: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, 等等。)

10. The old bull is victorious. (翻译:老斗士胜利了 {\3cH202020}The old bull is victorious.)

11. It's your turn, Kevin. Or rather it's Third Division Steve Bull's. (翻译:轮到你了 Kevin 或者说轮到来自 丙级联赛的Steve Bull更好些)

12. That's a load of bull! (翻译:那是胡说八道! )

13. It tells of a soldier standing in lamplight outside a barracks saying good-bye to his sweetheart, Lilli Marleen. (翻译:诗中讲的是一个士兵战在营房外的灯光下向她的心上人丽莉•)

14. I've heard so much about you. (翻译:[ 笑声 ] - 这是 Trotter Bull.)

15. If a bull gores a man or a woman to death, the bull must be stoned to death, and its meat must not be eaten. (翻译:牛若触死男人或是女人,总要用石头打死那牛,却不可吃它的肉;)

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