coalesce是什么意思 coalesce的中文翻译、读音、例句

coalesce是什么意思 coalesce的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:v. 合并,融合,联合,结合


词组搭配:coalesce with(与...联合,合并),coalesce into(合并成),coalesce around(聚集于)




1. The two companies are planning to coalesce into one giant firm.(这两家公司计划合并成为一家巨头企业。)

2. The team members' efforts coalesced to create a successful project.(团队成员的努力共同创造了一个成功的项目。)

3. The community coalesced around the idea of building a playground.(社区围绕着建造游乐场这个想法聚集在一起。)

4. Different cultures coalesce in this area, creating a unique and diverse community.(不同的文化在这个地区融合,创造了一个独特而丰富多彩的社区。)

5. The liquid begins to coalesce into droplets when the temperature drops.(温度下降时,液体开始聚集成滴。)



1. The two companies decided to coalesce and form a stronger partnership.


2. The ideas coalesced into a brilliant plan.


3. The diverse group was able to coalesce around a common goal.





例句:A number of alluvial fans along the base of a mountain may coalesce to form a continuous alluvial slope. (沿着山脚的一些冲积扇可能联合起来形成连续的冲积坡。)


例句:These self-regulating, semi-autonomous units give rise to self-regulating, semi-autonomous units called organs, and these organs coalesce to form things called humans, and these organisms ultimately live in environments, which are partly self-regulating and partly semi-autonomous. (这些基本的单元 结合在一起组成了器官, 这些器官有机地组合在一起,构成了人 这最终构造了这个丰富的生态系统。这个系统也是能够自我约束, 是半自主的。)


例句:Operations to split and to coalesce chunks take time. (用于分割和合并块的操作需要花费时间。)


例句:Some government officials appear worried that widespread worker grievances could coalesce into a broader movement . (翻译:一些政府官员似乎担心,工人们中间普遍存在的不满可能汇聚成涉及范围更广的运动。)


1. Operations to split and to coalesce chunks take time. (翻译:用于分割和合并块的操作需要花费时间。)

2. Some government officials appear worried that widespread worker grievances could coalesce into a broader movement . (翻译:一些政府官员似乎担心,工人们中间普遍存在的不满可能汇聚成涉及范围更广的运动。)

3. And eventually, the two galaxies will go right through each other and then come back and then coalesce. (翻译:最后, 两个星系会穿过对方 然后退后, 合为一体)

4. If you want to put a colored disk, well all these seven colors coalesce. (翻译:如果你想放上一张彩色磁盘 七种颜色合在一起)

5. If social conservatives were to coalesce around Mr Huckabee, that would throw the Republican primaries into utter confusion. (翻译:如果社会保守派聚集到Huckabee先生周围,这将使共和党的初选陷入极大的混乱。)

6. Goggles, windshields, even surgical endoscopes fog when minuscule vapor droplets do not coalesce and run off. (翻译:护目镜、挡风玻璃,甚至外科内视镜上的水气如果没有聚集成水滴流走,镜面就会起雾。)

7. And they would coalesce for just a moment, so you could perceive that there was a chair there. (翻译:然后有一小段时间,它们会结合在一起 所以你能够察觉到那有一个椅子)

8. We must coalesce as humans to discuss and embrace the solutions not only with caution but also with courage. (翻译:我们应该作为人类联合起来 去讨论并应用那些解决方案, 并不仅仅需要小心, 还需要勇气。)

9. As the number of moisture droplets increases, they begin to coalesce into small rivulets of fluid. (翻译:当水滴数量增加,它们会汇集成细流。)

10. Do Singaporeans need a national disaster on the scale of Japan's earthquake and tsunami to coalesce a sense of national solidarity? (翻译:新加坡非得要历经如日本强震般的巨大天灾,才能够凝聚社会团结吗?)

11. Some suspect these differing multiverse hypotheses may eventually coalesce into a common description, or be replaced by something else. (翻译:有些人怀疑这些不同的多重宇宙假设 可能最终会聚合成一个共同的描述, 或者被其他理论所替代。)

12. If you want to put a colored disk, well all these seven colors coalesce. (翻译:如果你想放上一张彩色磁盘 七种颜色合在一起 )

13. Additionally, effectiveness less obviously depends on the policy used in deciding when to cache versus coalesce them. (翻译:此外,有效性还不太明显的依赖于决定什么时候高速缓冲或合并它们的策略。)

14. And they would coalesce for just a moment, so you could perceive that there was a chair there. (翻译:然后有一小段时间,它们会结合在一起 所以你能够察觉到那有一个椅子 )

15. The plasmoids on the earthward side of the neutral line move toward the earth and coalesce with the reconnection region near the earth. (翻译:中性线近地侧的等离子体团朝着地球运动,并合并于地球附近的重联区内。)

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