curtsy是什么意思 curtsy的中文翻译、读音、例句

curtsy是什么意思 curtsy的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:'curtsy'是一个名词,意为“行屈膝礼”,通常是指女性在某些正式场合下向别人示礼的一种姿势。

2. 用法:'curtsy'可以作为动词或名词使用。作为动词时,表示向某人屈膝致意;作为名词时,则指这种行礼动作本身。

3. 起源:'curtsy'起源于法语中的courteisie,意为“彬彬有礼、有礼貌”。

4. 使用场合:'curtsy'通常在正式场合下使用,例如参见皇室成员、参加婚礼等。

5. 相关词汇:'curtsy'的男性对应词为'bow',意为鞠躬礼。


1. She curtsied to the queen as a sign of respect.(她向女王行了屈膝礼以示尊重。)

2. The little girl curtsied when the teacher praised her performance.(当老师表扬她的表现时,小女孩行了屈膝礼。)

3. The princess curtsied gracefully to the crowd.(公主优雅地向人群行了屈膝礼。)

4. The bride curtsied to her parents as a thank you for their support.(新娘向父母行了屈膝礼,以感谢他们的支持。)

5. The princess taught her daughter how to curtsy properly.(公主教女儿如何正确地行屈膝礼。)




1. The little girl curtsied to the queen as she passed by.(这个小女孩在女王路过时鞠躬致意。)

2. As a sign of respect, the maid curtsied to the guests as they entered the room.(作为尊重的表现,女佣在客人进入房间时向他们鞠躬致意。)




例句:Not much chance of that unless you curtsy on my face real soon. (那可能性不大,除非你在我的脸上真的马上就行屈膝礼。)


例句:So, I pretended to curtsy... (所以 我滑稽地向大家... So, I pretended to curtsy...)


例句:But yet for all that, cousin, let him be a handsome fellow... or else make another curtsy and say, "Father, as it please me". (但话是这么说,表妹他一定要是个漂亮的家伙才好... ... 否则你还是再行个礼说父亲,这可要让我自己作主了)


例句:At the ball, 150 young ladies from some of Britain's most prominent families will curtsy, sashay and dance the night away. (翻译:在舞会上,来自英国显赫家族的150名淑女将行屈膝礼,踏着快滑舞步,欢度良夜。)


curtsy一般作为名词、动词使用,如在drop a curtsy((英)行屈膝礼)等常见短语中出现较多。

drop a curtsy(英)行屈膝礼


1. But yet for all that, cousin, let him be a handsome fellow... or else make another curtsy and say, "Father, as it please me". (翻译:但话是这么说,表妹他一定要是个漂亮的家伙才好... ... 否则你还是再行个礼说父亲,这可要让我自己作主了)

2. At the ball, 150 young ladies from some of Britain's most prominent families will curtsy, sashay and dance the night away. (翻译:在舞会上,来自英国显赫家族的150名淑女将行屈膝礼,踏着快滑舞步,欢度良夜。)

3. Curtsy to every Count and Lord. (翻译:Curtsy to every encounted lord 知书达理)

4. Dorothy nodded gravely and the Queen made a curtsy, after which she became quite friendly with the little girl. (翻译:多萝茜庄重地点点头,皇后行着敬礼,不久它和小女孩子变得十分友好了。)

5. Danish women in the identity of the man with the meeting, Shi curtsy. (翻译:丹麦女子在与有身份的男子见面时,施屈膝礼。)

6. When I met the queen, I didn't know whether to kneel, bow or curtsy. (翻译:当见到女王时,不知道 要下跪? 鞠躬还是屈膝礼)

7. She did a shallow military curtsy, supple in her dress-uniform skirt, and laid her hand on his forearm. (翻译:她身着制服裙,回应了一个浅浅的军人屈膝礼,然后把手搭在他伸出的胳膊上。)

8. Now you bow, and I curtsy. (翻译:现在你鞠躬,我行屈膝礼。)

9. She gave a curtsy. (翻译:她行了个屈膝礼。)

10. I shall practice my curtsy! (翻译:我应该练习自己的礼仪! 不要给我脸色看, Scar.)

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