beavers是什么意思 beavers的中文翻译、读音、例句

beavers是什么意思 beavers的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义和定义:Beavers是指海狸,是北美洲和欧亚大陆东部一种水生哺乳动物。它们可以通过建造堤坝和沟渠来改变河流和湖泊的生态系统。

2. 网络用语:在网络用语中,Beavers有时被用作“巨大的自傲或自尊心”,通常是指有些人非常自我中心,以至于他们的态度变得过于傲慢和自满。这个概念可能源于一句古老的俚语:“她自尊心很强,因此她会把鲸鱼当成海豹,把海豹当成海狸。”

3. 文学形象:海狸也是一些文学作品和漫画中的主题角色,如《Narnia王国》中的海狸家族,以及《独木桥》中的《海狸公司》。这些形象通常与勤劳,勇敢和智慧相联系。

4. 生态学意义:海狸在生态系统中扮演着重要角色,他们的繁殖,建造堤坝和拓宽溪流的能力可以改变水文学特征,影响水生动物种类的增多。这样有助于改善河流的水质,促进生态平衡。


1. The beavers in this area have been protected by the government. (这个区域的海狸已受到政府的保护。)

2. My friend says he's the best player on the team, but he's just a beaver. (我朋友说他是队里最好的球员,但他只是一个自负的人。)

3. The beaver family in Narnia helped the children in the war against the witch.(《纳尼亚王国》中的海狸家族帮助了孩子们抵抗女巫。)

4. The beaver has sharp teeth and strong claws, which help it to cut down trees and build dams.(海狸有锋利的牙齿和强壮的爪子,帮它砍伐树木和建造水坝。)

5. The construction of beaver dams has a positive effect on the ecosystem.(海狸水坝的建造对生态系统有积极影响。)



1. Beavers are known for their ability to build complex dams and lodges.


2. In the wild, beavers play an important role in shaping and maintaining their ecosystems.





例句:Now batting for the Beavers, catcher Roy Chappell. (海狸队队的接球手是Roy Chappell)


例句:Or the bobcat, needing rabbits and beavers and den sites. (或者是一只山猫,需要野兔、海狸和洞穴。)


例句:Flash forward to the winter freeze, when the frigid temperature has turned the mud and sticks into a secure shelter for the beavers. (冬季结冰时间飞逝而来,寒冷的天气已经将泥巴和木棍变成海狸的安全庇护所。)


例句:So, we would read in field guides, the standard field guides that maybe you have on your shelves, you know, what beavers need is "A slowly meandering stream with aspen trees and alders and willows, near the water." That's the best thing for a beaver. (翻译:所以,我们想要阅读野外指南,标准野外指南, 就是你们书架上可能会有的那一类。你知道,海狸需要的是“一条流速缓而曲折的溪流, 边上还得有白杨,赤杨和柳树。” 这就是最适合海狸的。)


beavers一般作为名词、动词使用,如在eager beavers(na. (为讨好上司)干活特别卖力的人\n[网络] 勤劳的新邻居)、European beavers([网络] 欧洲海狸)、new world beavers([网络] 新世界海狸\n(new world beaver 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

eager beaversna. (为讨好上司)干活特别卖力的人\n[网络] 勤劳的新邻居
European beavers[网络] 欧洲海狸
new world beavers[网络] 新世界海狸\n(new world beaver 的复数)
old world beavers[网络] 老世界海狸\n(old world beaver 的复数)


1. Flash forward to the winter freeze, when the frigid temperature has turned the mud and sticks into a secure shelter for the beavers. (翻译:冬季结冰时间飞逝而来,寒冷的天气已经将泥巴和木棍变成海狸的安全庇护所。)

2. So, we would read in field guides, the standard field guides that maybe you have on your shelves, you know, what beavers need is "A slowly meandering stream with aspen trees and alders and willows, near the water." That's the best thing for a beaver. (翻译:所以,我们想要阅读野外指南,标准野外指南, 就是你们书架上可能会有的那一类。你知道,海狸需要的是“一条流速缓而曲折的溪流, 边上还得有白杨,赤杨和柳树。” 这就是最适合海狸的。)

3. Beavers use ash trees only for construction. (翻译:海狸只将灰树用于筑巢。)

4. So, we would read in field guides, the standard field guides that maybe you have on your shelves, you know, what beavers need is, "A slowly meandering stream with aspen trees and alders and willows, near the water." That's the best thing for a beaver. (翻译:所以,我们想要阅读野外指南,标准野外指南, 就是你们书架上可能会有的那一类。你知道,海狸需要的是“一条流速缓而曲折的溪流, 边上还得有白杨,赤杨和柳树。” 这就是最适合海狸的。)

5. Coyote yelped again and salmon leapt from the rivers, beavers bustled through the water. (翻译:郊狼再次叫着和鲑鱼升腾起的河流,在水中忙碌的海狸。)

6. The beavers stopped eating, stood on their hind legs and looked around, then got into the water, too. (翻译:海狸停止进食,用后腿站立,环顾四周,然后也跳到了水里。)

7. Yoou may find some eager beavers in any organization. (翻译:在任何机构里,你总会发现一些对上司竭力讨好的人。)

8. As an example, let's look at foraging behavior among beavers. (翻译,让我们看看海狸的觅食行为。)

9. And it need beavers to create the wetlands, and maybe some other things. (翻译:它需要海狸创造湿地, 或许还有其它的东西。)

10. The number of beavers started to increase, because beavers like to eat the trees. (翻译:海狸的数量开始增加 因为树木为它们提供食物 )

11. You feel me? You speak Spanish? (翻译:Beavers要离开Palmerston)

12. Like the beavers, the Dutch are great builders of dams. 27% of the Dutch territory lies below the sea level. (翻译:和海狸一样,荷兰人也是筑坝高手。荷兰有27%的领域低于海平面。)

13. Beavers would have a navy. (翻译:海狸只有海军 Beavers would have a navy.)

14. Now, faced with opportunities like that, does it not seem a little unambitious to be thinking only of bringing back wolves, lynx, bears, beavers, bison, boar, moose, and all the other species which are already beginning to move quite rapidly across Europe? (翻译:现在,面对这样的机会 我们是否能更有野心 难道只是想着带回狼、 猞猁、 熊、 海狸、 野牛、 野猪、 麋 和那些已经开始 横跨欧洲快速迁徙的物种吗? )

15. [Announcer] Next up, the Fighting Beavers of San Bernardino. (翻译:[广播员] 下一个提高, San Bernardino的海狸队。)

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