1. 定义:'enabled'是一个动词,指的是允许或使能够完成某些事情的过程。它通常用于描述计算机或其他电子设备的功能。
例句:Enabling cookies on your browser will allow you to save your login information for future use. (启用浏览器的cookie功能将允许您保存登录信息以供将来使用。)
2. 同义词:activate, empower, permit, authorize等
例句:The administrator authorized the user to access the database. (管理员授权用户访问数据库。)
3. 反义词:disable, inhibit, prevent, block等
例句:The firewall blocked the unauthorized access to the network. (防火墙阻止了未经授权的访问网络。)
4. 商业用语:'enabled'常用于描述新技术、软件或应用程序具有的特性,以突出其高级功能和竞争优势。
例句:The new smartphone is 5G-enabled, providing faster internet speeds and better connectivity. (新智能手机支持5G,提供更快的互联网速度和更好的连通性。)
5. 派生词:'enabling technology'(基础技术),指的是推动创新和发展的技术基础,如人工智能、云计算和物联网等。
例句:Enabling technologies like blockchain and smart contracts have revolutionized the way we conduct financial transactions. (像区块链和智能合约这样的基础技术已经彻底改变了我们进行金融交易的方式。)
6. 缩写词:'ENB'是'enabled base'的缩写,是指用于支撑特定应用程序或软件的硬件或软件平台。
例句:The ENB for this video game provides enhanced graphics and realistic sound effects. (此视频游戏的ENB提供了增强的图形和逼真的声音效果。)
1. This feature is only available if the corresponding option is enabled.
2. Your account has been disabled, please contact support to have it enabled again.
例句:It enabled me to really express myself and grow. (它使我真正地将我自己表述出来,并成长起来。)
例句:♪ yeah, my mind had been enabled ♪ (铀? yeah, my mind had been enabled 铀? /i)
例句:If the storage group is not enabled for LCR, replication and replay will not be fully enabled until the storage group is enabled for LCR. (如果未对存储组启用LCR,在对存储组启用LCR之前,将无法完全启用复制和重播。)
例句:The annotated XML schema can then be registered with XSR and enabled for decomposition. (翻译:接着可以向XSR注册注释XML模式并允许分解。)
enabled一般作为动词使用,如在enabled to(能,会)、enabled cheat(欺骗成功)、enabled condition(允许条件)等常见短语中出现较多。
enabled to | 能,会 |
enabled cheat | 欺骗成功 |
enabled condition | 允许条件 |
enabled instruction | [计] 启动指令 |
enabled interrupt | 可中断,允许中断 |
enabled interruption | [计] 允许中断 |
enabled module | [计] 允许中断的模块 |
enabled state | 允许状态 |
enabled transition | 允许转接 |
1. If the storage group is not enabled for LCR, replication and replay will not be fully enabled until the storage group is enabled for LCR. (翻译:如果未对存储组启用LCR,在对存储组启用LCR之前,将无法完全启用复制和重播。)
2. The annotated XML schema can then be registered with XSR and enabled for decomposition. (翻译:接着可以向XSR注册注释XML模式并允许分解。)
3. And an important language dependent skill is enabled by this training -- that is to say reading. (翻译:而该训练也能为学生提供一项重要的语言依赖技巧 ——即阅读。)
4. The buffer receives a DWORD value that is nonzero if virtualization is enabled for the token. (翻译:缓冲区收到一个DWORD值是非零如果虚拟化是启用的象征。)
5. If JSP reloading is enabled, the control JSP is automatically recompiled. (翻译:如果启用了JSP重新加载,则该控件J sp会自动重新编译。)
6. Booting from a multipath-enabled SAN. (翻译:从支持多路径的SAN启动。)
7. This in turn reduced prices and enabled the PC to democratise computing. (翻译:而这种可能又降低了电脑的价格使其得以普及。)
8. The molds of reliefs and glyphs which he made enabled the study of the inscriptions (翻译:他做成叶子及石刻的模子 以便可以研究碑文)
9. That knowledge enabled mankind to colonize Mars. (翻译:凭借从中得来的技术,使得人类能移居到火星)
10. It enabled me to really express myself and grow. (翻译:它使我真正地将我自己表述出来,并成长起来。)
11. You must have the multiverse repository enabled. (翻译:您必须使多元存储器可用。)
12. Whitelist filters could be enabled on the client and at the DNS level. (翻译:可以在客户机上启用DNS级别的白名单过滤。)
13. They mesh-enabled 300 buses and they speak to these smart terminals. (翻译:人们将300辆公交车用无线连接起来。人们可以和那些智能终端对话,)
14. They mesh-enabled 300 buses and they speak to these smart terminals. (翻译:人们将300辆公交车用无线连接起来。人们可以和那些智能终端对话, )
15. Status on whether VTP trap generation mode is enabled or disabled. (翻译:VTP的状态是否陷阱生成模式是启用或禁用。)