guam是什么意思 guam的中文翻译、读音、例句

guam是什么意思 guam的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:Guam Island(关岛),Guam War,Guam beach(关岛海滩),Guam reef(关岛珊瑚礁)

相关短语:Guam Airport(关岛机场),Guam University(关岛大学),Guam Museum(关岛博物馆),Guam National Park(关岛国家公园)






1. Ta tiyan Guåhan para guaha hanom i hestorian Guåhan. (查莫罗语,翻译:他(她)来关岛是为了了解关岛历史。)

2. Tåya' Guåhan i taotao yu'os. (查莫罗语,翻译:关岛的人民非常友好。)

3. Ginen i tano'-ta, Guåhan i manna'lu. (查莫罗语,翻译:在我们的土地上,关岛是我们的领袖。)

4. Sa' hita nina'sgon Guåhan, tåya' i manmåtai-ña. (查莫罗语,翻译:如果我们照顾好关岛,她就会照顾我们。)

5. I taotao Guåhan un biahi i lina'la' i lahi-na i noknife. (查莫罗语,翻译:关岛人民一直致力于保护他们的文化遗产。)

6. Guåhan i manggof atpåyi. (查莫罗语,翻译:关岛是芒果之岛。)

7. Ti magahet na sangan i manhobre Guåhan. (查莫罗语,翻译:在关岛,食物的味道很棒。)

8. I tiningo'-ta i Lina'la'-ta, para Guåhan i manmåtai-ña. (查莫罗语,翻译:我们要保护我们的历史和文化,因为这样才能保护关岛。)

9. Guåhan ma libre pa'go. (查莫罗语,翻译:关岛是自由的土地。)



1. Guam is a small island located in the Pacific Ocean.


2. I have always wanted to visit Guam and explore its beautiful beaches.


3. Guam is a popular tourist destination known for its unique culture and delicious cuisine.





例句:On the same day, December 8th on the other side of the International Dateline, in places called Guam, Wake, the Malay Peninsula, (在同一天 xx月xx日 位于国际日期变更线的另一边 在关岛,威克岛)


例句:The United States is sending military airplanes to Guam for use of any possible conflicts in North Korea. (美国又开始派遣军事战机到关岛,以应对随时可能发生的与北朝鲜的冲突。)


例句:Guam was a refresher program. (在关岛读了进修计划 Guam was a refresher program.)


例句:What was the name of the resort? I'll make sure to avoid it when I go to Guam next month. (翻译:那家度假村叫什么名字?下个月我去关岛时千万不要住到那儿。)


guam一般作为名词使用,如在Guam daylight time(关岛日光时间)、Guam standard time(关岛标准时间)等常见短语中出现较多。

Guam daylight time关岛日光时间
Guam standard time关岛标准时间


1. Guam was a refresher program. (翻译:在关岛读了进修计划 Guam was a refresher program.)

2. What was the name of the resort? I'll make sure to avoid it when I go to Guam next month. (翻译:那家度假村叫什么名字?下个月我去关岛时千万不要住到那儿。)

3. And then before that Delaware, Texas, guam and germany. (翻译:然后特拉华之前, 德克萨斯州,关岛和德国。)

4. There's a commercial airliner flying from LA to Guam that is going to go right through our window. (翻译:有一架从洛杉矶 飞往关岛的飞机... ...将会穿越过我们的时空窗口)

5. He fought in the Marshalls and at Guam, was twice wounded, and had received a Silver Star. (翻译:他曾在马绍尔和关岛战斗过,受过两次伤,获得过一枚银星勋章。)

6. I haven't had this much fun since I was in Guam. (翻译:什么疯狂。)

7. A scientist in Guam wrote, "I cried right into my mask," seeing the damage on the reefs. (翻译:一位关岛的科学家写到, “我在我的防护罩里哭了起来,” 当他看到珊瑚礁遭受的破坏时。)

8. This isn't Tarawa, Guam, Tinian, or Saipan. (翻译:这可不是塔拉瓦岛 关岛 提尼安岛 或者塞班岛)

9. So, Andrew Wight came up with a crazy, potentially brilliant idea that since we're heading to Guam to dive the Challenger Deep, we're going to be going right through Papua New Guinea. (翻译:安德鲁韦特想出一个 疯狂的绝妙点子 既然我们要往关岛方向)

10. Guam Senator Guthertz supports the move of more Marines to the island but faces other questions from her constituents. (翻译:关岛的参议员古塞兹支持在岛上部署更多的驻军,但是其选民有很多问题到目前为止还没有答案。)

11. So you came HonoIuIu-Guam-Pago-here? (翻译:所以你从 檀香山 -关岛 -巴哥 然后到这儿?)

12. As part of the treaty, the United States pledged not to expand its naval facilities in the Philippines, Guam, Wake Island, or the Aleutians. (翻译:该条约的内容还包括,美国保证不扩大其在菲律宾、关岛、威克岛或阿留申群岛的海军设施。)

13. Guam and Wake look to be goners, probably be operational Jap air bases within a week. (翻译:关岛和维克岛很可能失守 它们也许在一星期之内就会变成 鬼子的前哨空军基地了)

14. To find the nuclear sub that lost contact off Guam, the Japanese government decided to dispatch a search party. (翻译:为了拯救在关岛外海失去联络的 美国原子能潜水艇 政府根据美日和平条约)

15. The second chain of islands runs from the Bonins along the Marianas, Guam and Palau, forming a north-south line east of Japan and the Philippines. (翻译:第二岛链自小笠原群岛算起,沿马里亚纳群岛和关岛一路延伸到帕劳群岛,在日本和菲律宾以东构成一条南北走向的岛链。)



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