staff是什么意思 staff的中文翻译、读音、例句

staff是什么意思 staff的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:staff可以指员工,员工队伍,拐杖等。作为动词,可以表示为某人提供工作人员。

2. 用途:在职场和学校等场合,staff常用于指代整个工作人员团队或职工队伍。在医疗场合,staff可以指代手术护士或者机构的全体医生。

3. 构成词组:在staff后面可以加上不同的形容词或动词构成词组,例如:staff meeting(员工会议),staff reduction(裁员),staff up(聘请新人)等。


1. Our school has a staff of 50 teachers and administrators.(我们学校有50名教师和行政人员。)

2. The hospital has a team of skilled medical staff available 24/7.(医院有一支技术娴熟的医疗团队,可随时提供服务。)

3. The company announced a staff reduction due to financial difficulties.(公司因财务困难宣布要裁员。)

4. We had a staff meeting yesterday to discuss the upcoming project.(昨天我们开了一次员工会议,讨论接下来的项目。)

5. The CEO is planning to staff up the marketing department with new hires.(CEO计划聘请新人扩大市场部门的规模。)



1. My boss is grateful for the hard work of the staff. (我的老板非常感激员工们的努力工作。)

2. The store is short-staffed today, so the service may be slower than usual. (今天店内人手不足,服务可能会比平时慢。)

3. Every staff member is required to attend the meeting. (每一位员工都必须参加会议。)

4. The hospital has a large staff of doctors, nurses, and technicians. (这家医院有一支庞大的医生、护士和技术人员团队。)

5. Our company values the opinions and feedback of our staff. (我们公司看重员工的意见和反馈。)

6. The school has hired additional staff to help with the upcoming event. (学校聘请了额外的工作人员来协助即将到来的活动。)

7. The staff are responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the building. (员工们负责确保建筑物的安全和保卫。)

8. The company provides staff with regular training and development opportunities. (公司提供员工定期培训和发展机会。)

9. Staff motivation is an important factor in improving productivity. (员工动力是提高生产力的重要因素。)





1. Our staff is the backbone of our company.


2. The company has a staff of over 500 people.


3. The staff have been working hard to meet the deadline.


staff在中文中有"五线谱 、杆"的意思,在英美地区还有"配备人员"的意思,发音音标为[stɑ:f],staff常被用作名词,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到44个与staff相关的例句。



例句:- I was sending an e-mail to you, but accidently sent it to Sloan Sabbith, but I either did or didn't type the asterisk and it went to staff instead of Sloan. (然后就发给员工而非斯隆了 {\3cH202020}and it went to staff instead of Sloan.)


例句:You stole the Staff of Moses. (你偷了摩西之杖 {\3cH202020}You stole the staff of moses.)


例句:Can you dig up Australian Consulate staff? (你能挖出澳大利亚领事成员? Can you dig up Australian Consulate staff?)


例句:The finest fighting staff there is. (翻译:世上现存的最强的战斗法杖 The finest fighting staff there is.)


staff一般作为名词使用,如在it staff(资讯职员)、on the staff(在职的,编制内的)、the staff([法]参谋人员)等常见短语中出现较多。

it staff资讯职员
on the staff在职的,编制内的
the staff[法]参谋人员
diplomatic staff外交工作人员
drop staff落下式手制动轴
editorial staff编辑部
domestic staff[网络] 家务员
divisable staff旋分路签
employed staff[劳经] 雇佣职员


1. Can you dig up Australian Consulate staff? (翻译:你能挖出澳大利亚领事成员? Can you dig up Australian Consulate staff?)

2. The finest fighting staff there is. (翻译:世上现存的最强的战斗法杖 The finest fighting staff there is.)

3. His staff knew for a long time that pills were going missing. (翻译:-seizure meds. 他的员工很早就知道 His staff knew for a long time)

4. Because she was voting for you. She found you. (翻译:that your staff talked about you behind your back at the dessert table.)

5. Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. (翻译:thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.)

6. Moses says, "It's a staff. It's a shepherd's staff." (翻译:摩西说:“一根棍子, 是一根牧羊人的棍子。” )

7. I am not appointing her to my joint chiefs of staff. (翻译:不是任命她为 I am not appointing her to 联合参谋长。my joint chiefs of staff.)

8. This is Amy Brookheimer, my chief of staff. (翻译:这是Amy Brookheimer,我的参谋长。This is Amy Brookheimer, my chief of staff.)

9. When does my chief of staff get here? (翻译:我的幕僚长什么时候到 When does my chief of staff get here?)

10. Your staff will be brought up separately. (翻译:I need him with me. 你的部下会被分别送去 Your staff will be brought up separately.)

11. I like to spend extra time with the applicants, (翻译:我让其他员工都放长假去了 Oh, I gave the rest of the staff a long weekend.)

12. 80,000 staff, billion-a-year budget. (翻译:八万员工 每年十亿预算 80,000 staff, billion -a -year budget.)

13. Chief of Staff will see you now. (翻译:out here on a school night? 幕僚长要见你们 Chief of Staff will see you now.)

14. Now open the process editor to see that a staff action is implemented by the Aprice human task. (翻译:现在打开流程编辑器,可以看到 Staff 操作已由 Aprice 人工任务实现。)

15. - Sack the ancillary staff. (翻译:裁掉后勤工人 也不行 工会不同意 Sack the ancillary staff.)



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