mirroring是什么意思 mirroring的中文翻译、读音、例句

mirroring是什么意思 mirroring的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:'mirroring'是指将一个设备的数据复制到另一个设备上以保护数据的过程。在计算机网络,数据镜像指将一个磁盘的内容完全复制到另一个磁盘上以获得冗余备份的过程,以确保数据不会丢失。

2. 应用:'Mirroring'常用于企业和组织中,以保护数据免于意外损失。这种方式也常常在安全数据备份和数据恢复时使用。

3. 类型:数据镜像通常分为两种:硬件镜像和软件镜像。 硬件镜像是通过使用磁盘阵列、RAID和SAN等存储设备来实现的。 而软件镜像则是通过操作系统或第三方软件来实现的。

4. 优点:使用数据镜像可以确保数据安全性,从而让企业和组织避免了数据损失造成的经济损失。此外,数据镜像还可以提高数据的可用性,从而提升企业业务的连续性和效率。

5. 示例:以下是5个中英文例句:

(1) The company uses data mirroring to ensure the safety of their data. - 这家公司使用数据镜像来确保其数据的安全。

(2) Our system uses hardware mirroring to ensure data redundancy. - 我们的系统使用硬件镜像来确保数据的冗余备份。

(3) The IT team is responsible for setting up and maintaining data mirroring. - IT团队负责设置和维护数据镜像。

(4) A software mirroring tool can be used to create backup copies of data. - 可以使用软件镜像工具来创建数据的备份副本。

(5) Implementing data mirroring can significantly reduce the risk of data loss. - 实施数据镜像可以显著降低数据丢失的风险。

mirroring 的中文翻译为“镜像”,读音为 /'mɪrərɪŋ/。


1. The website uses mirroring to backup its data.


2. The painting on the wall is a mirroring of the artist's emotions.


3. The two sides of the river are mirroring each other in the sunlight.





例句:Then another body appears, this time mirroring Mike Franks' murder. (然后另一具尸体出现 这次模仿了Mike Franks的谋杀)


例句:If you connect to a server instance using dbm_monitor permissions, Database Mirroring Monitor informs you that you have limited permissions. (如果使用dbm_monitor权限连接到服务器实例,数据库镜像监视器将提示您的权限有限。)


mirroring一般作为名词使用,如在disc mirroring(磁碟镜像)、disk mirroring([计] 磁盘镜象)、drive mirroring(驱动镜像)等常见短语中出现较多。

disc mirroring磁碟镜像
disk mirroring[计] 磁盘镜象
drive mirroring驱动镜像
memory mirroring[网络] 内存镜像;内存镜象技术;内存镜像功能
port mirroring端口镜像
screen mirroring三星镜像软件(Screen Mirroring)\n屏幕镜像
synchronous mirroring[网络] 同步镜像;同步镜射;远程漫游用户
video mirroring[网络] 镜像输出;镜像视频;镜像视频输出


1. Hence the name, mirroring. (翻译:因此,名称为镜像。)

2. For this reason, do not use disk mirroring as a substitute for keeping current backups of important data on your servers. (翻译:由于这个原因,请不要使用磁盘镜像来代替对服务器上重要的数据进行及时的备份。)

3. With glaciers and majestic mountains running into the mirroring fjords and lakes, Norway is world-famous for its beautiful scenery. (翻译:像镜子一般的峡湾和湖泊点缀在冰川和雄伟的高山中,就这样挪威以其独特的风景而全世界闻名。)

4. Nyota had such a male babysitter himself, so researchers suspect he is mirroring that good care. (翻译:Nyota就像一个职业的保姆一样,所以研究人员认为他对Taco的照顾是一种对成长历程的反映。)

5. If there is disk mirroring, they may be mapped to one LPs that points to two or more PPs. (翻译:如果存在磁盘镜像,则会将镜像映射到指向一个或更多PP的LP上。)

6. Write cache mirroring: disabled. (翻译:Write cache mirroring:禁用。)

7. This is like, if you're familiar with any of the telepresence robots today -- this is mirroring that situation. (翻译:就像,如果你熟悉任何现有的远程呈现机器人的话 -- 这与那种情形相似。)

8. The train station is a red and white brick building, mirroring the style of Mughal-era architecture, if not its magnificence and antiquity. (翻译:火车站是栋红白两色的砖墙建筑,如果不是遵循莫卧儿王朝时代的宏广的规模和古典气息,至少也是模仿了那个时代的建筑风格。)

9. Spears' log-in history, recording the download records, And mirroring the files. (翻译:Spears的登录历史 拷贝下载记录 然后镜像所有文件)

10. Mr. Curtis suggests mirroring the language of the company when crafting your replies to the ad. (翻译:柯蒂斯建议说,在回复招聘广告的时候,要尽量使你的语言符合这家公司的语言习惯。)

11. Mirroring the conclusions of the first programme, The Great Levelling? , we were the gatekeepers that curated the content that people saw. (翻译:结论在第一集——《大平台》中的得到体现,我们是信息的传递者,策划着人们看到的内容。)

12. The form of authentication used for database mirroring by a server instance is a property of its database mirroring endpoint. (翻译:服务器实例对数据库镜像使用的验证形式是其数据库镜像端点的一种属性。)

13. The mirroring process can take some time. (翻译:这个镜像过程需要一些时间。)

14. Some netspeak words were born out of social events, mirroring the pulse of society. (翻译:还有一些网络流行词来源于一些社会事件,反映了时代的脉搏。)

15. For the next year, the actress' travails seemed to play out on a split screen, with tabloid stories mirroring Aniston's movie titles. (翻译:第xx年,小报用安妮斯顿拍的电影名字影射她的生活,这位女星挑战大银幕的努力似乎白费了。)



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