higanbana是什么意思 higanbana的中文翻译、读音、例句

higanbana是什么意思 higanbana的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇解释:

'higanbana'是日语中的一个词汇,英文翻译为‘red spider lily’,是一种鲜红色的秋季花卉,通常在墓地和庄严的场合中种植。



3. 用法示例:


- She was collecting higanbana to decorate her house for the autumn season. 她正在收集彼岸花来布置她家的秋季装饰。

- Visitors flock to see the higanbana in full bloom at the local cemetery. 游客们蜂拥而至,欣赏当地公墓中盛开的彼岸花。

- The beauty of the higanbana is often contrasted with its association with death. 彼岸花的美丽常常与它与死亡的联系形成对比。



higanbana的中文翻译是彼岸花(bǐ'àn huā)。

读音为hì gān bàn à。


1. 秋天的时候,公园里的彼岸花开得十分鲜艳。

During autumn, the higanbana in the park bloom brightly.

2. 纪念日时,日本人会在墓地放上彼岸花。

On memorial day, Japanese people place higanbana on graves.




例句:They won't compute the total distance Figge swam until after she completes the journey, her friend David Hig don said. (她的朋友大卫higdon说他们不会在她完成旅行后计算总的路程。)


例句:But that's the point. Bana looks us straight in the eye and asks us to save her, please. (但这就是关键。芭娜在直视着我们的眼睛,请求我们救她,求求你们。)


例句:In addition, technological improvements, such as hig-seed modems, are crucial. (此外,诸如高速的调制解调器等技术改进也至关重要。)


higanbana一般作为名词使用,如在Higanbana(彼岸花 电影名)等常见短语中出现较多。

Higanbana彼岸花 电影名


1. In addition, technological improvements, such as hig-seed modems, are crucial. (翻译:此外,诸如高速的调制解调器等技术改进也至关重要。)

2. We also established Shanghai Inty Linghting Hig-Tech Company in Shanghai. (翻译:并在上海成立“上海映天照明科技有限公司”。)

3. According to the production practice, the infection of X. furcata occurred during the casing period when X. furcata spores dropped on the casing and germinated at hig… (翻译:结合生产实践推断,叉状炭角菌的侵染发生在覆土期,侵染源来自空气中的孢子,其萌发与鸡腿蘑菌圃的温度有关。)

4. The pole is hig-dip galvanized, plastic sprayed, with anticorrosive paint. Thus, it is wear well, it intergrated viewing and practicality. (翻译:灯柱经喷涂喷塑等抗腐蚀处理后,经久耐用、融观赏性、实用性与一体。)

5. bane , from Old English bana , slayer, cause of ruin or destruction; (翻译:bane,源自古英语bana,杀害,引起毁灭或破坏的;)

6. In 2003, Brad is back in a blockbuster, Troy, where he played alongside Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom and Diane Kruger. (翻译:xx年,布拉德是早在一大片,特洛伊,在那里他一起艾瑞克巴纳,奥兰多布鲁姆和黛安克鲁格扮演。)

7. Ends of the earth can not I watch the distant, Bana can not open the flowers is my perception of the eternal. (翻译:天涯海角是我守望不到的遥远,彼岸花开花落是我感知不到的永恒。)

8. Bana sat down, held Babs' hand and stroked her mother's stomach. (翻译:芭娜坐下来,握住芭布斯的手,并且抚摸她妈妈的肚子。)

9. Thermal conductivity increased with higher density of the foams or hig. . . (翻译:随着泡沫材料密度增大或测试温度升高,聚酰亚胺泡沫的导热系数增大。)

10. Economic growth of high quality with hig S&T added value is a precondition to maintain practical, sustainable and fast economic growth. (翻译:具备高科技附加值的高质量经济增长是维持经济实质性增长的前提,更是对经济持久、快速增长的完善。)

11. If any of us get laid tonight, it's because of Eric Bana in Munich. (翻译:如果今晚我们当中有人操了,那都是托了《慕尼黑》里埃里克・巴纳的福)

12. Then Bana rose up and looked at us and moved to Babs' other side, tucked her head under the other arm, and stroked Babs' stomach. (翻译:然后,芭娜站起来,看看我们,走到芭布斯的另一侧,把头伸进芭布斯的另一只胳膊下,摩挲芭布斯的肚子。)

13. With the help of hig technology, we can then remain powerful. (翻译:有了高科技的帮助,我们才能保持强大。)

14. For example, in the Dyirbal language, spoken in northeast Queensland, water is "bana" in the everyday language but "jujama" in avoidance speech. (翻译:比如,在昆士兰东北部的迪尔巴尔语中,日常用语中表示水的词是“bana”,回避语言中则是“jujama”。)

15. Transmits by hig precision gear. (翻译:高精度研磨齿轮传动。)

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