london olympic是什么意思 london olympic的中文翻译、读音、例句

london olympic是什么意思 london olympic的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 比赛的日期和时间:'London Olympic'指的是xx年xx月在伦敦举行的奥林匹克运动会,因此它的时间和日期是确定的。


- The opening ceremony of the London Olympic was held on July 27th, 2012.

- The London Olympic took place from July 27th to August 12th, 2012.

- The London Olympic closing ceremony was on August 12th, 2012.

2. 参赛国家和地区:'London Olympic'是一项国际体育赛事,吸引了来自世界各地的许多国家和地区的选手参加。


- Athletes from over 200 countries and regions competed in the London Olympic.

- The London Olympic brought together teams from all over the world.

- The London Olympic was a truly global event, with athletes from all continents taking part.

3. 运动项目:'London Olympic'包含了许多不同的运动项目,包括田径、游泳、体操、篮球、足球等等。


- The London Olympic had a total of 302 events in 26 sports.

- Athletics was one of the most popular sports at the London Olympic.

- Gymnastics was one of the most watched sports at the London Olympic.

4. 组织方面:'London Olympic'是一个庞大的组织,需要协调和管理许多方面,包括场馆、安保、交通、志愿者等等。


- The organizers of the London Olympic faced many challenges, but they were able to put on a successful event.

- The volunteers at the London Olympic played a crucial role in making the games run smoothly.

- The London Olympic saw a huge investment in infrastructure, including the building of new venues and the improvement of transportation links.


1. The London Olympic was a historic event, bringing together athletes from around the world to compete in a spirit of friendly competition.('London Olympic'是一项具有历史意义的活动,吸引了来自世界各地的运动员在友好竞争的氛围下比赛。)

2. The London Olympic was a great opportunity for the city to showcase its cultural and architectural heritage.('London Olympic'是展示伦敦文化和建筑遗产的绝佳机会。)

3. The London Olympic was an inspiration to young people around the world, encouraging them to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals.('London Olympic'是鼓励世界各地的年轻人追求自己的梦想和实现目标的一种启示。)

4. The London Olympic brought together people from all walks of life, united by a shared love of sport and a desire to celebrate human achievement.('London Olympic'将来自各行各业的人们聚集在一起,他们共同热爱运动,希望庆祝人类的成就。)

5. The London Olympic was a triumph for the organizers and volunteers who worked tirelessly to make the games a success.('London Olympic'是组织者和志愿者不懈努力使比赛取得成功的胜利。)

- 中文翻译:伦敦奥运会

- 读音:lún dūn ào yùn huì

- 例句:

1. 我们一起去看伦敦奥运会吧!(Let's go watch the London Olympics together!)

2. 伦敦奥运会是一个很难得的机会,让世界各地的人们相聚在一起。(The London Olympics is a rare opportunity to bring people from all over the world together.)

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