adversely是什么意思 adversely的中文翻译、读音、例句

adversely是什么意思 adversely的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义: adverb. Adversely指的是以负面的、不利的方式。


词组搭配:adversely affect (负面影响), adversely impact (不利影响), adversely affected (受到不利影响), adversely affected area (受到不利影响的地区), adversely affected community (受到不利影响的社区)




1. The company's decision to lay off employees will adversely affect the local economy.(该公司裁员的决定将会对当地经济产生不利影响。)

2. The medical treatment adversely impacted his physical condition.(这种医疗方法对他的身体状况产生了不利的影响。)

3. The earthquake adversely affected the city's infrastructure.(地震对该城市的基础设施造成了不利的影响。)

4. Poor weather conditions can adversely affect crop yields.(恶劣的天气条件会对庄稼的产量产生不利的影响。)

5. The budget cuts will adversely affect public services.(预算削减将会对公共服务产生不利的影响。)

英 [ædˈvɜːsli] 美 [ædˈvɜrsli]

副词 对立地;不利地;敌对地


1. Smoking adversely affects your health.


2. The economic situation has been adversely affected by the pandemic.


3. The decision will adversely affect the company's reputation.





例句:During that time, cold winters, ashfall from volcanic eruptions, and plagues adversely affected the population several times. (在那期间,寒冷的冬天,及来自火山爆发的灰沉降层和瘟疫,几次影响了人口的增长。)


例句:The removal of pergolide products is not expected to adversely affect patient care because of the alternative therapies available. (培高利特的撤市希望对患者的治疗不会产生不利的影响,因为有其它的治疗药物可选择。)


例句:Last time the county seat moved, it did not adversely affect the culture, and this time the culture moved to its death. (上一次搬迁就没触动文化,这次搬文化就死绝了?)


1. Last time the county seat moved, it did not adversely affect the culture, and this time the culture moved to its death. (翻译:上一次搬迁就没触动文化,这次搬文化就死绝了?)

2. We commented adversely upon the imbecility of that message of telegraphic style. (翻译:我们对着这条电报式的愚蠢的留言发泄了一通不满。)

3. All of these researchers were stating that racism was a factor adversely impacting blacks, but they provided no evidence. (翻译:所有的研究人员 都声称种族歧视 对黑人的健康有害, 但是他们没有拿出证据。)

4. Such recommended dosed do not adversely affect the quality of most fruits and vegetables. (翻译:这样的推荐剂量对绝大多数水果和蔬菜的质量没有不良影响。)

5. Generating many UI elements when only a few elements might be on the screen can adversely affect the performance of your application. (翻译:如果在可能只有少量元素显示在屏幕上时生成多个UI元素,则会对应用程序的性能产生负面影响。)

6. How could they offer a warrantee if simply changing climates would adversely affect them? (翻译:如果是简单的气候变化就能影响到这些钢琴的话,那他们是怎样提供保修的? )

7. Another suggested, even more alarmingly, that clashing colour schemes might adversely affect "salivation". (翻译:另外一种说法甚至更让人吃惊,认为冲突的配色方案可能会对“唾液分泌”产生有害影响。)

8. Mrs. Gotoh, do you think having a kid adversely affected your life? (翻译:后藤 你有没有想过 自己为了孩子牺牲了很多呢)

9. Personality tests are easy to be faked and faking have adversely affected the validity of personality tests. (翻译:被试很容易对人格测验作假,这严重影响了人格测验的有效性。)

10. The incidence of umbilical cord acidemia and anoxemia increased significantly in the cases with the factors which could adversely affect maternal and fetal blood gas values. (翻译:在存有影响母儿血气因素时,发生脐动脉酸血症及低氧血症的病例显著增加。)

11. Prognosis is frequently adversely affected by misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis of this tumor, which is often amelanotic. (翻译:预后不利影响,经常误诊和延迟诊断的肿瘤,而这往往是无。)

12. The slowing global economy impacts adversely every IT company around the world undermining the profit margin of every industry player. (翻译:全球经济放缓令每一家从事资讯科技业务的公司均面对利润下降的困境。)

13. "The Board is confident that the Company's operations will not be adversely affected by Mr. Tang's current condition, " the Belle said. (翻译:百丽国际表示:“董事会相信,公司业务不会因为邓先生目前的状况受到不利影响。”)

14. A pileup could adversely impact technical, cost, and schedule baselines. (翻译:一个连续相撞可能会严重影响技术、成本,以及进度基线。)

15. STIs adversely affect the health of women. (翻译:性传播感染对女性健康的不良影响。)

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