1. 定义和常见用途
'mwm' 是一个缩写词,它可以代表多个短语或术语,例如:
- Man Woman Marriage:男女婚姻
- Motif Window Manager:Motif窗口管理器
- Multilingual Webmail:多语言Webmail
- Minimum Weight Matching:最小重量匹配
- Micron Water Management:微米级水管理
2. 男女婚姻相关的例句:
- The group is working to promote MWM as the best solution for strong and healthy family relationships.这个团队正在努力将男女婚姻作为维护强大和健康家庭关系的最佳解决方案。
- MWM is a religion- and culture-neutral approach to marriage. 男女婚姻是一种宗教和文化中立的婚姻方式。
- I believe that MWM can be a source of great happiness for many couples when approached with mutual respect, love, and understanding. 我相信,当夫妻之间相互尊重、爱和理解时,男女婚姻可以成为许多夫妻获得巨大幸福的源泉。
3. Motif窗口管理器相关的例句:
- MWM is a lightweight and efficient window manager that is compatible with the basic X11 protocol. MWM是一个轻量级高效的窗口管理器,与基本的X11协议兼容。
- This version of MWM includes a new, user-friendly graphical interface that simplifies customization and configuration.这个版本的MWM包括一个新的、用户友好的图形界面,简化了定制和配置。
- The Motif Window Manager provides a stable and reliable environment for X applications on Unix and Linux systems. Motif窗口管理器为Unix和Linux系统上的X应用程序提供了稳定和可靠的环境。
4. 多语言Webmail相关的例句:
- Our company offers multilingual webmail services to clients all over the world.我们公司为全世界的客户提供多语言Webmail服务。
- With multilingual webmail, you can easily communicate with customers and colleagues in their preferred language.使用多语言Webmail,您可以轻松地用客户或同事喜欢的语言进行交流。
- Multilingual webmail is particularly useful for businesses that have operations in multiple countries and need to communicate with partners and customers in different languages.多语言Webmail对于在多个国家开展业务,需要用不同语言与合作伙伴和客户交流的企业特别有用。
5. 最小重量匹配相关的例句:
- The MWM algorithm is commonly used in computer science and engineering to solve optimization problems involving weighted graphs. MWM算法通常用于计算机科学和工程中解决涉及带权图的优化问题。
- The MWM problem can be solved efficiently using a variety of algorithms, such as the Hungarian method or the Blossom algorithm. MWM问题可以使用多种算法高效地解决,如匈牙利方法或花式算法。
- The goal of MWM is to find the matching of minimum total weight, i.e., the pairing that minimizes the sum of weights of matched edges. MWM的目标是找到最小总重量的匹配,即最小化匹配边的权重之和的配对。
1. MWM是一个公司的缩写,全称为MWM GmbH,是一家德国发电机制造商。
2. MWM还有可能是指“married white male”的缩写,意为已婚白人男性。
3. 在网络语言中,“MWM”也可表示“married with me”。
1. MWM GmbH是一家领先的发电机制造商。
2. He is a MWM who works in the finance industry.(他是一位在金融行业工作的已婚白人男性。)
3. Do you want to get married with me? MWM.(你愿意和我结婚吗?已婚。)
例句:Work with the MWM factories, sub-suppliers, and USA design team to make improvements on product with low Cpk results. (与MWM的工厂,供应商,和美国的设计团队就产品的低Cpk结果进行改善。)
例句:Another observation using MWM is reduced friction. (另一个使用微粒加重材料的观测结果是摩擦的减少。)
mwm一般作为名词使用,如在MWM([网络] 曼海姆;最大权匹配(maximum weight matching);水迷宫试验(Morris Water Maze))等常见短语中出现较多。
MWM | [网络] 曼海姆;最大权匹配(maximum weight matching);水迷宫试验(Morris Water Maze) |