pide是什么意思 pide的中文翻译、读音、例句

pide是什么意思 pide的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Pide作为土耳其面包的名称


- I love the smell of fresh pide in the morning.

- We went to a local bakery to buy some pide for our picnic.

- My favorite Turkish dish is pide with cheese and spinach.

2. PIDE作为缩写词


- PIDE stands for Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.

- The PIDE report on the state of the economy was released yesterday.

- Do you know what PIDE stands for in the context of government agencies?

3. Pide作为动词


- Can I pide you for a favor and ask you to pick up my package?

- She pided her boss for a raise, but he refused.

but I can't pide you to stay any longer.


- I love the smell of fresh pide in the morning.(早上,我喜欢新鲜的皮德面包的味道。)

- The PIDE report on the state of the economy was released yesterday.(昨天PIDE关于经济状况的报告发布了。)

- Can I pide you for a favor and ask you to pick up my package?(我可以请求你帮个忙,去拿我的包裹吗?)

- We went to a local bakery to buy some pide for our picnic.(我们去了当地的面包店,为野餐买了一些皮德面包。)

- My favorite Turkish dish is pide with cheese and spinach.(我最喜欢的土耳其菜是加有奶酪和菠菜的皮德面包。)





1. I had a delicious pide for lunch today.


2. The pide is a popular street food in Turkey.





例句:Breads like lavash, naan, and pide are all different and wonderful varieties of Middle Eastern breads. (像薄脆饼、圆盘状烤饼都是很好吃的中东面包类食品。)


例句:You said the girls legs Pide too early? (你说女孩子腿劈得太早? )


例句:All the African countries with a large Muslim-Christian pide seem ripe to split up someday. Nigeria seems a good example. (一旦时机成熟,所有非洲国家都会因为穆斯林——基督教的对立而分裂,尼日利亚就是一个范例。)


1. All the African countries with a large Muslim-Christian pide seem ripe to split up someday. Nigeria seems a good example. (翻译:一旦时机成熟,所有非洲国家都会因为穆斯林——基督教的对立而分裂,尼日利亚就是一个范例。)

2. The PIDE knows everything about it. (翻译:秘密警察知道关于它的一切。The PIDE knows everything about it.)

3. The pupil could add and subtract but hadn't learned to pide. (翻译:这名小学生能做加法和减法,但还没学会做除法。)

4. I came this way, because one of the PIDE is watching. (翻译:我从这条路来,因为秘密警察在看着。I came this way, because one of the PIDE is watching.)

5. Quickly down the ax, Pide cracking his skull, but no blood flow. (翻译:迅即而下的斧头,劈得他颅骨开裂,却没有血液流出。)

6. A few have been handed over to the PIDE. (翻译:一些人已经被移交给秘密警察。A few have been handed over to the PIDE.)

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