vanguard是什么意思 vanguard的中文翻译、读音、例句

vanguard是什么意思 vanguard的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义


2. 用法

Vanguard通常作为名词使用,也可以做形容词。例如,可以用vanguard company来形容某个行业的领先公司。

3. 派生词

vanguardism (名词):先锋主义

vanguardist (名词):先锋主义者

4. 例句

1. The vanguard of the army marched boldly into the enemy stronghold. (先锋部队勇敢地向敌人据点行进。)

2. This company is at the vanguard of sustainable energy research. (这家公司处于可持续能源研究的前沿。)

3. The vanguardist is someone who is willing to take risks and be the first to try something new. (先锋主义者是愿意冒险尝试新事物的人。)

4. The vanguard company in the tech industry is always at the forefront of innovation. (科技行业的领先公司总是在创新的前沿。)

5. The vanguard of the environmental movement is calling for urgent action to address climate change. (环保运动的先锋部队呼吁紧急采取行动解决气候变化问题。)

5. 词源

Vanguard源于古法语中的avant-garde,意为先锋部队,后来被借用到英语中,并且发生了变化。在词源上,vanguard包含了 avant(前面的)和 garde(部队)两个词。


1. The artist's work is always at the vanguard of contemporary art. (这位艺术家的作品总是处于当代艺术的前沿。)

2. The soldiers in the vanguard were the first to storm the enemy's stronghold. (先锋部队的士兵们是最先冲进敌人的堡垒的。)

3. The company is at the vanguard of technological innovation in the industry. (这家公司处于本行业技术创新的前沿。)




例句:When the battle commences, you and your wildlings will be in the vanguard. (开战的时候, 我打算把你和你那群野人... When the battle commences, you and your wildlings 放在前锋的位置.)


例句:We move on with waivers and promises, yet I say: "We're the vanguard". (我们不断放弃一些权利 又得到一些承诺 想说 我们都是先驱者)


例句:Pick a travel company at the vanguard of these changes, and you're likelier to be heard. (因此,要选择处于领先地位的旅游公司,你的意见被听取的可能性会更高。)


例句:Project Vanguard: A launchpad explosion thwarts the first United States attempt to launch a satellite. (翻译:年,先驱计划:一次发射架爆炸事件使美国第一次试图发射卫星的计划受阻。)


vanguard一般作为名词使用,如在in the vanguard(先驱者(书名,in The Vanguard)\n作为先驱\n处于前列)、the vanguard([网络] 末日先锋;先驱;勇者先锋)、vanguard container(un. 范格型集装箱)等常见短语中出现较多。

in the vanguard先驱者(书名,in The Vanguard)\n作为先驱\n处于前列
the vanguard[网络] 末日先锋;先驱;勇者先锋
vanguard containerun. 范格型集装箱
vanguard technology先进技术,先进生产工艺


1. Pick a travel company at the vanguard of these changes, and you're likelier to be heard. (翻译:因此,要选择处于领先地位的旅游公司,你的意见被听取的可能性会更高。)

2. Project Vanguard: A launchpad explosion thwarts the first United States attempt to launch a satellite. (翻译:年,先驱计划:一次发射架爆炸事件使美国第一次试图发射卫星的计划受阻。)

3. Copy that, MET Team. This is Vanguard 6 and TF221. (翻译:收到,麦特小队 这里是前锋6号和TF221直升机)

4. By helping pitchers maximize efficiency, ASMI has emerged at the vanguard of a new wave of sports medicine. (翻译:因为帮助投手们投出最有效的球,美国运动医学协会已成为运动医学这股新潮流的先驱。)

5. Vanguard and BlackRock -- together, they manage trillions. (翻译:先锋集团和黑石集团, 他们一起管理着百亿的资产。)

6. Vanguard founder John Bogle suggests 8% a year as a reasonable return. (翻译:先锋公司创始人约翰·博格尔建议,8%的年回报率是比较合理的。)

7. At two o'clock, the ten fire ships will ram Cao Cao's fleet burning through their vanguard (翻译:丑时三刻 黄盖率领十艘火船冲击曹军船阵 将正面烧开)

8. Japan's non-consuming youth was at the "vanguard of the downsizing movement" , he said. (翻译:他表示,日本不消费的年轻人是“经济规模缩减的主力军”。)

9. - Hey, before I forget, um, my band and I are playing at the Vanguard tonight, and it is going to rock. (翻译:在我忘.了之前 我和毅乐.7l今关。龟上在 va叼、以瘤出)

10. These are gateway species, vanguard species that open the door for other biological communities. (翻译:这些是入关物种, 为其它生物群体打开大门的先锋物种。)

11. Because I learned to defeat the attack, weak, spiritless , And I will have these precious life experience to continue the vanguard! (翻译:因为我学会了战胜打击,软弱,懦弱,并且我将带着这些宝贵的人生经验继续前行!)

12. At the vanguard of technology. (翻译:军备处于科技的先锋阶段 at the vanguard of technology.)

13. The North Korean army now has the 766th Vanguard Troops and 5 divisions. (翻译:现在人民军706部队5师团 正在朝浦港侵入 这样下去 留在那的学生兵绝对会惨遭杀害的)

14. Take the 766th Vanguard Troops, and order them to swim across the river. (翻译:706突击部队 将损失控制到最少 立即渡江)

15. The failure of Pioneer 0, the Vanguard rockets failed ... (翻译:美国有登月探测的探险者0号飞船失事 前锋计划的火箭失事)



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