ayer是什么意思 ayer的中文翻译、读音、例句

ayer是什么意思 ayer的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义:'ayer'是西班牙语中表示“昨天”的词语,也可以是英文中“all your equipment's ready”的缩写。


- Ayer fui al cine con mis amigos. (Yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends.)

- The ayer system enables real-time monitoring of a patient's vital signs. (Ayer系统可以实时监测患者的生命体征。)

2. 词性:'ayer'是一个副词,表示时间。


- Ayer estudié durante seis horas. (Yesterday I studied for six hours.)

- I saw him ayer, and he didn't seem too happy. (我昨天见到他,他似乎不太开心。)

3. 派生:'ayer'还可以派生出其他词形,如'ayer mismo'表示“就在昨天”,'anteayer'表示“前天”。


- Ayer mismo compré este libro. (I bought this book just yesterday.)

- Fui a la playa antesdeayer. (I went to the beach the day before yesterday.)

4. 反义词:'ayer'的反义词是'mañana',表示“明天”。


- Vamos a salir de viaje mañana. (We're going to leave on a trip tomorrow.)

- I'll finish this report tomorrow since I didn't have time ayer. (我明天会完成这份报告。)

5. 缩写词:'ayer'是'all your equipment's ready'的缩写,常用于军事和警察领域。


- Make sure ayer before leaving for the mission. (在出发执行任务之前,请确保所有装备都准备就绪。)

- Ayer, I checked all my gear before the operation. (我在行动前检查了我的所有装备。)



1. Ayer fuimos al cine.(昨天我们去看电影了。)

2. Hace frío como ayer.(今天像昨天一样冷。)

3. Ayer comí pizza.(昨天我吃了披萨。)

4. Ayer no pude ir a la reunión.(昨天我不能去参加会议。)

5. ¿Qué hiciste ayer?(你昨天干了什么?)

6. Ayer me levanté tarde.(昨天我起床晚了。)

7. Ayer compré un libro nuevo.(昨天我买了一本新书。)

8. Ayer llovió todo el día.(昨天整天都在下雨。)

9. Ayer aprendí algo nuevo en la clase de español.(昨天我在西班牙语课上学了新的东西。)


读音:yesterday /yɛstərdeɪ/


1. Ayer fui al cine con mis amigos.


2. ¿Qué hiciste ayer por la tarde?


3. Ayer me levanté temprano para ir al trabajo.





例句:In fact, Obama held one of his first meetings of his political career in Bill Ayer's living room. (事实上,奥巴马政治生涯的最初几次会议是在艾瑞斯的客厅里召开的。)


例句:No human being could fail to be deeply moved by such a tribute as this ayer Award. (这样的荣誉是没有人不深受感动的。)


例句:Still, I knew very little about Ayer other than what I recalled from snippets on BBC question time. (除了回想起BBC“提问时间”节目里的只言片语,我对艾耶尔仍旧知之甚少。)


ayer一般作为名词使用,如在Gunung Ayer([地名] 古农亚逸 ( 马来 ))、Telok Ayer Estate([地名] 直落亚逸区 ( 新加 ))、shock 1ayer(激波层)等常见短语中出现较多。

Gunung Ayer[地名] 古农亚逸 ( 马来 )
Telok Ayer Estate[地名] 直落亚逸区 ( 新加 )
shock 1ayer激波层
thin 1ayer assumption薄层假定


1. Still, I knew very little about Ayer other than what I recalled from snippets on BBC question time. (翻译:除了回想起BBC“提问时间”节目里的只言片语,我对艾耶尔仍旧知之甚少。)

2. Once a bit pl ayer, now a realistic, vi able, pollution-free alternative to convention al energy sources. (翻译:以前是个小不点儿,现在成为传统能源的现实可行的无污染替代品。)

3. Ayer vino a mi casa un extranjero. (翻译:昨天有一位外国人来过我家。)

4. Still, I knew very little about Ayer other than what I recalled from snippets on BBC question time. (翻译:除了回想起BBC“提问时间”节目里的只言片语,我对艾耶尔仍旧知之甚少。)

5. He told me he got picked up for a murder in Ayer and that they couldn't pin it on him, and he laughed about it. (翻译:他说他在艾尔市因为涉嫌谋杀而被拘捕了 但是他们不能定罪 他嘲笑他们)

6. A dual ayer array of strip rectangular dipoles structure is investigated, leading to a directivity bandwidth enhancement. (翻译:一双的唉阵列的条更长方形的偶极子结构被调查导致一方向性带宽增强。)

7. Ayer adds that 'the same conclusion may be reached by taking any other of my examples'. (翻译:艾耶尔加上说:“从我的任何一个其他例子都可以得出同样的结论”。)

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