afe是什么意思 afe的中文翻译、读音、例句

afe是什么意思 afe的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义解释:'AFE' 可以代表不同的意思,包括但不限于 "Advanced Front-End"、"Acute Febrile Encephalopathy" 和 "Automated Feature Extraction"。

2. 来源背景:'AFE'是一种缩写词,通常用于科技领域或者医学领域。在英语中,缩写词或者反义词往往可以为长句或者长单词提供便利的替代方式。

3. 使用场景:'AFE'在科技产品、医学文章以及学术研究中经常出现。对于英语学习者,了解这些常用的缩写词可以帮助更好地理解相关领域的专业术语。

4. 样例句子:

- Advanced Front-End (AFE) technology is becoming more prevalent in modern electronics.

现代电子产品中越来越普及Advanced Front-End技术。

- Acute Febrile Encephalopathy (AFE) is a rare but serious condition that affects the brain.


- Automated Feature Extraction (AFE) software can significantly reduce the time it takes to process large amounts of data.


- As an AFE engineer, my job is to design advanced front-end systems for our company's electronic products.


- The researchers used an AFE algorithm to analyze the data collected from the experiment.


5. 注意事项:在使用缩写词或者缩写单词时,需要确保上下文清晰明确,以避免理解上的混淆或者误导。如果不确定某个缩写词的含义,应该查找相关资源以进一步了解。





例句:With frequency bias increasing, estimated bias and variance of adaptive frequency estimator (AFE) enlarge. (随着频偏的增大,自适应频率估计的偏差和方差也随之增大。)


例句:What materials are seen in the maternal circulation following an AFE? (AFE后母体循环中可观察到什么物质? )


例句:The AFE enables four-quadrant operation which feeds back braking energy into the line supply, helping decrease energy consumption. (主动式前端能够使反馈的四象限运行制动能源输入到供应线,帮助降低能源消耗。)


afe一般作为名词使用,如在AFE(模拟前端 羊水栓塞)等常见短语中出现较多。

AFE模拟前端 羊水栓塞


1. The AFE enables four-quadrant operation which feeds back braking energy into the line supply, helping decrease energy consumption. (翻译:主动式前端能够使反馈的四象限运行制动能源输入到供应线,帮助降低能源消耗。)

2. CYDF China Youth Development Foundation AFE Association of Spanish Footballers SRR Social Responsibility Reports (翻译:西班牙足球协会社会责任报告深圳国际奖学金大运会基金会)

3. The AFE's 140msps conversion rate supports resolutions up to SXGA at 75hz refresh rate, while the front end's high input bandwidth ensures sharp images at the highest resolutions. (翻译:AFE的140 MSPS的转换率在75赫兹的刷新率支持高达sxga分辨率,而前端的高输入带宽保证在最高分辨率的清晰图像。)

4. When we afe in good health, death is all but unimaginable. (翻译:在我们生气勃勃、身体健康之时,死亡几乎是无法想象的。)

5. Objective To discuss the forensic identification and significance of amniotic fluid embolism (AFE). (翻译:目的探讨羊水栓塞致死的法医学鉴定和意义。)

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