cleaning up是什么意思 cleaning up的中文翻译、读音、例句

cleaning up是什么意思 cleaning up的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:

“Cleaning up”是一个常用于日常生活和工作中的词汇,其基本含义是指清理、整理、清洁、整顿或排除杂物等。在环保或社会问题方面,它也可以指清除污染物、纠正不良现象或惩罚罪行等。

2. 用途:

“Cleaning up”可以用于很多不同的场景和场合。比如,在日常生活中,我们可以用它来描述我们整理房间、擦洗窗户或洗涤衣物的行为。在办公场所中,我们可以用它来形容我们清理桌面、整理文档或清洁卫生间的行为。在环保和社会问题方面,我们可以用它来描述我们清除海洋垃圾、消除环境污染或惩治犯罪等行为。

3. 技巧:

当使用“cleaning up”时,我们应该注意以下几点:

a. 确定场景:确定使用场景和用途是非常重要的。因为“cleaning up”可以用于很多不同的场景和场合,所以我们需要确保自己使用的含义和语境准确无误。

b. 列举细节:详细列举细节也是非常重要的。如果我们要描述我们的清理行为,那么我们需要列举细节,比如使用的清洁用品、清理的时间、清理过程等,这样可以让人更清楚的了解我们所要表达的含义。

c. 注意语气:语气也是使用“cleaning up”时需要考虑的因素之一。我们可以用积极、消极、批判、支持等不同的语气来表达不同的态度和观点。

4. 例句:


1. 我得把房间清理一下了,太乱了。

2. 在公司里,每个人都应该有清洁桌面的习惯。

3. 我们必须采取措施来清除海洋的垃圾。

4. 他们正在清理那些被洪水淹没的城镇。

5. 政府必须采取行动,惩治那些犯罪的人。


1. I need to clean up my room, it's too messy.

2. In the office, everyone should have the habit of cleaning up their desk.

3. We must take measures to clean up the garbage in the ocean.

4. They are cleaning up the towns that were flooded.

5. The government must take action to punish those who commit crimes.

cleaning up的意思是清理、整理、整顿。读音[kliːnɪŋ ʌp]。


1. We need to start cleaning up the messy room.


2. The government is making efforts to clean up the polluted river.


3. After the party, we spent hours cleaning up the kitchen.


4. The company is undergoing a process of cleaning up its financial records.


cleaning up在英语中代表"清理、收起"的意思,其次还有"正在清理"的意思,单词读音音标为[ˈkli:nɪŋ ʌp],cleaning up常被用作名词,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到60个与cleaning up相关的例句。

Cleaning up的释义


例句:Always following behind, cleaning up the mess in the most efficient way. (来扫去一切 用这种最原始,却最有效的方法)


例句:That means cleaning up the mess you've made, as well as cleaning up yourselves. (这就意味着要把这地方收拾干净 自己也要清洗干净)


例句:- You're selfish! - Fat collector! (煮饭、清洁、洗衣服 with the cooking and the cleaning and the laundry,)


例句:// (翻译://


cleaning up一般作为名词使用,如在cleaning(清洗 清除 去污 大败,清洁 的 形式)、up and up(越来越好; 诚实)、dingot cleaning(直熔锭清理)等常见短语中出现较多。

cleaning清洗 清除 去污 大败,清洁 的 形式
up and up越来越好; 诚实
dingot cleaning直熔锭清理
diphase cleaning双相清洗
dry cleaningn. 干洗
discharge cleaning放电清洗
environmental cleaning[环境] 环境净化
emulsion cleaning乳化脱脂,乳液清洗
electrochemical cleaning电化学清洗


1. - You're selfish! - Fat collector! (翻译:煮饭、清洁、洗衣服 with the cooking and the cleaning and the laundry,)

:// (翻译://

3. I work for her cleaning rooms sometimes. (翻译:我有时给她打扫房间 I work for her cleaning rooms sometimes.)

4. She was running a cleaning route. (翻译:她行事很谨慎 She was running a cleaning route.)

5. When I was cleaning up, Geer took this picture of Darcy. (翻译:我清理时 Geer给Darcy拍了这张照片)

6. The cook has his little servant cleaning up after him. (翻译:厨师有个小仆人跟在后面打扫呢 cleaning up after him.)

7. There was a hazmat team cleaning up the mess, testing the water. (翻译:发现紧急应变小组正在清理现场 在做水测试)

8. The framework of popping up and down to ensure of cleaning rapidly and equably. (翻译:超声波清洗机上、下抛动机构,确保快速均匀清洗。)

9. If I had, you'd be cleaning up a corpse and chasing a rumour. (翻译:如果我那么做,你就等着清理死尸 平息流言吧)

10. Bozeman was up on a footstool, cleaning one of the aquariums with a vacuum tube. (翻译:勃兹曼站在脚凳上,正在用真空管清理其中的一个水族馆箱。)

11. Forget about cleaning up. It's bedtime. (翻译:别管整理的事情了 因为到了睡觉时间了 快点)

12. Big guy barfs, you guys are cleaning it up. (翻译:要是肥仔吐了 你们要给我清干净 Big guy barfs, you guys are cleaning it up.)

13. Or at least I think it's her. (翻译:想找个打扫卫生的工作 looking for some cleaning work.)

14. That's about time they got to around cleaning these places up (翻译

15. He had a chain of Dry cleaning stores. (翻译:他经营干洗连锁店 He had a chain of Dry cleaning stores.)

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