1. 超越常规的或者寻常的
transcendent 这个词通常用来形容那些超越寻常的或者常规的事物。比如,一个非凡的音乐家可以被描述为transcendent。这个词也可以用来形容那些在某些方面超越寻常或常规水平的东西或人。
- He was a transcendent athlete, breaking records in ways that seemed impossible.
- The beauty of the sunset was transcendent, painting the sky in colors beyond description.
- His ideas were transcendent, going beyond what others thought was possible.
2. 超越时间和空间的
transcendent 这个词也可以用来形容那些超越时间和空间的事物。比如,神话中的神或者天使可以被描述为transcendent。这个词也可以形容那些超越时间和空间界限的概念,比如宇宙、无限等。
- The transcendent beauty of the night sky inspired poets and artists throughout history.
- The concept of love is transcendent, existing beyond the confines of time and space.
- The transcendent power of nature can be seen in the mighty force of a hurricane.
3. 超越人类智慧的
transcendent 这个词还可以用来形容那些超越人类智慧的事物。比如,某些科技发明或者医学成就可以被描述为transcendent。这个词也可以形容那些与神灵或者自然力量相关的事物。
- The invention of the internet was a transcendent achievement that changed the world forever.
- The beauty of a flower can be transcendent, revealing a hidden connection to the natural world.
- The transcendent power of the universe is beyond human comprehension.
1. His performance has a transcendent quality that takes the audience to another level of emotional understanding.(他的表演具有超凡的品质,让观众达到了另一个情感理解的层次。)
2. The beauty of the sunset was transcendent, painting the sky in colors beyond description.(日落的美丽是超凡的,用无法形容的颜色点缀着天空。)
3. The invention of the internet was a transcendent achievement that changed the world forever.(互联网的发明是一个超凡的成就,永远改变了世界。)
4. The transcendent power of nature can be seen in the mighty force of a hurricane.(自然的超凡力量可以在强大的飓风中看到。)
5. The concept of love is transcendent, existing beyond the confines of time and space.(爱的概念是超越时空限制的,存在于更高的境界。)
1. The beauty of the painting is transcendent and cannot be described in words. (这幅画的美是超越的,无法用言语描述。)
2. He had a transcendent experience during his meditation and felt connected to the universe. (他在冥想中有了超越性的经历,感受到了与宇宙的联系。)
3. The novel explores transcendent themes such as love, loss, and mortality. (这本小说探索了超越性的主题,如爱、失去和死亡。)
例句:As I said earlier, glamour does not have to be about people, but it has to have this transcendent quality. (就像我之前说的,魅力并非和人沾上关系 但是卓越的品质这一点是不可或缺的。)
例句:Because if you can, that's really transcendent. (如果你能的话 真的很超俗,我知道你不会说出来的)
例句:I was supposed to become something divine, something transcendent. (我本该变得美艳绝伦 I was supposed to become something divine, 变得貌美出众 something transcendent.)
例句:And it was -- the Golden Rule would bring them to the transcendent value that he called "ren," human-heartedness, which was a transcendent experience in itself. (翻译:正是这一黄金原则使人们形成一种超然的价值观,这就是他所谓的仁 也就是人与人之间的关爱。这种关爱本身就是超然的。)
1. I was supposed to become something divine, something transcendent. (翻译:我本该变得美艳绝伦 I was supposed to become something divine, 变得貌美出众 something transcendent.)
2. And it was -- the Golden Rule would bring them to the transcendent value that he called "ren," human-heartedness, which was a transcendent experience in itself. (翻译:正是这一黄金原则使人们形成一种超然的价值观,这就是他所谓的仁 也就是人与人之间的关爱。这种关爱本身就是超然的。)
3. No, the body will drop and I'll go back into the transcendent where I came from. (翻译:不,身体会下降 我会回去到 超然 我从哪里来。)
4. That is, unde the transcendent justice of God, mankind can ultimately achieve justice. (翻译:也即是在上帝超验正义的审视下,人类才能最终能够实现正义。)
5. But every once in a while, very rarely, something would happen, and one of these performers would actually become transcendent. (翻译:偶尔的时候,虽然很少见,但确确实实会发生 某一位舞者会超越当下,超然出世 )
6. It's great that we have these transcendent moments of joy, but they're sometimes pretty quick. (翻译:我们生活中有这些特殊的幸福时刻当然很好, 但是有的时候它们来得快去得快。)
7. Now, the watchers-- this is lawrence konrad's definition-- they want to achieve a transcendent connection between nature... (翻译:现在,观察家 - 这是劳伦斯·康拉德的 定义 - 他们想实现 一种超然的连接 自然...)
8. It will address transcendent qualities in the human consciousness, and sense of human need. (翻译:它也将为人类带来更深层次的精神维度,重新定义人类的需求 )
9. And in fact, we have known for centuries about the transcendent power of solitude. (翻译:事实上,几个世纪以来我们已经非常明白 独处的卓越力量 )
10. We trade the sort of security and safety of a certain level of contentment for these transcendent moments. (翻译:我们用那些安全保险 为我们带来的一定程度上的满意 去交换那些特殊时光。)
11. My transcendent friend Zach here thinks he can steal my little mermaid from me. (翻译:我超凡脱俗的朋友Zach觉得 他能掳走我的小美人鱼)
12. At the time, the strongest emotion was of wonder at the transcendent powers of technology. (翻译:在当时,最强烈的情绪 是惊讶于 科技的无穷力量 )
13. So -- if we don't have the ability to authentically connect, our society increasingly lacks this ability to authentically connect and experience things that are transcendent and beyond ourselves. (翻译:所以—— 如果我们没有能力建立真正的联系, 我们的社会日渐缺乏这种真正联系 和体验超越自己的能力。)
14. But a truly ugly woman, that actually requires discipline and, let me tell you, my friend, done right, a transcendent experience. (翻译:但要干丑女人 才真正是挑战 听我说 朋友 搞得好的话 那可真是欲仙欲死)
15. We are witnessing the last edifying moments of a transcendent being. (翻译:现在我们看到的就是生命完成升华的那一刻。)