sandpit是什么意思 sandpit的中文翻译、读音、例句

sandpit是什么意思 sandpit的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义


2. 常见用途


3. 相关词汇


4. 实际用例


1)The children were playing in the sandpit. 孩子们在沙坑里玩耍。

2)In the playground, there is a sandpit for the children to play with. 在操场上,有一个沙坑供孩子们玩。

3)The volleyball match was played on the sandpit. 排球比赛在沙滩上举行。

4)The child was digging a hole in the sandpit. 孩子在沙坑里挖洞。

5)The builders are digging a large sandpit for the new building site. 建筑工人正在为新建筑工地挖掘一个大的沙坑。



1. The children love playing in the sandpit.(孩子们喜欢在沙坑里玩。)

2. We built a sandpit in our backyard for the kids.(我们在后院为孩子们建了一个沙坑。)

3. The sandpit was filled with toys and buckets.(沙坑里满满的都是玩具和水桶。)

4. The kids spent hours playing in the sandpit.(孩子们在沙坑里玩了几个小时。)

5. Can we bring some more sand to the sandpit?(我们可以再往沙坑里加些沙吗?)

6. The sand in the sandpit was wet and heavy.(沙坑里的沙子湿重。)

7. The sandpit needed to be cleaned out before the party.(聚会前需要清理一下沙坑。)

8. The kids enjoyed building sandcastles in the sandpit.(孩子们喜欢在沙坑里建沙堡。)

9. We covered the sandpit with a tarp to keep the rain out.(我们用帆布覆盖了沙坑,以防雨水进入。)

英 [ˈsændpɪt] 美 [ˈsændpɪt]

n. 沙坑,沙堆;沙池


1. The children were all playing in the sandpit.


2. They dug a deep sandpit and filled it with water.


3. The builders are working on the sandpit to make it safe for the children to play in.





例句:The long-awaited StarCraft II may end up with the community the size of the kinder-garden sandpit. (期待已久的《星际争霸2》可能最终只能获得一个幼儿花园的沙坑那么大的玩家群体。)


例句:There was a sandpit, a seesaw and a swing in the playground. (游乐场上有一处沙坑、一块跷跷板和一个秋千架。)


例句:Ronaldo then moved to the sandpit to work on muscle strengthening exercises along with Paolo Maldini. (罗纳尔多随后跟马尔蒂尼一起到沙坑里做肌肉力量练习。)


例句:I'm not asking people to share nicely in the sandpit. (翻译:我不是要求大家 分享沙滩上玩耍的乐趣。)


1. Ronaldo then moved to the sandpit to work on muscle strengthening exercises along with Paolo Maldini. (翻译:罗纳尔多随后跟马尔蒂尼一起到沙坑里做肌肉力量练习。)

2. I'm not asking people to share nicely in the sandpit. (翻译:我不是要求大家 分享沙滩上玩耍的乐趣。)

3. We were just like boys in a sandpit. (翻译:我们就像泡在沙坑里的男孩一样。)

4. To give the sandpit a colorful touch, our volunteers painted some used tyres and submerged them in sand. (翻译:为了给沙坑增添多彩的童趣,自愿者们又为捐赠的旧轮胎刷上了鲜艳的色彩,并埋进沙里。)

5. Our corporate volunteer FedEx sent a team of 9 employees to work on a sandpit in Wenjiang BDX on Sept. 25th. (翻译:我们的企业志愿者联邦快递于xx月xx日派出9名员工志愿者前往温江北斗星亲子苑修建游乐沙坑。)

6. Then, when your parents went out, you used to take off your clothes and wriggle around in the sandpit. (翻译:等你爸妈出去了 把衣服脱光 然后在沙子里像蛇一样扭来扭去)

7. Kakha Kaladze started working on strength training in the sandpit and then focused on technical exercises. (翻译:卡拉则在沙坑里做力量训练,随后进行了技术训练。)

8. The top priority is no longer freeing the rover from the sandpit, but getting its solar panels pointed more to the sun. (翻译:目前的第一要务已经不是让探测器脱离沙坑了。而是让太阳能板更偏向太阳的方向。)



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