filtration是什么意思 filtration的中文翻译、读音、例句

filtration是什么意思 filtration的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:filtration是指通过过滤器等设备将液体或气体中的杂质分离出来的过程。

2. 相关术语:filtrate(过滤液)、filter(过滤器)、filter paper(滤纸)、filter media(过滤介质)

3. 应用领域:filtration在众多领域都有应用,包括饮用水处理、制药、食品加工、环境保护等。

4. 实际操作:filtration的实际操作中,需要考虑过滤器材质、操作压力、过滤速率等因素。

5. 相关技术:filtration也涉及到一些相关技术,比如膜分离、离心过滤等。


1. Chemical engineers use filtration to separate solid materials from liquids in the manufacturing process.


2. The company uses a filtration system to purify the air in the factory.


3. The filtration process is an important step in ensuring the quality of drinking water.


4. In pharmaceutical manufacturing, filtration is used to remove impurities from drugs.


5. The automotive industry uses filtration to ensure that engine oil and fuel are free from contaminants.




1. Filtration is an important step in water treatment.(过滤是水处理过程中的重要步骤。)

2. The air filtration system in this building is very effective.(这栋建筑物的空气过滤系统非常有效。)

3. The wine was passed through a fine filtration system before being bottled.(这种葡萄酒在装瓶之前经过了精细的过滤系统。)

4. The laboratory uses a filtration technique to separate the different components of a mixture.(实验室使用过滤技术来分离混合物的不同成分。)

5. The coffee machine has a built-in filtration system to remove impurities from the water.(咖啡机内置了一个过滤系统,可以从水中去除杂质。)

6. The pool water is kept clean through regular filtration and chemical treatments.(游泳池水通过定期过滤和化学处理保持清洁。)

7. The company invested heavily in advanced filtration technology to reduce pollution from its factories.(该公司大量投资于先进的过滤技术,以减少工厂的污染。)

8. The oil spill was contained using a combination of booms and filtration devices.(使用围栏和过滤设备的组合来控制油污染。)

9. The aquarium uses a sophisticated filtration system to keep the water clean and healthy for the fish.(水族馆使用复杂的过滤系统来保持鱼类的水源清洁和健康。)





1. The filtration process removes impurities from the water.


2. The air filtration system in the factory is being upgraded.


3. I need to buy a new filter for my aquarium because the current filtration system is not effective enough.





例句:ORP negatively relates to temperature, influent concentration and wastewater filtration rate. (ORP与温度、进水浓度及污水过滤速度均呈负相关关系; )


例句:About 15% of glomerular filtration occurs through the mesangium, with the remainder through the fenestrated epithelium. (15%的肾小球滤过通过系膜,其它的通过有孔的血管内皮细胞滤过。)


例句:Determination of high molecular weight impurities in Cephradine Capsule by gel filtration chromatography (凝胶色谱法测定头孢拉定胶囊中的高分子杂质)


例句:The addition of coagulant can reduce resistance in membrane filtration greatly. (翻译:投加混凝剂会大大降低膜过滤阻力。)


filtration一般作为名词使用,如在direct filtration(直接过滤)、double filtration(双重过滤)、dust filtration(尘)等常见短语中出现较多。

direct filtration直接过滤
double filtration双重过滤
dust filtration
dynamic filtration动滤失量
efficiency of filtration过泸效率
film filtration膜过滤
filtration aid[化] 助滤剂
filtration and separation过滤与分离
filtration angle[医] 滤角, 虹膜角


1. Determination of high molecular weight impurities in Cephradine Capsule by gel filtration chromatography (翻译:凝胶色谱法测定头孢拉定胶囊中的高分子杂质)

2. The addition of coagulant can reduce resistance in membrane filtration greatly. (翻译:投加混凝剂会大大降低膜过滤阻力。)

3. Biopharmaceutical, Strains Filtration, Microorganism Fermentation and Downstream Biological Separation Techniques. (翻译:生物制药、微生物菌种筛选、微生物发酵和生物下游分离技术。)

4. This was a planne community with its own solar gri, cisterns, eco-base sewage filtration. (翻译:这是个规划社区 拥有太阳能独立电网 蓄水池 生态性污水过滤系统)

5. Anderson's Timesaving Comparative Guides for Restriction Enzymes, Modifying Enzymes, Clone Libraries and Filtration Materials at (翻译:限制性酶、修饰酶、克隆文库和过滤材料的安德森简明指南)

6. Filtration referred to the operation of separating solid particles in soliquoid or in gas. (翻译:过滤是指一种分离悬浮液体或气体中的固体颗粒的操作;)

7. The nano filtration technique to produce high - purity fructo oligosaccharide is investigated. (翻译:对采用纳滤技术生产高纯度低聚果糖进行了研究。)

8. AMP was obtained by sephadex gel filtration. (翻译:提取的粗提物经凝胶过滤后得到抗菌肽。)

9. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of leukocyte depletion by filtration on the quality of apheresis platelets. (翻译:本研究旨在评价白细胞滤除对机采血小板整体质量的影响。)

10. In the chemical fertilizer production, cycle filtration of cuprammonia solution, decarburize solution and desulfidation solution, ect. ; (翻译:化肥生产上的铜氨液、脱炭液和脱硫液的循环过滤等;)

11. Influence of metal oxide impurities on acidulation and filtration characteristic of Mabian rock (翻译:金属杂质对马边磷矿酸解料浆过滤特性的影响)

12. In the blood, creatinine is removed by filtration through the glomeruli of the kidney and is secreted into urine. (翻译:血液中的肌酐通过肾脏肾小球过滤,分泌到尿液中。)

13. The National Air Filtration Association (NAFA) is comprised of individuals and companies engaged in the sale, service and manufacture of the air filtration products. (翻译:国家空气过滤协会由从事于销售、服务和空气过滤产品生产商等个体及公司组成。)

14. If is 3 years later opens, sobers up when will not present the filtration precipitation. (翻译:如果是xx年后打开,醒酒时会出现未过滤的沉淀。)

15. These vacuum pump packages are supplied standard with full electricals , inlet filtration, base frame and controls. (翻译:真空泵标配有完整的电控装置、进气过滤装置、底座和控制系统。)



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