roland garros是什么意思 roland garros的中文翻译、读音、例句

roland garros是什么意思 roland garros的中文翻译、读音、例句

Roland Garros 是指法国网球公开赛,是世界职业网球四大满贯赛之一,每年在法国巴黎举办。该赛事以法国飞行员罗兰·加洛斯命名,他在第一次世界大战中牺牲。





发音拼写:/rəʊlənd ɡærəʊs/


1. The French Open, also known as Roland Garros, is one of the four Grand Slam tournaments.


2. Rafael Nadal is known for being the king of clay at Roland Garros.


3. This year's Roland Garros has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.


4. The red clay courts at Roland Garros provide a unique challenge for tennis players.


5. Many top tennis players have won multiple titles at Roland Garros throughout the years.


6. The atmosphere at Roland Garros during the French Open is always electric.


7. Watching a match at Roland Garros is a dream come true for many tennis fans.


'Roland Garros'这个词语来源于法语,是以法国飞行员罗兰·加洛斯(Roland Garros)的名字命名的。他是第一位成功穿越地中海飞越突尼斯的人,也是第一个驾驶飞机穿越大西洋的人之一。'Roland Garros'最常见的翻译是“罗兰·加洛斯”,也可以简称为“加洛斯”。

以下是9个含有'Roland Garros'的例句:

1. La Finale de Roland Garros est un événement sportif très important en France.(Roland Garros的决赛是法国非常重要的体育赛事。)

2. Il a acheté des billets pour les demi-finales de Roland Garros.(他买了Roland Garros的半决赛门票。)

3. Rafael Nadal a remporté le tournoi de Roland Garros 13 fois.(拉斐尔·纳达尔在Roland Garros赢得了13次冠军。)

4. Les joueurs de tennis célèbres du monde entier participent chaque année à Roland Garros.(世界各地的著名网球手每年都会参加Roland Garros。)

5. Le stade de Roland Garros est situé dans le 16ème arrondissement de Paris.(Roland Garros球场位于巴黎第16区。)

6. Elle a regardé les matchs de Roland Garros à la télévision.(她在电视上观看了Roland Garros的比赛。)

7. Les joueurs de tennis professionnels s'entraînent généralement avant le tournoi de Roland Garros.(职业网球手通常会在Roland Garros赛前进行训练。)

8. Les touristes visitent souvent le stade de Roland Garros lorsqu'ils viennent à Paris.(游客来巴黎时经常会参观Roland Garros球场。)

9. Le tournoi de Roland Garros a été annulé en 2020 en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19.(xx年,由于COVID-19疫情,Roland Garros锦标赛被取消了。)


读音:rō-län′ gȧr′ōs



Chinese Translation: 罗兰·加洛斯(The French Open tennis tournament)

Pronunciation: rō-län′ gȧr′ōs

Example sentence: Roland Garros is a world-renowned tennis tournament that attracts tens of thousands of fans every year.

roland garros在中文中有"法国网球公开赛、罗兰盖洛斯球场"的意思,在英美地区还有"罗兰加洛斯"的意思,在线读音是[rolandgarros],roland garros来源于英语,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到11个与roland garros相关的例句。

Roland Garros的翻译


例句:I'm here to see a guest. Mr. Roland Pembroke. (我来这儿看一个客人, 罗兰·彭布罗克先生。)


例句:18, recruit named Glenn Roland. (最高记录是多少来着 十八小时 格伦・罗兰创下的)


例句:He said that Roland was hiding things from him. (弧霉孽癸留縡ぐ或 He said that Roland was hiding things from him.)、罗兰加洛斯

例句:I also lost at Roland Garros and I have a few personal problems. (翻译:我在罗兰·加洛斯也失败了。我还有一些个人问题。)


roland garros一般作为名词使用,如在Roland Garros([网络] 法国网球公开赛;罗兰盖洛斯球场;罗兰加洛斯)、garros(人名;(法、西)加罗斯)、roland(n. 罗兰(男子名))等常见短语中出现较多。

Roland Garros[网络] 法国网球公开赛;罗兰盖洛斯球场;罗兰加洛斯
rolandn. 罗兰(男子名)
roland barthes[网络] 罗兰巴特;巴尔特;罗兰巴尔特
Roland circle罗兰圆
Roland Young[网络] 罗兰·扬;杨老师;客座教授杨希石
song of roland[网络] 罗兰之歌;羅蘭之歌
Faraketen Panzer Roland[德语] 【军事】(德国的)一种装甲步兵车辆
Myristica surinamensis Roland[医] 苏里南肉豆蔻
Roland de Lassus[网络] 拉索


1. He said that Roland was hiding things from him. (翻译:弧霉孽癸留縡ぐ或 He said that Roland was hiding things from him.)

2. I also lost at Roland Garros and I have a few personal problems. (翻译:我在罗兰·加洛斯也失败了。我还有一些个人问题。)

3. Severe tendinitis and the collapse of his parent's marriage undermined Nadal's composure at Roland Garros. (翻译:严重的肌腱炎和他父母婚姻的崩溃影响了纳达尔在罗兰加洛斯的镇定。)

4. Andy Roland bulldozed through to score. (翻译:安迪•罗兰强攻得分。)

5. Wait right here for a second. Roland. What do you want? (翻译:在这儿等一下 Roland 你到底想怎样)

6. Roland decrypts the data card, but realizes that the information is incomplete. (翻译:罗兰德解开了数据卡,但是他意识到卡上的信息是不完整的。)

7. The first true French Open tennis tournament was played at the Stade de Roland-Garros in 1925. (翻译:真正的第一届法网公开赛于xx年在罗兰加洛斯体育场举行。)

8. Nomos Glashutte was likewise re-established in 1990 by entrepreneur Roland Schwertner. (翻译:诺莫斯·格拉苏蒂同样于xx年由企业家罗兰·施韦纳重新建立。)

9. Roland: But you do, so just take a Brewski and chill , all right? (翻译:但是你们需要我,去喝点酒冷静下,好吗? )

10. Roland, just ask your friends to leave, please. (翻译:- 嘿 嘿 Roland 叫你的朋友走吧 拜托了)

11. Roland McVey from MIT, the programrs of STASIA. (翻译:麻省理工的Roland McVey,也是 STASIA的创造者)

12. oland was running, the sound of his footfalls frantic, pounding through the darkness ahead of him. (翻译:Roland一直在奔跑,他的脚步声听来很慌乱,在Neal前方的夜幕中回响。)

13. Dude, is this where my man Roland died? (翻译:老兄 这里就是我家Roland 挂掉的地方吗?)

14. We had just lost roland ratzenberger a day earlier. (翻译:就在比赛的前一天罗兰德·拉岑伯格离开了我们)

15. Roland gave Trevor the Dickricker account. (翻译:罗兰给特雷弗 该Dickricker帐户。)

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