ramps是什么意思 ramps的中文翻译、读音、例句

ramps是什么意思 ramps的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义解释

'ramps'是指斜面,可以用于升降物体或者车辆等。它也可以指专门为残疾人士设计的无障碍斜道。此外,'ramps'也可以是缩写词,意为“飞行器自动机载备件管理计划”(Reliability Analysis and Management Plan for Parts and Systems)。

2. 实际应用场景


3. 经常使用的表达方式


- Loading ramp:装卸斜道

- Wheelchair ramp:轮椅斜坡

- Aircraft ramp:飞机坪

- Car ramp:汽车斜坡

- Skateboard ramp:滑板斜坡


1. The loading ramp is too steep for my truck to climb.


2. The building has a wheelchair ramp for easy access.


3. The aircraft ramp was busy with planes taking off and landing.


4. The car ramp made it easy for us to load the heavy boxes.


5. The skateboard ramp provided a perfect spot for skateboarders to practice their skills.





1. The wheelchair user needed a ramp to access the building.(那位轮椅用户需要一条斜坡才能进入大厦。)

2. The ship docked and the passengers descended the ramp.(船靠岸后,乘客走下了舷梯。)

3. The restaurant had a ramp for disabled customers.(这家餐馆为残疾客人准备了一条斜坡。)

4. Ramps are a popular ingredient in springtime recipes.(春天食谱中常用匍匐生长的植物作为一种流行的食材。)




例句:Ramps have been built to ease access for the disabled. (为方便残疾人的出入修建了坡道。)


例句:"I feel most comfortable in the hangars and ramps," says Munoz. (“我在机库里和舷梯上感觉很舒服自在,”穆诺兹说。)


例句:Let sit a few seconds until they start to set around the edges. Add one portion of the cheese, asparagus and ramps. (可以坐下几秒钟,一向到四周边缘起头凝聚,插手一份奶酪,芦笋和年夜葱。)


例句:Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. Avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake. (翻译:一旦地震停止要小心前进。注意被地震破坏的路、桥或坡道。)


ramps一般作为名词、动词使用,如在ghost ramps([网络] 鬼坡道)、parking ramps(na. (机库前的)停机坪)、ramps up([网络] 脑袋提高)等常见短语中出现较多。

ghost ramps[网络] 鬼坡道
parking rampsna. (机库前的)停机坪
ramps up[网络] 脑袋提高
vert ramps[网络] 垂直坡道
hydraulically operated ramps液压跳板


1. Let sit a few seconds until they start to set around the edges. Add one portion of the cheese, asparagus and ramps. (翻译:可以坐下几秒钟,一向到四周边缘起头凝聚,插手一份奶酪,芦笋和年夜葱。)

2. Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. Avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake. (翻译:一旦地震停止要小心前进。注意被地震破坏的路、桥或坡道。)

3. Here at Onomichi prison, the hallways use ramps, not steps, and prisoners are allowed to use walkers if they need them. (翻译:在尾道监狱、走廊采用斜坡而不是台阶,如果犯人们需要的话,他们就可以许可使用助行器。)

4. This can be a problem on all concrete ramps, especially at king low tides, (where )algal growth is much more difficult to control. (翻译:这是所有混凝土斜坡都有的问题,尤其是在相当低水位的时候,这里海藻的生长更难控制。)

5. The mortars had all our locations, which were ramps bulldozed up to the sand wall across the ditch at something like 200m or so intervals. (翻译:迫击炮拥有我们周边所有要地的坐标,即每隔大约200米左右用推土机推出的通向沙堤用于跨越反坦克壕的坡道。)

6. You got any ramps cooked up? (翻译:煮好的任何食物都行 You got any ramps cooked up?)

7. Ramps are a wild plant in the eastern mountains of North America. (翻译:Ramps 是北美东部山区的一种野生植物。)

8. Alexander Rose came up with this idea of a spiraloid tower with continuous sloping ramps. (翻译:Alexander Rose提出这个设想 用一系列的斜坡做成一个螺旋型的塔 )

9. As the ship moves through a spill, the oil-impregnated wool will be gathered mechanically up ramps and taken into the ship. (翻译:当船驶过石油泄漏的区域后,浸满石油的羊毛会被传送上活动坡道,收集到船里。)

10. Locations near highway on-ramps. (翻译:Locations near highway on -ramps.)

11. As toxicity ramps up, resistance does too, in an evolutionary arms race that plays out over millions of years. (翻译:随着毒素不断升级,抗性也不断增强。在物种进化的军备竞赛中, 这场战争上演了数百万年。)

12. Ramps shawls from design, To the full feminine pink dress added a bit at British Gas. (翻译:斜领披肩设计,给女人味十足的粉色礼裙平添了几分英气。)

13. We got the on-ramps to 55 and 80 being monitored. (翻译:我们对55和80号高速实行全程监控 {\3cH202020}We got the on -ramps to 55 and 80 being monitored.)

14. Then there are versions with magnets, like this set of ramps. (翻译:再后来,又有了一些和磁铁有关的永动机设想, 比如这套斜坡装置。)

15. s usually easier to place down ramps or other large doodads first, and build up the terrain around the ramp to your liking. (翻译:通常先放置斜坡或者其他大体积的装饰,然后再根据你的喜好设置比较好。)



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