wrt是什么意思 wrt的中文翻译、读音、例句

wrt是什么意思 wrt的中文翻译、读音、例句

WRT是英文中的缩写,它代表“with respect to”,意思是“关于、就……而言”。


词组搭配:WRT常与其他词语联用,如:“WRT to…”(关于……)或者“in WRT of…”(就……而言)等。


发音拼写:WRT的发音为/dʌbəlju ɑr ti/。


1. WRT to your question about the company’s financial performance, I will get back to you after I’ve reviewed the latest report.(关于你关于公司财务表现的问题,我将在研究了最新报告之后回复你。)

2. The letter expresses concerns WRT the potential effects of the new policy on small businesses.(这封信表达了对新政策可能对小型企业影响的担忧。)

3. We need to be careful WRT the language we use in the report as it can be easily misinterpreted.(我们需要注意报告中使用的语言,因为它很容易被误解。)

4. The company’s CEO gave a speech WRT the future of the industry at the conference.(公司的CEO在会议上就行业的未来发表了演讲。)

5. WRT the employee’s complaints, the human resources department has launched an investigation.(关于员工的投诉,人力资源部门已经开展了调查。)

wrt是“with respect to”的缩写,意思是“关于,就…而言”。

读音:wɪθ rɪ'spɛkt tuː


1. Wrt your question, I am not sure of the answer. (关于你的问题,我不确定答案。)

2. Wrt our company's financial situation, we need to cut back on expenses. (就我们公司的财务状况而言,我们需要削减开支。)




例句:This default-WRT mechanism can be used to make externals appear to be relative to any group or segment in your program. (缺省的WRT机制可以用来让外部标志符跟你程序中的任何段或组相关联。)


例句:The script reads output from the TED every second and records it in a file located on the OPEN Wrt router. (脚本读取TED每时每刻的输出的数据,然后将其记录到OPENWrt路由器上的一个文件中。)


1. This command creates a write file named asademo. Wrt, with a transaction log named asademo. Wlg. (翻译:该命令创建一个名为asademo.wrt的写文件和一个名为asademo.wlg的事务日志。)

2. First of all, it narrates WRT company's phylogeny: Company originally supply international brand' s cloth at various place of Asia. (翻译:首先叙述WRT公司的发展史:公司原来是代理国际品牌的布料在亚洲各地销售。)

3. He has WRT hardware and an onion router. (翻译:他的硬件WRT 和调制解调器同时具有信号接收。)

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