sterling是什么意思 sterling的中文翻译、读音、例句

sterling是什么意思 sterling的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:Sterling是一个名词,指的是英镑,英国的官方货币。

2. 词性:Sterling是一个名词。

3. 常用场景:Sterling通常与英国的经济、金融相关,如外汇交易、国际贸易等场景中使用。

4. 词组搭配:

- Sterling currency 英镑货币

- Sterling silver 纯银

- Pound sterling 英镑

- Sterling area 英镑区

- Sterling bond 英镑债券

5. 相关短语:

- Sterling performance 优异的表现

- Sterling reputation 优良的信誉

- Sterling quality 优质的品质

- Sterling work 优秀的工作

6. 发音拼写:

- 'ster-ling',音标:[ˈstɜːrlɪŋ]

我可以帮你翻译、回答问题;写作中建议使用更通用的表述如 "British pound"。




1. 当作名词表示英国货币单位,即英镑;

2. 当作形容词表示高质量的、标准的;

3. 当作名词表示纯银,通常指92.5%纯度的银。


1. Sterling has been the official currency in the United Kingdom since 1694.(英镑已经自xx年起成为英国的官方货币。)

2. The ring was made of sterling silver and was very valuable.(这个戒指是用纯银制作的,非常有价值。)

3. We need to find a supplier who can provide us with sterling quality products.(我们需要找到一个能为我们提供高质量产品的供应商。)

4. The company's reputation for sterling service is well-known in the industry.(该公司以高质量的服务享誉业界。)

5. She inherited a large sum of sterling from her grandfather.(她从她的爷爷那里继承了一大笔英镑。)

6. The sterling reputation of the university has attracted students from all over the world.(大学的卓越声誉吸引了来自世界各地的学生。)

7. The price of sterling silver has increased significantly in recent months.(纯银的价格在最近几个月内显著上涨。)

8. The company's products are known for their sterling quality and excellent customer service.(该公司的产品以高质量和优秀的客户服务而闻名。)

9. He received a sterling silver trophy for winning the competition.(他因赢得比赛而获得了一座纯银奖杯。)


【读音】 英 [ˈstɜːrlɪŋ], 美 [ˈstɜːr-lɪŋ]


n. 英镑(货币单位);

adj. (质量)纯正的,优质的


1. She has sterling qualities of character.


2. The company has a sterling reputation for quality.


3. The sterling pound is one of the world's most widely traded currencies.





例句:Today, based on his work recovering the priceless artifact, James Sterling was invited to join interpol. (今天 由于他成功找回了 这无价工艺品 James Sterling被邀请 加入国际警察组织)


例句:Morning. We're with Sterling Bosch. (- 早上好 我们是Sterling Bosch公司的)


例句:Sterling Bosch released the mail? (Sterling Bosch发回邮件了吗?)


例句:Paul wescourt has a sterling reputation And is, by all accounts, a good guy. (翻译:Paul Wescourt羘臕 τ琌)


sterling一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在euro sterling([财]欧洲英镑)、external sterling(境外英镑)、long sterling([经] 汇伦敦长期期票)等常见短语中出现较多。

euro sterling[财]欧洲英镑
external sterling境外英镑
long sterling[经] 汇伦敦长期期票
Mount Sterling[地名] 芒特斯特灵 ( 美 )
pound sterling[经] 英镑
pounds sterling[网络] 英镑
security sterling证券镑
South Sterling[地名] 南斯特灵 ( 美 )
sterling acceptance英磅承付票据


1. Sterling Bosch released the mail? (翻译:Sterling Bosch发回邮件了吗?)

2. Paul wescourt has a sterling reputation And is, by all accounts, a good guy. (翻译:Paul Wescourt羘臕 τ琌)

3. I work for Sterling Bosch. I can be replaced. (翻译:我为Sterling Bosch工作 他们不止有我一个调查员)

4. James Sterling. We used to work together. (翻译:James Sterling 我们以前共事)

5. Perhaps this is why Sterling and team are finding so many in one area. (翻译:找到了非常多的恐龙骨 就是现在这或许会容易点)

6. Mr. Sterling, I'm, uh, I'm Jim Kerrity. (翻译:Sterling先生 我是Jim Kerrity)

7. I came over to get Senator Sterling's vote for the equal pay bill. (翻译:怎么了? 我来是为了解Sterling议员 对同工同酬法案的投票情况)

8. Sterling, I'm the retrieval specialist. (翻译:﹣让警察包围... ﹣Sterling 我才是赏金猎人)

9. ...when you've seen Dr. Sterling. (翻译:...当你 ... 看见斯特林博士的时候。)

10. - It's a special girl. - Say nothing against Sterling please. (翻译:这是个特别的女孩 请不要对斯特林说任何事)

11. In order for us to, Get the egg from Sterling, he made some additions to the plan. (翻译:为了从Sterling那拿到彩蛋 他在计划上加了点附加条件)

12. Insurance investigator working with Sterling Bosch. (翻译:Sterling Bosch的保险调查员)

13. That loss of confidence is sapping sterling. (翻译:失去信心让英镑衰竭了。)

14. Don't worry about sterling. Did you just say don't worry about sterling? (翻译:你刚才说的难道是不要担心Sterling?)

15. We're gonna get the egg, and then Sterling's gonna use his pull with IYS to clear Maggie. (翻译:Sterling会靠他IYS的路子 为Maggie洗脱罪名)



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