ipc是什么意思 ipc的中文翻译、读音、例句

ipc是什么意思 ipc的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. I love my iPC, it's so easy to use.(我喜欢我的iPC,它非常容易使用。)

2. Our school has recently introduced iPCs in our classrooms.(我们学校最近在教室里引入了iPC。)

3. The iPC is a great tool for interactive learning.(iPC是交互式学习的好工具。)

4. With the iPC, students can easily access educational resources.(通过iPC,学生可以轻松获取教育资源。)

5. The iPC is a cost-effective solution for modern education.(iPC是现代教育的经济高效解决方案。)

6. The iPC has a long battery life, which is perfect for all-day use.(iPC电池寿命长,非常适合全天候使用。)

7. The iPC supports wireless projection, which makes it easy for teachers to share content.(iPC支持无线投影,老师可以轻松分享内容。)

8. The iPC has a user-friendly interface, which is ideal for young students.(iPC有用户友好的界面,非常适合年轻学生使用。)

9. The iPC comes with a variety of educational apps and resources.(iPC配备了各种各样的教育应用程序和资源。)

IPC是Interprocess Communication的缩写,指的是进程间通信,是指两个或多个进程之间相互传递数据或信息的一种机制。


读音:英 [ˌaɪpiːˈsiː] 美 [ˌaɪpiːˈsiː]


1. 进程间通信(IPC)是操作系统所支持的一种机制。

Interprocess communication (IPC) is a mechanism supported by the operating system.

2. 为了实现进程间通信,程序员需要使用操作系统提供的IPC机制。

To achieve interprocess communication, programmers need to use the IPC mechanism provided by the operating system.




例句:Signals might be an unpopular way of doing IPC in a large multi-threaded application for that reason. (出于这个原因,信号可能并不是在大型多线程应用程序中进行IPC的流行方式。)


例句:The test platform consists of automatic test software, industrial PC (IPC), GPIB controller, test environment, and testing instruments. (该平台由自动测试软件,工控机,GPIB控制卡,测试环境和测试仪表组成。)


例句:He currently serves on the IPC APEX Conference Technical Committee and is the President of the SMTA Silicon Valley Chapter. (他目前担任的切弯的IPC技术委员会会议和主席的SMTA硅谷章。)


例句:Its signal transduction pathways involve "trigger-mediators-effectors. " Through effectors, IPC protects myocardium by reperfusion. (翻译:它的信号传导途径包括“触发物质-中介物质-效应物质”,最后通过效应物质保护再灌注心肌。)


ipc一般作为名词使用,如在iPC(信息处理中心 工业过程控制 国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会 进程间通信 印制电路协会 国际专利分类)、ipc mill(完整的连续自动调整轧机)等常见短语中出现较多。

iPC信息处理中心 工业过程控制 国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会 进程间通信 印制电路协会 国际专利分类
ipc mill完整的连续自动调整轧机


1. He currently serves on the IPC APEX Conference Technical Committee and is the President of the SMTA Silicon Valley Chapter. (翻译:他目前担任的切弯的IPC技术委员会会议和主席的SMTA硅谷章。)

2. Its signal transduction pathways involve "trigger-mediators-effectors. " Through effectors, IPC protects myocardium by reperfusion. (翻译:它的信号传导途径包括“触发物质-中介物质-效应物质”,最后通过效应物质保护再灌注心肌。)

3. IPC theory itself is frightening, but so is the reality of it. (翻译:IPC的理论本身是可怕的 但是具有一点的现实意义)

4. Shared memory and event caching for ipc. (翻译:用于IPC的共享内存和事件缓存。)

5. You see, Ichiro's IPC was brought on... by his mother laying there. (翻译:你要明白,一郎的IPC,, 放在他妈妈那里, 他正在梦游)

6. Threaded programs also run into a few problems that are not normally seen with multiple processes and IPC. (翻译:线程程序有时会出现在多进程和IPC程序设计中不常出现的一些问题。)

7. Are all soldering related and referenced specifications current and available? For example: IPC, SAE, AIAG, ASTM, General Motors, Honda, Ford, and Chrysler. (翻译:是否所有焊接有关的和引用的规范当前可用版本?例如IPC, SAE, AIAG, ASTM,通用汽车,本田,福特和克莱斯勒。)

8. MCGS is one of the Chinese configuration software for IPC; it provides the drivers for most of the commonly used peripherals. (翻译:MCGS是一款全中文工控组态软件,它提供了大多数常用设备的驱动程序。)

9. Message types that start with IPC do not appear in the inbox of the mail client and must be found or read by setting the type parameter. (翻译:以IPC开头的邮件类型不会显示在邮件客户端的收件箱中,必须通过设置type参数来查找或读取。)

10. RESULTS Both IPC and NEPC could protect myocardial ultra-structure, ameliorate left heart function, decrease cardiac MDA content and protect the activity of catalase. (翻译:结果经典缺血预处理和去甲肾上腺素预处理均能改善心功能、保护心肌超微结构、保护心肌过氧化氢酶活性。)

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