gerda是什么意思 gerda的中文翻译、读音、例句

gerda是什么意思 gerda的中文翻译、读音、例句

'Gerda' 并不是一个通用的英语单词,因此没有固定的词义、词性、词组搭配、短语或者发音拼写。根据上下文或者语境不同,'Gerda' 可能代表人名、地名、产品名称或者其他不同的概念。

以下是一些 'Gerda' 可能的中英文翻译例句:

1. Gerda 是一个古典童话故事中的女主角。

Gerda is the female protagonist in a classical fairy tale.

2. Gerda 是一个供应商的品牌名称。

Gerda is a brand name of a supplier.

3. Gerda 是一个挪威和丹麦人喜欢使用的女孩名字。

Gerda is a girl name that is popular among Norwegian and Danish people.

4. Gerda 是一个搭载了多种智能功能的智能家居控制中心。

Gerda is a smart home control center that comes with various intelligent features.

5. Gerda 是一个位于波罗的海沿岸的城市。

Gerda is a city located along the coast of the Baltic Sea.

6. Gerda 是一个芬兰人喜欢吃的一种传统甜点。

Gerda is a traditional Finnish dessert that people love to eat.

7. Gerda 是一个社交应用程序的名称。

Gerda is the name of a social media application.



读音:gé ěr dá


1. Gerda is a beautiful name, isn't it?(格尔达是个美丽的名字,不是吗?)

2. Gerda's artwork is always so impressive.(格尔达的艺术作品总是那么令人印象深刻。)




例句:The couple married in 1904 when Gerda was 17 and Einar was 22. (这对夫妇于xx年结婚,当时格尔达xx岁,埃纳尔xx岁。)


例句:Here the dreams were rushing past, but they hastened by so quickly that Gerda could not see the high personages. (梦在这儿,从他们身边跑过去了,但是它们跑得非常快,格尔达来不及看那些高贵的人物。)


例句:It was about a year ago. That's when I first met Rosie-she used to come here and visit Gerda. That was the child's name. (这已经是xx年前的事了,那是我第一次见到罗西。她经常来医院看望吉达,那女孩的名字叫吉达。)


例句:said Gerda. "Tell me if you know where I can find my play fellow. " (翻译:请告诉我,假如你知道的话,我在什么地方可以找到我的玩伴?)





1. It was about a year ago. That's when I first met Rosie-she used to come here and visit Gerda. That was the child's name. (翻译:这已经是xx年前的事了,那是我第一次见到罗西。她经常来医院看望吉达,那女孩的名字叫吉达。)

2. said Gerda. "Tell me if you know where I can find my play fellow. " (翻译:请告诉我,假如你知道的话,我在什么地方可以找到我的玩伴?)

3. Gerda wept for joy. (翻译:格尔达高兴得哭了。)

4. Suddenly little Gerda stepped through the great portal into the palace. (翻译:突然,小小的格尔达走进了宫殿的大门。)

5. Gerda stretched out her hands with the large wadded gloves towards the robber maiden, and said, "Farewell!" (翻译:格尔达把她戴着大手套的双手向那个强盗姑娘伸过去,说:“再会吧!” )

6. Gerda Christian managed to escape and avoid imprisonment. (翻译:格尔达 克里斯蒂安成功逃脱 避免了被监禁的命运)

7. "Listen," said the robber maiden to Gerda. (翻译:“听着。”强盗少女对格尔达说。)

8. She recognised Gerda immediately, and Gerda knew her too. (翻译:她立刻就认出了格尔达,格尔达也认出了她。)

9. Gerda and Kay both told their story. (翻译:格尔达和加伊都讲了他们的故事。)

10. Kay and Gerda took each other's hand: it was lovely spring weather, with abundance of flowers and of verdure. (翻译:加伊和格尔达手挽着手走。这是一个草木茂盛、开满花朵的美丽的春天。)

11. Sweetie. Why don't you just tell Gerda here, your name's Martha? (翻译:亲爱的,干嘛不直接告诉格尔达,你叫玛莎呢?)

12. - Gerda, I want to be a woman, not a painter. (翻译:- 你可能会画得很好 - 格尔达,我想成为的是女人 不是画家)

13. Gerda was pardoned and returned to Denmark on 2 August 1944 (翻译:葛妲被赦免,并于xx年xx月xx日回到丹麦)

14. Why is gone a sled in snow queen, after he was well with his grandmother and Gerda? (翻译:在这之后,他跟他的祖母还有格尔达都过上好日子了吗?)



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