rambo是什么意思 rambo的中文翻译、读音、例句

rambo是什么意思 rambo的中文翻译、读音、例句

Rambo是一个名词,通常指美国电影角色John Rambo,是一名退役的特种部队士兵,行动敏捷、武艺高强、野外求生能力强,常被人们用来形容勇敢、强壮和无畏。

词义:指特种部队退役士兵John Rambo,代表勇敢、强壮和无畏






1. Rambo is a famous character in American action movies.


2. He's built like Rambo.


3. The soldier was called the "Rambo of the war" for his bravery.


4. The children pretended to be Rambo, playing with toy guns in the woods.


5. My dad loves to watch Rambo movies.


6. She yelled "Rambo!" as she charged into battle.


7. The gym trainer said I need to work harder if I want to have Rambo-like muscles.




- 兰博

- 约翰·兰博

- 兰保


1. Rambo fought against the enemy army alone. (兰博独自一人与敌军作战。)

2. She loves a guy who's a bit of a Rambo. (她喜欢一个有点像兰博那样勇敢的男人。)

3. He looks like Rambo in that outfit. (他穿这套衣服看起来像兰博。)

4. Rambo is a classic action movie character. (兰博是一个经典的动作电影人物。)

5. The Rambo movies are known for their intense action scenes. (兰博电影以其激烈的动作场面而著名。)

6. He's got a Rambo-like determination to succeed. (他有着像兰博一样的决心成功。)

7. Rambo's tactics were ruthless but effective. (兰博的战术虽然残酷但很有效。)

8. She felt like a Rambo as she fought her way through the jungle. (她在丛林中奋力战斗时感觉自己像兰博。)

9. The character of Rambo has become part of pop culture. (兰博这个角色已经成为流行文化的一部分。)




1. I watched the movie Rambo last night. (我昨晚看了电影《兰博》。)

2. Rambo is a popular action movie series. (兰博是一部受欢迎的动作电影系列。)

3. The character of Rambo is known for his bravery and strength. (兰博这个角色以勇气和力量著名。)




例句:That's right; Rambo dies at the end. (没错,兰博最后死了。)


例句:I don't care if I have to comb the woods like Rambo or fetch a pail of water. (我不在乎是否要像蓝博[第一滴血主角]那样搜寻树林 还是过来取水)


例句:Rambo, you can feel totally safe because we have the most advanced weapons in the world available to us. (我们都是为你的安全着想 蓝波,你会非常安全 因为我们有全世界 归先进的装备可以使用)


例句:Rambo, you're probably aware that there's almost 2.500 Americans still Missing In Action in South-East Asia. (翻译:蓝波,或许你已知道... 将近有两万五千多名的美国人 在南亚洲的军事行动中失踪)


rambo一般作为名词使用,如在Rambo(n. 蓝博(电影第一滴血男主角名))、Rambo knifes([网络] 兰博刀)等常见短语中出现较多。

Rambon. 蓝博(电影第一滴血男主角名)
Rambo knifes[网络] 兰博刀


1. Rambo, you can feel totally safe because we have the most advanced weapons in the world available to us. (翻译:我们都是为你的安全着想 蓝波,你会非常安全 因为我们有全世界 归先进的装备可以使用)

2. Rambo, you're probably aware that there's almost 2.500 Americans still Missing In Action in South-East Asia. (翻译:蓝波,或许你已知道... 将近有两万五千多名的美国人 在南亚洲的军事行动中失踪)

3. Look at the recent Rambo film, variously titled Rambo and John Rambo. (翻译:看看最近的《兰博》系列,主角叫兰博,又叫约翰·兰博。)

4. Sure, Rambo takes on a huge chunk of the Vietnamese soldiers guarding a POW camp and slaughters them all. (翻译:当然啦,兰博的确是跟一大堆看守战俘营的越南士兵干上了,而且把他们都消灭了。)

5. Sure, Rambo takes on a huge chunk of the Vietnamese soldiers guarding a POW camp and slaughters them all. (翻译:当然啦,兰博的确是跟一大堆看守战俘营的越南士兵干上了,而且把他们都消灭了。)

6. There were Rambo books. (翻译:的确有写兰博的书。)

7. John J. Rambo: Burmas a war zone. (翻译:约翰·兰博:缅甸是一个战区。)

8. Wright: You and I are both huge fans of the most recent Rambo film. (翻译:怀特:我们都是那部最新兰博电影的铁杆粉丝。)

9. Rambo, John J., born 7.6.47, Bowie, Arizona, of Indian-German descent. (翻译:蓝波,强,生于xx年xx月xx日 德国与印地安人后裔)

10. Well, when you think of it, between Rocky and Rambo, it's about 56 years, and coupled with the time in between films, like, you know. . . (翻译:好的,当你想“洛奇”和“蓝博”之间,大约隔了xx年,加上电影之间的时间,像,你知道…)

11. They sent him on a mission and set him up to fail. But they made one mistake. They forgot they were dealing with Rambo. (翻译:他们派他去执行一个任务,又陷害他,让他任务失败。但他们犯了一个错误,他们忘了,他们面对的是-兰博。)

12. He guards the prison where the scarecrow keeps my dad, Rambo. (翻译:他看守着稻草大妖关押我父亲Rambo的监狱)

13. Do me one favour before you go. (翻译:你赢了 Rambo之子 在你走之前帮我一个忙)

14. Somewhere in this rugged mountain countryside, possibly above the snow line, shrouded in mist, the fugitive John Rambo, is hiding. (翻译:在此岩山荒野某处可能在雪线上 藏着亡命的退伍军人兰博)

15. The end of that particular cycle came just a few years after Get Carter and Bullitt, when McQueen was told that in the modern world of the mid-1970s, he was too old to play … John Rambo. (翻译:在《抓住卡特》和《布利特》后的几年,就出现这样颠倒的状况。20世纪xx年代中期,别人告诉麦奎因,他太老了,不能演约翰·兰博。)

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