derogatory是什么意思 derogatory的中文翻译、读音、例句

derogatory是什么意思 derogatory的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:'derogatory'是形容词,通常用于描述一种不尊重、贬低或不敬的言论或行为。

2. 词源:'derogatory'源自拉丁语的"derogare",意为否决、减损。

3. 语态:通常用于被动语态,形容受到不尊重、贬低或不敬的事物。

4. 同义词:disparaging、belittling、demeaning、pejorative等等。

5. 可能的出现场合:常常出现在新闻报道、社交媒体评论、文学作品、法律文件、商业协议等场合。


1. The use of derogatory language towards any group of people is unacceptable. (对于任何人群使用贬低性语言都是不可接受的。)

2. The article contained derogatory comments about women. (这篇文章包含了对女性的贬低性评论。)

3. His derogatory remarks caused him to lose his job. (他的贬低性言论导致他失去了工作。)

4. The politician made derogatory comments about immigrants. (这位政治家对移民发表了贬低性言论。)

5. We do not tolerate derogatory or discriminatory behavior in this workplace. (我们不容忍在这个工作场所里的贬低或歧视行为。)




1. Using derogatory words to insult someone is not acceptable.


2. The politician made derogatory remarks about his opponent's family.


derogatory的中文解释是"贬低的 、贬义的",在日常中也代表"不敬的"的意思,发音音标为[di'rɒgәtәri],在英语中以形容词出现较多,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到33个与derogatory相关的例句。



例句:You're so derogatory to women, you'll be castrated one day (你们这些男人这么歧视女人 真希望有一天,你们全被阉了做相公)


例句:It is not derogatory. (这一句话不是贬义。)


例句:We do not find the term "Canuck" derogatory, like Americans find "Yank" derogatory. (我们并不觉得“加拿大佬”是个侮辱性的字眼,不想你们对“美国佬”那么敏感。)


例句:Wunderkind isn't derogatory, unless you're 40 and described as 'once a wunderkind', " Dolan said to Slant Magazine." (翻译:神童并不是贬称,除非你xx岁的时候被人说成是‘曾经的神童’”,多兰告诉《观点》杂志。)


derogatory一般作为形容词使用,如在non derogatory(非损的)等常见短语中出现较多。

non derogatory非损的


1. We do not find the term "Canuck" derogatory, like Americans find "Yank" derogatory. (翻译:我们并不觉得“加拿大佬”是个侮辱性的字眼,不想你们对“美国佬”那么敏感。)

2. Wunderkind isn't derogatory, unless you're 40 and described as 'once a wunderkind', " Dolan said to Slant Magazine." (翻译:神童并不是贬称,除非你xx岁的时候被人说成是‘曾经的神童’”,多兰告诉《观点》杂志。)

3. In today's English, the word "Oriental" , when used to refer to a person, sounds old-fashioned at best and derogatory at worst. (翻译:在今天的英语中,用“东方人”一词来指某人时,往好了说,听起来没有时代感,往坏了说,则有贬义。)

4. In daily life, the word "shyness" means feeling uncomfortable in social situations, but "shy" is not an entirely derogatory term. (翻译:在日常生活中,羞怯是指在社交场合中不自在的感觉,但羞怯并不是一个完全贬义词。)

5. The vogue words can be divided into three kinds: metaplasm, derogatory sense translate into commendatory, new loanword. (翻译:由原有的贬义词转化为富有褒义义项的词;以前没有,后来完全新创的外来词。)

6. However, Mrs. Bell's derogatory remarks were intended as an act of revenge. (翻译:然而Bell夫人刻薄的评价 其实是她存心的报复)

7. Is that a derogatory reference to... (翻译:螒谓伪蚃苇蚁蔚蟽伪喂 ?蟺慰蟿喂渭畏蟿喂魏维 蟽蟿伪...)

8. You ever say another derogatory word about Elvis Aaron Presley in my presence again, (翻译:你要是再不断的当着我面说有损于 艾尔维斯・亚伦・普雷斯利的话)

9. Ren adds that the worst thing would be if his daughter were to become a shengnu, a derogatory term meaning, literally, a "leftover woman. " (翻译:任先生补充说,最糟糕的事情就是自己的女儿变成“剩女”,一个具有贬损意味的词,字面意思就是“剩下的女人”。)

10. The terms "sophist" and "sophistry" have taken on derogatory connotations in modern times. (翻译:当今社会,“诡辩家”以及“诡辩”等词汇已染上贬义色彩。)

11. W. Castello "There was nothing derogatory on his credit report, " Workman said of the customer. (翻译:客户沃克曼承认,“关于这则信用报道没什么损人的意思。”)

12. He refused to withdraw derogatory remarks made about his boss. (翻译:他拒绝收回对自己老板的贬抑之言。)

13. The terms "sophist" and "sophistry" have taken on derogatory connotations in modern times. (翻译:当今社会,“诡辩家”以及“诡辩”等词汇已染上贬义色彩。)

14. However, in folk opinions, it has been attached excessive emotions and is usually used as a derogatory term. (翻译:但在我国民间却附上了过多的感情色彩,往往作贬意词运用。)

15. It had no derogatory, unfortunately, is often used now refers to the principle of neglect, Sui Fengdao the sleek, sophisticated approach. (翻译:它本无贬义,不幸的是现在往往被用指不讲原则,随风倒的圆滑、世故做法。)

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