disgraceful是什么意思 disgraceful的中文翻译、读音、例句

disgraceful是什么意思 disgraceful的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:disgraceful指的是令人感到不体面或不受尊重的,令人感到耻辱或丢脸的。这个词通常用来形容人的行为或品格。

2. 用法说明:disgraceful通常用作形容词,在句子中可以用来修饰名词或代词。常见的搭配包括disgraceful behavior(不体面的行为)、disgraceful conduct(不体面的行为)、disgraceful performance(不体面的表现)等等。

3. 同义词辨析:disgraceful的近义词包括shameful、dishonorable、disreputable、outrageous等等。

4. 文化背景:disgraceful这个词在西方文化中比较常用,通常用来批评不道德、不体面的行为或品格。在某些东方文化中,可能会用其他词语来表达类似的意思。


1. His behavior at the party was absolutely disgraceful. (他在聚会上的行为绝对是不体面的)

2. The company's treatment of its employees is disgraceful. (公司对雇员的待遇是可耻的)

3. It's disgraceful that people are still discriminated against because of their gender or race. (因为性别或种族而对人进行歧视是可耻的)

4. The government's handling of the pandemic has been nothing short of disgraceful. (政府对疫情的处理简直是可耻的)

5. The athlete's use of performance-enhancing drugs was a disgraceful violation of the rules. (运动员使用增强药品是对规则的可耻违反)




1. It is disgraceful that some politicians are putting their own interests ahead of the people they represent.(一些政治家把自己的利益放在代表他们的人民之前,这是可耻的。)

2. The company's treatment of its employees was disgraceful, and many of them quit in protest.(公司对员工的待遇是丢脸的,许多员工因此而辞职抗议。)

3. The behavior of some sports fans can be disgraceful, with abusive language and violence towards other fans.(有些体育迷的行为可以说是不光彩的,他们使用恶言恶语并对其他球迷使用暴力。)




例句:They go largely unnoticed, in a nation that's kind of come to accept a disgraceful national epidemic as some kind of new normal. (他们大多都不被关注, 这个国家大概把 这种可耻的全国性灾难 当成某种新常态了。)


例句:The Council and the House of Commons must be concerned about the standards which have applied in this disgraceful matter. (评议会和下院必须重视 The Council and the House of Commons must be concerned 这起恶劣事件带来的深远影响 about the standards which have applied in this disgraceful matter.)


例句:Whether we are couple or not, I would not like you to live in the shade, betraying your family, lying for the disgraceful women. (不管你我是否是夫妻,我都不愿看到你生活在阴暗中,背叛家庭,为那些乱七八糟的女人撒谎。)


例句:And we surrendered to a force a third the size of ours... the most disgraceful defeat in British history. (翻译:我们投降了自己的一份力量 第三个我们的大小... 最可耻的失败 在英国的历史。)


1. Whether we are couple or not, I would not like you to live in the shade, betraying your family, lying for the disgraceful women. (翻译:不管你我是否是夫妻,我都不愿看到你生活在阴暗中,背叛家庭,为那些乱七八糟的女人撒谎。)

2. And we surrendered to a force a third the size of ours... the most disgraceful defeat in British history. (翻译:我们投降了自己的一份力量 第三个我们的大小... 最可耻的失败 在英国的历史。)

3. He said it was "disgraceful" that chefs still encouraged people to use so much sea and rock salt. (翻译:他说,厨师还在鼓励人们使用这么多的海盐和岩盐,这是不光彩的事。)

4. It's disgraceful that none of the family tried to help her. (翻译:家里竟无人肯帮助她,太不像话了。)

5. I've seen plenty of cops in my life but never have I seen such disgraceful ones! (翻译:警察我见不少... 但像你们这样不要脸的,我还真的没见过)

6. Then, when the footage went out over the airways... suddenly my client's conduct became disgraceful. (翻译:而当录像带在新闻播出后 突然之间我当事人的行为就变成不光彩的了)

7. His behaviour was absolutely disgraceful! (翻译:他的行为真可耻! )

8. Now that may be good team spirit... but it's disgraceful journalism. (翻译:这可能是很好的团结精神 但对新闻界来说却不光彩)

9. One of them, which was named Foxwood, was a large, neglected, old-fashioned farm, much overgrown by woodland, with all its pastures worn out and its hedges in a disgraceful condition. (翻译:一个叫福克·斯伍德庄园,是一个巨大的、疏于管理的老式庄园,林地边上有很多杂草,所有的牧场都已荒废,篱笆也破败不堪。)

10. It's disgraceful that they have detained him for so long. (翻译:真是可耻,他们扣押了他这么久。)

11. That number's rising, and it's rising really rapidly, and it's disgraceful. (翻译:这一数字还在上升,并且上升的速度很快。这是足以让我们丢脸的。)

12. Life in a call between a suction, and clean the heart's disgraceful, Tugunaxin, restore happiness fresh color and the original grave. (翻译:生命存在于一呼一吸间,勤于打扫心上的蒙尘,吐故纳新,还原幸福清鲜的色彩和原来的庄重。)

13. She was greatly irritated to think that she had fallen into this trap; it was really disgraceful of Lester. (翻译:她想到自己无端落入这陷阱,心中老大的着恼,以为这实在是雷斯脱的羞辱。)

14. His disgraceful radio programmes and the full blooming of his loopiness lie ahead. (翻译:他可耻的广播节目以及完全的疯狂表现出来。)

15. The wigs. Very amusing wigs. But his behaviour, as you say, disgraceful. (翻译:假发 很好玩的假发 但是他的行为 如你所言 不怎么光明)

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