wicc是什么意思 wicc的中文翻译、读音、例句

wicc是什么意思 wicc的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 概念:WICC指的是威克信仰,是一种现代的新兴宗教形式,其信徒主张和平、互助、和谐与自然。


- Wiccans believe that everything in nature is connected.

- Many Wiccans celebrate the Wheel of the Year, which includes eight annual festivals.

- Wiccans are often mistakenly associated with devil worship.

2. 原理:Wiccans认为自然界万物皆有灵性,其信奉者通过祈祷、仪式和魔法来与大自然交流并获得力量。


- The central belief of Wicca is that everything in the universe has a divine spirit or energy.

- Wiccans often use herbs and crystals in their rituals to amplify their personal energy.

- Some Wiccans believe in the concept of karma, which means that one's actions will ultimately determine their fate.

3. 拓展:Wiccans有着独特的仪式和文化传统,同时也与其他宗教或信仰形式有所区别。


- Wicca is often associated with the use of a magic wand, which is used to direct energy during rituals.

- Unlike many other religions, Wicca has no set hierarchy or governing body.

- Many Wiccans choose to work with deities from different pantheons or cultural traditions.


- Wiccans worship the goddess and the god, who are often represented by the moon and sun, respectively. (Wiccans崇拜女神和男神,通常分别由月亮和太阳代表。)

- Some Wiccans follow a solitary path, practicing their faith on their own, while others belong to covens or groups. (一些Wiccans走的是独行之路,独立地信仰;而另一些则隶属于崇拜团体。)

- Wiccans celebrate the sabbats, which are eight seasonal festivals that mark the turning of the wheel of the year. (Wiccans庆祝萨巴特,这是庆祝xx年四季的八个季节性节日。)

- Many Wiccans use tarot cards or other divination tools to gain insight into their lives and the world around them. (许多Wiccans使用塔罗牌或其他占卜工具,以了解他们的生活和周围的世界。)

- Wicca is often misunderstood and stigmatized due to misconceptions and stereotypes perpetuated by popular culture. (由于流行文化中的误解和刻板印象,Wicca经常被误解和污名化。)



1. She practices wicca and believes in the power of crystals.


2. The wiccans celebrated the solstice with a ritual in the forest.


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