iphone5是什么意思 iphone5的中文翻译、读音、例句

iphone5是什么意思 iphone5的中文翻译、读音、例句

中文翻译: iPhone5(艾佛石五)

读音:ài fó shí wǔ


1. 我的手机是iPhone5。

Translation: My phone is an iPhone5.

2. 他喜欢用iPhone5拍照。

Translation: He likes to take photos with his iPhone5.




例句:$5 million for George Foreman, (5百万给乔治·福尔曼 $5 million for George Foreman,)


例句:Do you want to see if you're genetically compatible with your girlfriend? (你想不想知道 你跟女友的基因是否兼容?当然 要不要在你的iPhone上基因测序?有这么一个应用 )


例句:True, their appearance has improved. (.ﻞﻴﻠﻟﺍ ﻲﻓ ﺕﺎﻋﺎﺳ 5 ﻡﺎﻧﺃ ﺖﻨﻛ)


例句:Instead of you owing 15 grand spread out to five guys, you owe 25 to me. (翻译:你不欠那5个人1万5千元, 你欠我2万5.)


iphone5一般作为名词使用,如在iPhone5([网络] 苹果5;苹果5代;苹果五代机型)、iphone(n. 苹果手机)、iPhone App(苹果手机应用程序)等常见短语中出现较多。

iPhone5[网络] 苹果5;苹果5代;苹果五代机型
iphonen. 苹果手机
iPhone App苹果手机应用程序
iphone case[网络] 手机套;苹果手机保护套;皮套手机套
iPhone image[网络] 苹果手机图片素材
iPhone SDK[网络] 软件开发工具包;酷炫程序设计与开发;软体发展包
iPhone touch[网络] 套;手写笔;接触版苹果音乐播放器
iPhone app store[网络] 应用程序市场;苹果手机应用商;苹果市场
iPhone Configuration Utility[网络] 配置工具
iPhone4[网络] 苹果四代;苹果4;四代苹果智能手机


1. True, their appearance has improved. (翻译:.ﻞﻴﻠﻟﺍ ﻲﻓ ﺕﺎﻋﺎﺳ 5 ﻡﺎﻧﺃ ﺖﻨﻛ)

2. Instead of you owing 15 grand spread out to five guys, you owe 25 to me. (翻译:你不欠那5个人1万5千元, 你欠我2万5.)

3. You thread your way carefully, adding five 5s and two 7s. (翻译:你小心翼翼, 加上 5 个 5 和 2 个 7。)

4. Celine Lea,5'5",birthday october 10, (翻译:Celine Lea 5尺5寸 xx月xx日出生)

5. Wayfarer-515, radio check. (翻译:Wayfare 5 -1 -5 请检查无线通讯)

6. Her unit is 'jailbroken, ' which allows her to download applications from Apple's App Store. (翻译:她那台iPhone是破解版,可以从苹果的AppStore下载应用软件。)

7. Wayfarer-515, descend to 10,000. (翻译:Wayfare 5 -1 -5 将高度降为10000英尺)

8. 5 years in that cell, 5 years for 86 bucks in a stickup! (翻译:坐过xx年大牢, xx年就因为抢劫了86块钱)

9. This is a very nice pattern, and it's true, because 5 + 5 = 2 • 5, etc. (翻译:这是一个很好的模式,也是正确的。因为5+5=2x5。)

10. We've so far provided 55 million meals to kids around the world by selling now 550,000 bags, a ton of bags, a lot of bags. (翻译:提供了5千5百万顿饭 卖出了55万5千个包,相当相当多的包。)

11. For their sake, at the graves 5 Foer 5555, S5! (翻译:当着三位前辈的面 给个面子啊倒是 For their sake, at the graves 5 Foer 5555, S5!)

12. Five scenes. Five different partners and five different aspects of you. (翻译:5场戏 5个不同的伙伴 5个不同角度的你)

13. Mmm, 1000 volts, 5 bodies multiplied by 5, allowing for absorption, three second pulses. (翻译:嗯,1000伏,5机构 乘以5, 允许吸收, 3秒脉冲。)

14. Absent but accounted for 5! (翻译:因故缺勤5人! 要求报告3人! Absent but accounted for 5!)

15. 0, 7, 1, 5, 3, 9, 0, 2, 9, 3, 5! (翻译:0, 7, 1, 5, 3, 9, 0, 2, 9, 3, 5!)

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