tenn是什么意思 tenn的中文翻译、读音、例句

tenn是什么意思 tenn的中文翻译、读音、例句

'Tenn' is not a commonly used word or abbreviation in English, and it is not found in most dictionaries. However, there are a few possible meanings and uses for it:

1) 'Tenn' could be a misspelling or abbreviation of 'tennis'. In this case, it would refer to the sport of tennis.

Example: I love playing tenn is on the weekends with my friends.

2) 'Tenn' could be an abbreviation for 'Tennessee', which is a state in the southern United States.

Example: I went to visit my cousin in Tenn last summer.

3) 'Tenn' could be a typo for 'teen', which is short for teenager. In this case, it would refer to a young person between the ages of 13 and 19.

Example: My daughter is a Tenn and she loves to listen to pop music.

4) 'Tenn' could be an acronym or shorthand for a specific term or phrase, but without context it is difficult to determine the meaning.

Example: John said that he would be attending the Tenn conference tomorrow.

5) 'Tenn' could be a word or term used in a specific field or industry that is not commonly known in general English usage.

Example: The TEnN project is a research initiative focused on developing new technologies for sustainable energy.

Overall, the term 'tenn' is not a widely used or recognized word in English, and its meaning could vary depending on the context and usage.




1. Tenn was so excited to finally see snow for the first time in his life.


2. The tennis match went on for hours as both players were evenly matched.





例句:Much of the world may be struggling with the economic downturn, but life has been getting better in Columbus, Ind., Kingsport, Tenn., and Waterloo, Iowa. (全球多数地区正面临着经济下滑的困境,但印第安纳州的哥伦布、田纳西州的金斯·波特和艾奥瓦州的滑铁卢的生活却蒸蒸日上。)


例句:A towboat pushes barges down the flood-swollen Mississippi River at Memphis, Tenn. (一艘拖轮在孟斐斯的密西西比河上拖着驳船前进。)


例句:River traffic continues on the flooded Mississippi River at Memphis, Tenn. (斐菲斯的密西西比河,航运任然在继续。)


1. River traffic continues on the flooded Mississippi River at Memphis, Tenn. (翻译:斐菲斯的密西西比河,航运任然在继续。)

2. Gary Dugger walks in his flooded backyard Sunday, May 8, 2011, in Memphis, Tenn. (翻译:GaryDugger在他被淹没的后院查看。xx年xx月xx日,星期天,孟斐斯。)

3. On Inauguration day, Michael Powers of Pikeville, Tenn., wrote to Mr. Obama, telling him he had lost his father, a three-pack-a-day smoker, to lung cancer in 1979. (翻译:在就职日那天,田纳西州皮科威尔的迈克尔·鲍尔斯写信给奥巴马先生,告诉他说自己已经失去了父亲,父亲每天要抽3包烟,xx年死于肺癌。)

4. One-hundred-and-fifty former prostitutes have been through the Magdalene recovery program in Nashville, Tenn. (翻译:田纳西州首府纳什维尔的抹大拉从良所,一共有150名前妓女通过了从良课程。)

5. "No one enjoys a crisis but sometimes it is the best opportunity to bring real reform, " said Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn. , in a statement. (翻译:“没有人会以经济危机为乐,但是有时这是带来真正变革的机会,”Sen.BobCorker,R-Tenn在一个声明中说。)

6. Roxanne Baird, 49, of Chattanooga, Tenn., is one American buffeted by labor trends. (翻译:xx岁的罗克珊.贝尔德女士就是一名受到上述就业趋势影响而遭受失业打击的美国田纳西州查塔努加市人。)

7. Marci Gerwe in Nashville, Tenn. , considers herself among the lucky: Her boys, ages 13 and 15, abide by family rules. (翻译:田纳西州纳什维尔的玛西·戈为自认幸运:她的儿子分别13、xx岁,都很遵守家庭的内部规定。)

8. In Memphis, Tenn., 7.1% of all loans are three months overdue or more. (翻译:田纳西州的孟菲斯,有7.1%的房贷拖欠达到或超过3个月。)

9. Tenn: : The last movie I saw, Pirates of the Carribean. (翻译:我最近看过的电影是《加勒比海盗》。)

10. The Kingsport power plant in Kingsport, Tenn. , has been since 1984 to sell to carbonated beverage makers. (翻译:在田纳西州金斯波特的金斯波特发电厂,自xx年给含二氧化碳饮料的制造商销售二氧化碳起,就已经捕获了二氧化碳。)



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