1. 词的意思:粘贴,黏贴。
2. 词性:动词,名词。
3. 常用场景:在计算机操作中,用于将复制的内容黏贴到另一个位置;在烹饪中,用于制作酱料或面团等;在医学中,指以浆糊状的物质覆盖伤口。
4. 词组搭配:paste together(粘贴在一起),paste down (用胶水固定),copy and paste(复制黏贴)。
5. 相关短语:paste up(用胶水粘贴),pasteboard(粘贴板),pasty(糊状的)。
6. 发音拼写:[peɪst]。
1. Can you paste that link for me?(你能给我粘贴下那个链接吗?)
2. You need to copy and paste the text into the document.(你需要将文本复制并粘贴到文件中。)
3. I'll paste the image into the email.(我会把图片粘贴到邮件里。)
4. Please paste the sheet to the whiteboard.(请将那张纸贴到白板上。)
5. The glue can be used to paste wood together.(这种胶水可以用于将木头粘贴在一起。)
6. Can you paste the stickers onto the card?(你能将贴纸贴到卡片上吗?)
7. I accidentally pasted the wrong text.(我不小心把错误的文本粘贴了。)
8. You can't paste anything until you copy it first.(你必须先复制才能粘贴。)
9. The wall was covered in paste for the wallpaper.(墙壁上涂了壁纸胶水。)
读音:péi sù
1. 将该文件复制,然后粘贴到另一个文件夹中。 (Copy the file and then paste it into another folder.)
2. 我需要一些胶水来把这两个部件粘合在一起。 (I need some glue to paste these two parts together.)
例句:Return the paste to the mansion Ekling and all this madness will end. (返回Ekling粘贴到大厦 这种疯狂是从何时,将会结束。)
例句:Sweet fillings are made of sugar, walnuts, sesame, osmanthus flowers, rose petals, sweetened tangerine peel, bean paste, or jujube paste. (元霄的馅大多是甜的,甜馅的原料包括糖、核桃、芝麻、玫瑰花瓣、豆沙或者枣泥。)
例句:If add the rice of some of anxious paste, can treat again dysenteric; (如加些焦糊的大米又可治痢疾; )
例句:Deodorant, tooth paste, tissue, two batteries and a pack of condoms. (翻译:除臭剂、牙膏、卫生纸 两个电池还有一盒安全套)
paste一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在paste in(v. 粘住,粘上)、paste into(用糨糊将…贴在本子上)、paste on(v. 粘住,粘上)等常见短语中出现较多。
paste in | v. 粘住,粘上 |
paste into | 用糨糊将…贴在本子上 |
paste on | v. 粘住,粘上 |
dispersible paste | 乳膏 |
dye paste | 染料浆 |
emery paste | 金刚砂糊;研磨膏 |
emulsifiable paste | [化] 乳膏 |
emulsion paste | 乳化浆 |
electrode paste | 电极糊 |
1. If add the rice of some of anxious paste, can treat again dysenteric; (翻译:如加些焦糊的大米又可治痢疾; )
2. Deodorant, tooth paste, tissue, two batteries and a pack of condoms. (翻译:除臭剂、牙膏、卫生纸 两个电池还有一盒安全套)
3. Remove the stinger, wet the sting and immediately shake on a paste of salt and water. (翻译:取出毒刺,把被叮处弄湿并立即把盐糊涂在上面。)
4. Gist is basically a paste tool, similar to Pastie. (翻译:Gist是一个粘帖工具,与Pastie类似。)
5. Everyday I carried the paste barrel ran into the roads and climbed wire pole paste ads (翻译:我天天拎着浆糊桶跑到马路上那个找电线杆子贴小广告)
6. Every heading is different: you copy, paste, reorganize. (翻译:标题也是不一样的: 你复制,黏贴,重新整理。)
7. This soy paste is made of sundried and fermented soybeans. (翻译:这种酱是由黄豆暴晒发酵而成的。)
8. Theoritical basis is presented for selecting suitable paste in printing process. (翻译:为印花中选择适宜的原糊提供理论依据。)
9. At the same time, the relationship between the physical-chemical properties of the harden paste and the hydration age, the pozzolan activity of the fly ash in the harden paste have been discussed. (翻译:同时讨论了粉煤灰水泥硬化浆体的物理化学性能与水化时间的关系,以及硬化浆体中粉煤灰的火山灰活性。)
10. You can paste this code into a . PRG file and then build it to an . EXE. (翻译:你可以将此代码粘贴到一个PRG文件,再编译为一个EXE文件。)
11. The local treatment effects of minocycline hydrochloride paste to gerontal chronic periodontitis (翻译:米诺环素局部用药治疗老年慢性牙周炎的疗效观察)
12. The allegations earned Guttenberg the nickname of "Baron Cut-and-Paste." (翻译:这些指控使古腾贝格获得了“剪切与粘贴大王”的外号。)
13. You can cut and paste between different programs. (翻译:可在不同的程序之间进行剪切和粘贴。)
14. Through the investigation of the component of the paste, a good boriding paste with lower cost and easy peeling has been obtained. (翻译:通过对膏剂渗硼剂成分的研究,获得了一种成本低、剥落性好的膏剂渗硼剂。)
15. Blend the cornflour to a smooth paste with a little cold water. (翻译:加入少量的凉水,将玉米粉搅拌成均匀的糊状。)