directional是什么意思 directional的中文翻译、读音、例句

directional是什么意思 directional的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:directional antenna(定向天线)、directional drilling(定向钻井)、directional sound(定向声音)




1. The directional signs are clear and easy to follow.(指示牌清晰易懂。)

2. The directional microphone can pick up sounds from a specific direction.(定向麦克风可以从特定的方向捕捉声音。)

3. The company has a strong directional focus on innovation.(该公司在创新方面有强烈的导向性。)

4. The directional drilling has greatly improved the efficiency of oil extraction.(定向钻井大大提高了石油开采的效率。)

5. The directional antenna can improve the quality of TV signals.(定向天线可以提高电视信号的质量。)

6. The directional sound system is perfect for home theater.(定向声音系统非常适合家庭影院。)

7. The artist wanted to create a painting with strong directional lines.(艺术家想创作一幅具有强烈方向线条的绘画作品。)




1. The directional signs in the park were clear and easy to follow. (公园里的指示牌清晰易懂,很容易遵循。)

2. The antenna on the roof has a strong directional signal. (屋顶上的天线具有强定向信号。)

3. It is important to have a clear and directional vision for your future. (对于自己的未来,有一个清晰的方向性愿景很重要。)




例句:Aqueous solution existed in the rock fissure, providing routeways to the directional flowage of electriferous ion. (水溶液在岩石裂隙中的存在,为带电离子定向流动提供了通道。)


例句:A company in Leeds could change all that with directional sound alarms capable of guiding you to the exit. (英国利兹市的一家公司发明的一种可指方向的警报器可能会把你引向出口。)


例句:For each percent of cobalt the maximum directional variation of linewidth may be of the order of 4 oersted. (每百分之一的钴在正型铁氧体中所导致的最大与最小的线宽间的差值约为4奥。)


directional一般作为形容词使用,如在directional absorptance(向吸收率)、directional absorptivity(向吸收率)、directional action(定向作用)等常见短语中出现较多。

directional absorptance向吸收率
directional absorptivity向吸收率
directional action定向作用
directional adjustment[网络] 方向校正
directional aids定向器材
directional angel方位角
Directional Angle定向角度
directional antenna[电] 定向天线
directional antennas[网络] 方向性天线;指向天线;指向天线的方法


1. For each percent of cobalt the maximum directional variation of linewidth may be of the order of 4 oersted. (翻译:每百分之一的钴在正型铁氧体中所导致的最大与最小的线宽间的差值约为4奥。)

2. VLD directional drilling rig applied to mine gas drainage in Daning Mine (翻译:VLD型定向钻机在大宁矿瓦斯抽放中的应用)

3. The extensional meaning of compound directional complement has its cognitive basis. (翻译:复合趋向补语的引申意义有其认知上的理据。)

4. Two directional stop is necessary to gearbox's design of power-driven winching at electric power industry. (翻译:实现止动是电力机动绞磨用变速箱设计必须满足的工作要求。)

5. If the force was omni-directional it would have influenced Mars... or its 2 moons. (翻译:如果力量是全方向的 它会影响火星。)

6. Regarding a parallel port being bi-directional, it is most probably referring to including a mux card. (翻译:关于双向并行端口,非常可能指的是包括一个多路复用器卡。)

7. Directional Couplers are four-port networks and fairly difficult to design. (翻译:定向耦合器是四端口网络,直接设计十分困难。)

8. You're listening to a recorded message being transmitted through a directional sound projector. (翻译:你现在听的是一段我的录音 通过一种声波直达技术传播的声音)

9. A combination of a strong directional light and a weaker ambient light gives a natural-looking appearance to your scene. (翻译:由强方向性光源和较弱的环境光源组合在一起可以为你的场景提供一种自然的感观。)

10. Optimal directional volatile transport in retronasal olfaction. (翻译:最佳的定向挥发性运输在鼻腔嗅觉。)

11. A pipe may be uni-directional or bi-directional, and the data flow in one pipe is independent of the data flow in any other pipes. (翻译:一个管道可以是单向或者是双向的,一个管道中的数据流与所有其他管道中的数据流无关。)

12. Since has continues one form globalization, to it research must be the multi-dimensions and omni-directional. (翻译:既然有着不止一种形式的全球化,对之的研究也就应当是多维度和全方位的。)

13. A large number of directional verbs as back verbs appeared in Zuozhuan. (翻译:《左传》中趋向连动式已经以趋向动词位于动词之后占优势。)

14. Improves the directional stability of the vehicle when cornering, also up to the critical limits. (翻译:提高弯道或者达到临界极限时的方向稳定性。)

15. Directional solidification process is an important part that of the physical metallurgy of solar energy polysilicon. (翻译:定向凝固工艺是物理冶金法制备太阳能级多晶硅的一个重要环节。)

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