stahl是什么意思 stahl的中文翻译、读音、例句

stahl是什么意思 stahl的中文翻译、读音、例句

'stahl' 是德语中的一个单词,意思是 '钢铁'。它是一个名词。


1. rostfreier Stahl - 不锈钢

2. Stahlindustrie - 钢铁工业

3. Stahlbeton - 钢筋混凝土

4. Stahlfaser - 钢纤维


以下是七个关于 'stahl' 的中英文翻译例句:

1. Der Stahl ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil von Gebäuden und Brücken. (Steel is an important component of buildings and bridges.)

2. Der Hersteller hat ein neues Verfahren entwickelt, um den Stahl zu härten. (The manufacturer has developed a new process to harden the steel.)

3. Die Stahlindustrie ist ein wichtiger Wirtschaftszweig in vielen Ländern. (The steel industry is an important sector of the economy in many countries.)

4. Die Fensterrahmen sind aus verzinktem Stahl. (The window frames are made of galvanized steel.)

5. Die Brücke wurde aus Stahl und Beton gebaut. (The bridge was constructed of steel and concrete.)

6. Die Stahlfaser wird in Bodenbelägen und Verstärkungselementen verwendet. (The steel fiber is used in floor coverings and reinforcement elements.)

7. Die Schrauben sind aus rostfreiem Stahl gefertigt. (The screws are made of stainless steel.)


1. The stahl used in construction is incredibly strong. (建筑中使用的钢铁非常强大。)

2. The factory produces thousands of tons of stahl each year. (工厂每年生产数千吨的钢铁。)

3. The workers wore protective gear while working with stahl to avoid injuries. (工人在处理钢铁时戴上防护装备,以避免受伤。)




例句:Brittany Stahl: Tell me about your work fighting human trafficking. (布列塔尼·斯塔尔:请谈谈你阻止贩卖人口工作的事吧。)


例句:Edmond Hayes, Agent June Stahl. (Edmond Hayes, 我是特工June Stahl)


例句:I need you to tell me what's going on with Stahl. (我要你告诉我 你和Stahl的协议是什么)


例句:Yeah, agent Stahl returning deputy chief Hale's call. (翻译:是的,我是Stahl特工 回复Hale副警长的电话)


stahl一般作为名词使用,如在Stahl(n. (德)斯特尔(姓氏);德国施塔尔公司)、franklin stahl(史塔尔)、Stahl turbine(斯坦尔汽轮机;双回转反击式汽轮机)等常见短语中出现较多。

Stahln. (德)斯特尔(姓氏);德国施塔尔公司
franklin stahl史塔尔
Stahl turbine斯坦尔汽轮机;双回转反击式汽轮机
Stahl's ear[医] 斯塔耳氏耳(耳畸形之一)
Stahl No.1 ear[医] 斯塔耳氏第一型(耳轮与耳轮融合畸形)


1. I need you to tell me what's going on with Stahl. (翻译:我要你告诉我 你和Stahl的协议是什么)

2. Yeah, agent Stahl returning deputy chief Hale's call. (翻译:是的,我是Stahl特工 回复Hale副警长的电话)

3. I don't know what you're doing with Stahl... but I do know what happens to you if the club finds out. (翻译:我不知道你在和Stahl谈什么交易 知道如果让帮会 知道后的后果是什么)

4. He says Stahl knows there was a third man. She knows it was Jax. (翻译:他说Stahl知道有第三个人 她知道这个人是Jax)

5. She can warn him about Stahl using RICO. (翻译:让她见Otto. 她会警告Otto,Stahl在使用RICO法案)

6. Are we really going to the Irish for the AKs knowing that Stahl's onto them? (翻译:我们真的还向爱尔兰人买AK步枪吗? 明知Stahl正在调查他们?)

7. Stahl: What is a hero to you? (翻译:斯塔尔:对你而言,英雄是么样的? )

8. If you're reading this, it means Stahl and Jimmy are dead. (翻译:如果你读到这封信 说明Stahl和Jimmy已经死了)

9. Stahl, she wanted to make us think that you had turned. (翻译:是Stahl, 她故意做成让我们相信你是个叛徒)

10. Stahl played my hate for Jimmy O, and I told her I'd give him up for Fiona and Kerrianne's safety and immunity for the club. (翻译:Stahl在利用我对Jimmy O的仇恨 我用Fiona和Kerrianne的安全 作为交易换给她要的东西 还有为帮会获得豁免权)

11. Stahl: You were a presenter at the first "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute" back in 2007. (翻译:斯塔尔:早在xx年,你曾担任过“CNN英雄人物:全明星致敬”节目的主持人。)

12. Lesley Stahl: Do you support marriage equality? (翻译:记者:你支持同性婚姻吗? )

13. And when he does, Stahl's going to get to Jimmy O and tag me the rat. (翻译:等他出现后, Stahl就会 去抓Jimmy O 把我描绘成个叛徒)

14. Why did the same chromosome that made her superhuman turn Stahl into a monster? (翻译:同样的基因,为何把她变成超人 却把斯塔尔变成怪物)

15. Stahl head office is located in Waalwijk, the Netherlands. 9 factories are operating globally. (翻译:斯特尔总部位于荷兰,目前全球有9个工厂生产不同化学处理剂产品。)

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