jews是什么意思 jews的中文翻译、读音、例句

jews是什么意思 jews的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 语言历史



- Most of the people in the community are Jews who moved from Eastern Europe.

- The Jews have a long history of persecution and discrimination.

- Some Jewish families have their own languages and dialects.

2. 宗教和文化



- The Jews celebrate Passover to commemorate their ancestors' exodus from Egypt.

- Many Jews visit Jerusalem to pray at the Western Wall.

- The Jewish community in New York is known for its cultural diversity and creativity.

3. 社会和政治



- The rise of anti-Semitism in Europe has led to growing concerns among Jews.

- Many Jews support Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state.

- The Jewish community in America has been active in advocating for social justice and civil rights.


- The Jewish traditions and values have contributed greatly to the world's cultural heritage.

- The term 'jews' should be used carefully and thoughtfully, with respect for the diversity and complexity of Jewish identity.





1. Most of the people in the room were Jews.


2. The Jews have a long history and culture.





例句:But category A Jews had certain rights. (根本没有任何效果。但是A类别的犹太人享有某些权力。)


例句:He is not a sabbatarian like other Jews. (他不是一个像其他犹太人那样严守安息日的人。)


例句:Was it proven to you that the Jews had to be exterminated? (那么有人向您证明过那些犹太人为何要被处死吗?)


jews一般作为名词使用,如在the jews(犹太人)、Hassidic Jews([网络] 哈西德犹太人;哈西迪犹太人;哈西德派犹太教人士)、jews down([网络] 犹太人下来)等常见短语中出现较多。

the jews犹太人
Hassidic Jews[网络] 哈西德犹太人;哈西迪犹太人;哈西德派犹太教人士
jews down[网络] 犹太人下来
jews harpn. 口弦\n[网络] 犹太琴;犹太人竖琴;犹太竖琴
Jews harps[网络] 犹太人竖琴
jews' harpn. 口弦\n[网络] 犹太琴;犹太人竖琴;犹太竖琴
Jews' harps[网络] 犹太人的竖琴
Jews' stoneun. 白铁矿\n[网络] 吉多果化石
Jews' trump[网络] 犹太人的王牌


1. Was it proven to you that the Jews had to be exterminated? (翻译:那么有人向您证明过那些犹太人为何要被处死吗?)

2. Hindus, Muslims Sikhs, Jews even Christians. (翻译:印度教徒,回教徒 锡克教,犹太教 甚至基督徒)

3. Ridding themselves of their Jews, in other words the German Jews. (翻译:除掉他们身边的犹太人——也就是德裔犹太人, 但是随着奥地利投降,德奥合并,)

4. They described to me first that the Jews... (翻译:波兰或者俄国 之类的任何麻烦 都不能与之相提并论)

5. Deep down, the Elder of the Jews was always between the hammer and the anvil, between the Jews and the Germans. (翻译:从根本上而言的话,犹太元老 就像处在锤子和铁砧之间一样 处在犹太人和德国人之间)

6. They remember when the Jews were locked in this church? (翻译:他们记得犹太人是什么 时候被锁在教堂里的么?)

7. what if we run out of Jews? (翻译:what if we run out of Jews?)

8. People had already recognized that while Jews and non-Jews in Europe had been equally likely to contract TB during this time, the death rate among non-Jews was twice as high. (翻译:人们已经认识到, 虽说当时欧洲的犹太人和非犹太人 感染肺结核的可能性是相同的, 非犹太人的死亡率 却是犹太人的两倍。)

9. I have read the Kabala of the Jews. (翻译:我阅读了犹太人的卡巴拉。)

10. All the Jews had to leave Memel. (翻译:所有的犹太人不得不离开默默尔。)

? (翻译:年轻的时候,当然好啦 年轻的时候,当然好啦 现在这里没犹太人了 他们是难过?)

12. They do not worship or behave as Jews, but... (翻译:他们又没有在信仰上或行为上表现得像犹太人 只不过)

13. You're the last of the Elders of the Jews. (翻译:两者都是以《密什那》作为基础,但前者富有想象和诗意,而后者的法规和对理论应用比较多。... 你是最后的犹太长老了)

14. Recognizing the priority for ridding ourselves of the Jews... (翻译:承认我们在处理自己手上的犹太人时的 优先权... .)

15. If there are decent Jews, then before they are decent and indeed after, they are Jews. (翻译:就算他们是正派犹太人,在他们变得 真正正派之前,他们还是犹太人)



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