designate as是什么意思 designate as的中文翻译、读音、例句

designate as是什么意思 designate as的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 解释:'designate as'是一个动词短语,意为“指派为,指定为”。它通常用于把某个名称或身份赋予给某人或某物。

2. 用法:'designate as'通常用于以下场合:

- 指派某人或某物为特定职务或任务;

- 将某人或某物标记为特定的身份或状态;

- 确定某人或某物的名称或身份。

3. 例句:

- The company designated her as the new CEO. (公司任命她为新的CEO。)

- The area was designated as a wildlife sanctuary. (该地区被指定为野生动物保护区。)

- The government has designated this year as the Year of Sustainable Development. (政府已将今年指定为可持续发展年。)

- The hotel designated certain rooms as non-smoking. (酒店将一些房间指定为不吸烟的。)

- The UN designated the area as a war zone. (联合国将该地区指定为战区。)


读音:[ˈdɛzɪɡneɪt æz]


1. The company has designated John as the new CEO. (公司已任命约翰为新任CEO。)

2. Please designate a representative to attend the meeting. (请指定一名代表参加会议。)

3. The map is clearly marked to designate the different hiking trails. (这份地图明确标出了不同的徒步路线。)

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