- 表示欺骗、骗局,常见短语为"pull a con",即下套、骗人
- 在数学中,表示反比例关系,常见短语为"directly proportional"和"inverse proportion"
- 在程序员中,常用于表示控制器、连接器等概念,如"controller"、"connector"
- He pulled a con on me and stole my wallet.
- The two variables are inversely proportional to each other.
- I need to connect this component to the controller.
2. 'con'作为缩写词的含义
- 'con'可以缩写为'confidence',表示自信、信心
- 在英国,'con'缩写为'Conservative',代表保守党政党
- 在计算机内部,'con'表示控制台,是一个预定义的设备名称,用于与计算机进行交互
- My con is that I can complete the project on time.
- The UK's Prime Minister is a member of the Conservative party.
- You can access the control console by typing 'con' in the command prompt.
3. 'con'在短语中的含义
- 'con artist'指的是骗子,常用于描述那些专门骗取他人财产或信息的人
- 'con game'表示骗局、骗术
- 'con man'和'con woman'也是指骗子,但强调了性别的不同
- He was caught by the police for being a con artist.
- The scammer ran a con game on the elderly couple and stole their life savings.
- The con man used his charm and wit to deceive his targets.
1. The salesman tried to pull a con on me by selling me a fake watch.(这个推销员试图通过卖给我一只假手表来骗我。)
2. He is a con artist who tricks people into investing in his shady business.(他是一个骗子,骗人投资他那不光彩的生意。)
3. I’ve heard about this con game before, don’t fall for it.(我以前听说过这个诈骗游戏,别上当。)
4. The police caught the con man before he could escape with the money.(警察在这个骗子逃走之前抓住了他。)
5. Her elaborate con was finally exposed by the authorities.(她巧妙的欺诈行为最终被当局揭露了。)
6. I can’t believe I fell for his con, I should have known better.(我不敢相信我上了他的当,我应该更聪明的。)
7. The con artist used a fake identity to gain the trust of his victims.(这个骗子使用假身份获取受害者的信任。)
8. The group of con men were arrested after they scammed dozens of people out of their money.(这伙骗子因欺诈数十人而被捕。)
9. She was sentenced to several years in prison for her involvement in the con.(她因参与这次诈骗被判几年监禁。)
1. He was arrested for conning people out of their money.
2. The workers are planning to con the company into giving them better wages.
3. She is against the proposal and will try to con others into opposing it.
4. One of the cons of living in the city is the high cost of living.
例句:I became a Con artist.For real. (成了一个职业骗子 I became a Con artist. For real.)
例句:Thief, con man, thug, murderer. (小偷骗子 暴徒凶手 Thief, con man, thug, murderer.)
例句:(Scott) Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias! (Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias。)
例句:You said, grifters..con artists.. (翻译:你说过目标是骗子 You said, grifters.. con artists..)
con一般作为介词、副词、连词、带刺、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在ex con([网络] 有前科者;以前的罪犯;前科犯)、mod con([网络] 模块)、nem con(abbr. nemine contradicente (Latin=no one contradicting) (拉丁语)无异议地, 全体一致地)等常见短语中出现较多。
ex con | [网络] 有前科者;以前的罪犯;前科犯 |
mod con | [网络] 模块 |
nem con | abbr. nemine contradicente (Latin=no one contradicting) (拉丁语)无异议地, 全体一致地 |
pro and con | [法] 赞成反对, 正反论据 |
pro or con | 赞同还是反对? |
sh con | abbr. shore connection 海岸相连 |
dot con artist | [网络] 网路诈欺犯 |
mod.con. | abbr. modern convenience 现代化生活设备 |
nem. con | abbr. 全体一致地(nemine contradicente) |
nem.con. | 全体一致地,无异议地 |
1. (Scott) Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias! (翻译:Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias。)
2. You said, grifters..con artists.. (翻译:你说过目标是骗子 You said, grifters.. con artists..)
3. Right over there, vaya con Franco. (翻译:快过去,vaya con Franco.)
4. - Why not? What happens in costume at Comic-Con stays at Comic-Con. (翻译:穿着戏服在动漫展上发生的故事 只限于动漫展)
5. Jean Valjean- the old con. (翻译:冉阿让,那个老骗子 Jean Valjean - the old con.)
6. Well, in my experience, once a con, always a con. (翻译:就我的经验而言 xx日为骗 终生为骗 Well, in my experience, once a con, always a con.)
7. Gary Con-- do we fly or drive? (翻译:Gary展... 是坐飞机去还是开车去? Gary Con...)
8. - 47 heavy, flight level 350, tracking 245 degrees. (翻译:Trans Con 47 heavy, flight level 350, tracking 245 degrees.)
9. You met each other in 2009, and that's where you came up with the idea. (翻译:你在2009的Decode -a -Con会晤了每一个人,)
10. ... whilehewaseatingthesamething you are, linguine con cozze. (翻译:. . . 当他吃着你现在吃着的东西―意大利扁面条的时候)
11. Every con has a story like this. (翻译:每个骗子都会说这种故事 Every con has a story like this.)
12. What about that girl last year at Comic-Con? (翻译:那去年Comic -con动漫展上的女生呢?)
13. # Sabe lo que hay cuando vengo con mi corillo # (翻译:# Sabe lo que hay cuando vengo con mi corillo #)
14. You can either be a con or a man. (翻译:骗子和义人 You can either be a con or a man.)
15. Andante con Variazioni, for piano. (翻译:为钢琴而作的有变奏的行板。)