常用场景:releasing通常用来表示将某物从控制或束缚中解放出来,例如:releasing stress(释放压力)、releasing prisoners(释放囚犯)等。此外,releasing也可以表示发行新产品或在市场上推出,例如:releasing a new album(发行新专辑)。
词组搭配:- releasing agent(释放剂)、- releasing mechanism(释放机制)、- releasing hormone(放松激素)、- releasing factor(释放因子)等。
相关短语:release from(释放)、release into(释放到)、release back into(重新释放到)等。
释放,rèlēasìng,例句:The company is releasing a new product next month.(公司将在下个月发布一款新产品。)
例句:Stoessinger: And it's a way of releasing emotions and of keeping the sensitivities alive. (斯坦辛琪:同时它也是让你发泄情绪以及保持感性灵敏的一种方式。)
例句:By releasing a virus that'd kill billons of innocent people? (通过释放可以杀害 数以万计无辜者的病毒?)
例句:an electric charge will ignite, releasing the nerve gas, killing everyone in the room. (将触发一个电荷 释放出神经毒气 将房间里的人统统杀死)
例句:The member of a bomber crew responsible for using the bombsight and releasing the bombs on the target. (翻译:轰炸机编队中负责运用轰炸瞄准器和投弹击中目标的轰炸员。)
releasing一般作为动词使用,如在die releasing(撤消型定义)、nutrient releasing(养分释放)、releasing agent([化] 释放剂; 脱模剂; 防粘剂)等常见短语中出现较多。
die releasing | 撤消型定义 |
nutrient releasing | 养分释放 |
releasing agent | [化] 释放剂; 脱模剂; 防粘剂 |
releasing area | 排汽管截面积 |
releasing arrangement | 释放装置 |
releasing claw | 解锁爪 |
releasing coil | 释放线圈 |
releasing contact | 释放触点 |
releasing coupling | 释放联轴节 |
1. an electric charge will ignite, releasing the nerve gas, killing everyone in the room. (翻译:将触发一个电荷 释放出神经毒气 将房间里的人统统杀死)
2. The member of a bomber crew responsible for using the bombsight and releasing the bombs on the target. (翻译:轰炸机编队中负责运用轰炸瞄准器和投弹击中目标的轰炸员。)
3. Exergonic reactions are energy-releasing reactions. (翻译:放能反应是能量释放的反应。)
4. We'll be releasing with Wildcat One, somewhere between Busch and Coors. (翻译:我们将在百威和库尔斯之间的 野猫山上开战)
5. Objective: To study the releasing rate of chrysophanol from Ruyi Jinhuang plaster. (翻译:前言:目的:研究如意金黄贴膏中大黄酚的释放情况。)
6. You want one actor to be loud And the other to be soft, (翻译:处理这些琐事的人 从而 forthe performance of suchhumble offices, thereby releasing)
7. In three days, the oil company Vestron are releasing their annual report. (翻译:3天后 Vestron石油集团 会发布他们的年报)
8. Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone; free acid; TRH; free acid. (翻译:促甲状腺激素释放激素;自由酸;TRH;自由酸。)
9. Releasing proteins, fats, minerals and carbs. (翻译:注射蛋白质、脂肪... 矿物质、碳水化合物)
10. As their bodies bloat, the wire cuts them, releasing the decomp gas. (翻译:身体膨胀后,被铁丝网切割开 就会释放分解气体)
11. And then everybody at once responds by releasing a poison that will kill the other family. (翻译:然后每个人立刻释放出 一种毒药,来杀死另一个家庭。)
12. "These permafrost deposits are now melting and releasing their methane, " said Maslin. (翻译:“这些永久冻土中的沉积物开始融化,并释放出甲烷,”麦斯林说。)
13. This is Santa. Releasing ID 7726548. (翻译:我代号是圣诞老人 认证码是7726548)
14. And McCloy started releasing the industry owners that had supported Hitler. (翻译:然后麦克罗伊开始释放行业业主们, 他们曾援助希特勒。)
15. Tears can be cathartic and releasing. (翻译:眼泪可以宣泄和释放情感。)