here are some explanations and examples for the word 'cancer':
1. Definition: Cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. These abnormal cells can invade and destroy healthy tissues and organs.
Example sentence:
- She was diagnosed with breast cancer last year.
- Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer.
2. Causes: Cancer can be caused by various factors, including genetic mutations, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices such as smoking and unhealthy diet.
Example sentence:
- His family has a history of colon cancer, so he gets regular check-ups to catch it early.
- Exposure to radiation can increase the risk of developing skin cancer.
3. Treatment: Treatment for cancer may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of these methods.
Example sentence:
- The doctor recommended chemotherapy and radiation to treat her ovarian cancer.
- He underwent surgery to remove the tumor in his brain.
4. Acronym: CANCER can also be an acronym for Computed ANalytical Control for Enhanced Re-entry. This refers to a system used in aerospace and defense to monitor and control the re-entry of spacecraft into the Earth's atmosphere.
Example sentence:
- The CANCER system is vital for ensuring safe re-entry of space shuttles.
- The engineers are working on improving the accuracy of the CANCER system for future missions.
1. Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide.(癌症是全球死亡的主要原因之一。)
2. She was diagnosed with lung cancer two years ago.(两年前,她被诊断为患有肺癌。)
3. The chemotherapy treatment helped to shrink her breast cancer.(化疗治疗帮助缩小了她的乳腺癌。)
4. He lost his battle with cancer last month.(他上个月输给了癌症。)
5. Early detection is key in the fight against cancer.(早期发现是抗癌斗争的关键。)
6. Studies have shown a link between smoking and various types of cancer.(研究表明吸烟与多种癌症有关。)
7. She underwent surgery to remove the cancerous tumor.(她接受了手术去除了癌症肿瘤。)
8. The cancer diagnosis came as a shock to his family.(癌症诊断让他的家人感到震惊。)
9. Cancer survivors often face emotional and physical challenges even after treatment.(即使在治疗后,癌症幸存者经常面临情绪和身体方面的挑战。)
1. He was diagnosed with lung cancer last year. (他去年被诊断为肺癌。)
2. Various factors contribute to the development of cancer. (多种因素促进癌症的发展。)
3. She underwent chemotherapy to treat her breast cancer. (她接受化疗治疗她的乳腺癌。)
例句:When the cancer made it impossible for him to work. (癌症把他折磨得无力工作 When the cancer made it impossible for him to work.)
例句:This operation you've been following, end it, and then cut the cancer out. (and then cut the cancer out.)
例句:- the McNeally Cancer Institute. (麦克奈利癌症研究所... The McNeally Cancer Institute --)
例句:The cancer is a punishment. (翻译:癌症和所有的痛苦 The cancer is a punishment.)
cancer一般作为名词使用,如在Cancer(癌;恶性肿瘤;巨蟹座;毒瘤,癌症;巨蟹宫)、duct cancer([医] 管癌(乳腺))、double cancer(二型细胞癌)等常见短语中出现较多。
Cancer | 癌;恶性肿瘤;巨蟹座;毒瘤,癌症;巨蟹宫 |
duct cancer | [医] 管癌(乳腺) |
double cancer | 二型细胞癌 |
duodenal cancer | 十二指肠癌 |
environmental cancer | 环境性癌 |
epidemiology of cancer | 癌症流行病学 |
epidermal cancer | [医] 上皮癌, 上皮瘤 |
epidermoid cancer | 表皮样癌 |
epithelial cancer | [医] 上皮癌, 上皮瘤 |
esophageal cancer | [网络] 食道癌;食管癌;食道癌的简介 |
1. - the McNeally Cancer Institute. (翻译:麦克奈利癌症研究所... The McNeally Cancer Institute --)
2. The cancer is a punishment. (翻译:癌症和所有的痛苦 The cancer is a punishment.)
3. cancer,medicine,science,technology (翻译:cancer,medicine,science,technology)
4. Does this have anything to do with my cancer? (翻译:Does this have anything to do with my cancer? 这跟我的癌症有关系吗?)
5. Did that have anything to do with your cancer? (翻译:Did that have anything to do with your cancer? 跟你的癌症有关系吗)
6. What happened to your mom? (翻译:Chris告诉我 癌症带走他们母亲的经过 Chris told me how he and Sam lost their mom to cancer,)
7. Esophagus cancer is to point to former hair the cancerous tumor at esophagus, basically include scale cancer, gland cancer, did not split up caruncle of cellule cancer, cancer. (翻译:食道癌是指原发于食道的癌瘤,主要包括鳞癌、腺癌、未分化小细胞癌、癌肉瘤等。)
8. Cancer organizations and the drive for early screening and cancer awareness and cancer research have normalized cancer, and this is a wonderful thing. (翻译:癌症组织、 对早期筛查的推动 以及对癌症的认识和研究 已经将癌症规范化了, 这是一件很了不起的事。)
:// (翻译://
10. Striking your cancer as fast as it can form. (翻译:Striking your cancer as fast as it can form.)
11. business,cancer,medical research,open-source,science (翻译:business,cancer,medical research,open-source,science)
12. Claimed he was a cancer patient. (翻译:声称他是个癌症晚期病人 {\3cH202020}Claimed he was a terminal cancer patient.)
13. He died of stomach cancer. (翻译:He died of stomach cancer.)
14. Watanabe-san knew he had stomach cancer. (翻译:Watanabe -san knew he had stomach cancer.)
15. cancer,food,medicine,science,technology (翻译:cancer,food,medicine,science,technology)